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  • Samy!(naaneestaada cusub ma ka heshey?:D) walaaleey macaaney, I'm still surprised TTI aan kugu arkooya again lee:D:D....nothing new in life wallahi- coz skool wili ma dhameynin and i still live in qaxooti magaalo:p:p adi warka keen bal bcoz adaa maqneed nooh:biggrin::biggrin:how's life in tuuladaa dagantahay?or shud i say magaaladaad dagantahay?:biggrin::biggrin:

    LOL, tell me about it man. Ani xatta meeshaan waan u xiisa if i'm gone for a while wallahi:biggrin::biggrin: awww, I hope inuu si fiican internetkaaga u shaqeeyo veery soon and don't worry dude, 1 mistake xatta maadan's funny how ur typing adoo waxna u jeedin,lol- keyboardka waxa ku yaalo dhan waad xifdisantahay aan u malaynaa:biggrin::biggrin:

    Insha'allah macaanto, Hope to see yu around soon too!
    Yaa lagu waynin dee:biggrin::biggrin:
    Fii amaaniAllah!
    lol...cannot belive u forgot me already! WHY SAMIRA!!! :SMILY23::SMILY23::S
    ma'arakte nooh....wa dhumtay for a while.....hadane waa soo noqtay...mashaAllaah:D:D:D:D:D
    nofin i said, waa dhumtay...:p:p:p
    Ala......miss u?? the word miss cannot even describe how much I missh u:SMILY288::SMILY288: :D
    xaaanun dude:girl3:.....iska qaat nooh it aint my fault ..dont hold me accountable :)
    ohh I miss that halwalicouz word...:D
    u is aaahhsome ::D:D:D aaww, hopefully it'll get fixed soon :)
    war waxa kuusheego makasaayi nooh.......just nolasha made me "ME" :D
    well, inshaAllaah u sure will see me around abaayoliciouz LOL
    tc :D
    knock knock!! look who is back :D:D:D:D:D
    wanku salaamay macaanto. Iga qaad nooh quruxleey :D:D:D:D
    just been weird, iam a bit hyper thats all LOL
    hey dudette, how u been my ninac and halwa :D:D:D:D:D
    misshed u biggie biggie big tym :p:p:p:p
    Wacaleykum salaaaaam!!

    :DFINALLY!! you're back macaanto! I missed you wallahi. Alhamdulillah, I'm doing great now that you're back:D....woow, it's been ages dude- i thought inaa
    But what matters now is tht yuo're well and back, alhamdulillah!

    LOL, computerkeyga xattaa muu shaqeyneenin for a while, so it's ok abaayo...but now that yu have one, I expect to see you around more often:D

    Hallagu arko hee macaanto-
    Take Care, Insha'allah!:)
    I miss tti its good to b backk
    hope everyone of u is doing alrightttttttttttttt
    'Allahumma baa-rik-lanaa fee-rajaba wa
    sha'baana wa bal-lig-naa shah-ra ramadhaana.' O Allah, make the months
    of Rajab and Shabaan blessed for us, and let us reach the month of
    Ramadhan.' ........ Pray yeah for this month
    As-salamu 'Aleykum Samiira:p(i don't think i 3v3er used ur name b4)

    Soo, macaanto, Xagge ka baxdey man!??:(:(
    I know we All have skool n stuff, but yu've been gone for a looong tyme now- Maxaa kugu dacay!?- I hope 3v3rything's fine in Ohio:biggrin:(I kno where yu live:p)... But seriously gurl, get back home- or am taking the next fLight down to get yu back:biggrin::biggrin:

    agaiN, I reallyy do hope waxana inee kugu dhacin!
    Take Care Insha'allah
    Asalamu alayakum abaayo

    How are you? And how is your family ukhti? and school? We havent talk like forever. I hope everything is good on your side. May ALlah bless you ukhti amiin.

    As-salamu Calaykum ukhty- sorry for tha late reply macanto, mashquul baan noqday...Alhamdulillah, waan fiicanahay, hope yu are too. Oh subhanallah, yu were sick?? maxaa kugu dhacay? But I really hope you're in the best of health and Iman Now~~

    take care and keep in touch macaanto..
    wow! tht was fast- ma baxde already? well, hope you're in tha best of health anyway~~
    As-salaum Alaikum 'Rafiki wangu/yangu' is it going macaanto?
    I knew yu spoke af sawahili!:) kenya maa jogi jirte?- i speak jajab
    :biggrin::biggrin: any-ways- how was your week? been a while man...waan kuu xiise:hearts:msg me back yaa--we're on at the same time:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
    Oh LOL! Subhanallah- guur? i was just joking with Asmaa about tht, mann, ani ma dhowi-- ani iyo adi isku mar aa gursaneeyna ok??maybe even the same day,lol* and OfCourse i would've told yu haddee run ahaan lehed:p
    So, anyways, ani waan kuu fiicanahay- a lil' bit mashqool aan noqde these days but am back 'full time' hadda:biggrin::biggrin: adi ii warran, ma baashaalosa? how has your break been?:hearts:take care insha'allah.,.,.and stay blessed:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
    As-salamu alaikum Macaanto:SMILY139:

    ooooh, Xaggee ka baxde mann? or is it me qofka maqan?lol. but I missed yu loads wallahi, hope you're in the best of health and iman :hearts:ha i illowin yaa? i hope yu didn't-even though am not around sometimes, you're still in my ducaas ukhty, how can i forget yu/:hijabi:

    stay belessed and keep in touch macanto ok!:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
    wa alaikum sallam wr wb sweety:D:D:D:D:D
    i am ok alhamdulillah:D jazakaAllah khairan for askin:D:D:D:D:D
    guud to c u too ukhti:D
    u online ukhti,??
    Its okk, you dont need to be sorry.
    Im not gonna go on msn now cuz my dad might come and see lol, im scaredd...!!
    But did u get my msg? on msn?
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