A question..


Junior Member
:salam2:Briefly if you Allow,if one on wants to be a good mathematician he needs to know the principles and fundamentals of mathematics and apply them.If One wants to be a doctor he needs to know the principles and fundamentals of medicine and apply them.The same goes for Architects,Gardner s and Traders .Otherwise what s the point of theoretically acquiring a certain knowledge if doesn't materialize.What s the point of the existence of water if Not to give life to the rose that beautifully enchants our senses .Islam is no different.Islam is Just like that rose ,it grows in our hearts.As gardeners ,we must recognize that Faith and hope are it s light.Patience and Perseverance it s daily water.Practice ,hard work and consistency what binds all these virtues together and hands em down to us so that we might pluck it. And who s better than the implanter of that seed of why s ? the initiator of the quest for purpose in us ,the Gardner of all Gardners, The Architect of all Architects ,the Designer of all Designers to give us the instruction Manuel for each step,Less it fades away by time and carelessness .Islam is based on practice.

The whole Universe is submitted to god s will(Muslim) ,The stars,The galaxies ,the seas and the mountains and all the physical and mathematical laws that govern them!How much less is man?.In our case we just need to recognize it.Whether we do that or not we still are gonna be submitting to the limits that the creator has ordained upon our existence:Ex Death.We arrogantly think we have some power over ourselves,If that is true we should just try and Stop breathing for a couple of minutes,Or for a smaller matter just stop blinking,Or sleeping and drinking for a couple of days!.Our whole spiritual quest is to rediscover the awareness of our dependence of him and that in turn will make us Free and independent of everything else.Prayer is a good imagery of that, it is a practical manifestation of exclusivity,a natural consequence.We dont bow down to nothing and no one but him the exalted.

Johan Wolfgang Von Goethe said once:

"Ndrrisch, da_ jeder in seinem Falle
Seine besondere Meinung preist!
Wenn Islam Gott ergeben heisst,
In Islam leben und sterben wir alle."

"Stupid that everyone in his case
Is praising his particular opinion!
If Islam means submission to God,
We all live and die in Islam.
However else we might call ourselves"

(WA I, 6, 128)

I Pray this makes sense ,inshallah.

"The more sand that has escaped from the hourglass of our lives the clearer we should see through it"
Jean Paul Sartre.
|"Le Silence est la Langue de Dieu ,tout le reste n'est qu'une traduction médiocre"Rumi


Assalaam walaikum,

Total digression...

Goethe, Dante, et. al. dabbed into Islam. Without the beauty of Islam the logic and passion of it literature would be BORING.


Islam is a way of life
A Muslim is a person who does a lot more than prays 5 times a day. In Arabic a Muslim is a submitter, a submitter to the most High Allah (subhan wa ta'ala) and knows Muhammad (salla Allah alaihi wa sallam) is the last messenger of Allah (swt)


About time~for Our Dearest JenGiove to Turn To Islam!

I almost fear to ask this question for the responses I may receive because of my stupidity but it just came to me while reading another thread....

Can you be a Muslim and not follow Islam?


To all
my brothers and sisters in Islam,

Greeting to you

it about time :)

And now you are here
Mind me too for asking you

Can you be a Muslim
follow Islam
Our Dearest JenGiove:hearts:

Thank you,
Take Care!

~Wassalam :)

sister herb

Official TTI Chef
We are not perfect but try to be.

Can Christian/Jew/Hindu/Atheist be if he doesn´t follow his deen?

I am both communist and muslim at the same time. It is not problem to me but other people; both communists and muslims usually.

As I enjoy my life and try my best to be both and feel it works, so then why an eart any other take problems about it.


Junior Member
How can you be both at the same time?Both ideologies conflict with each other not only on the basics but the whole thing.

sister herb

Official TTI Chef
Communist? You can't be serious. Communism itself is shirk.

How it is shirk? To me communism is political ideology for equality in social and economical matters. Thats all. Opinions about religion is the thing what makes other communists here mad with me.

But it is they problem.


Junior Member
We were taught in school that communist countries deny all religion and elevate governemt to the place of religion. Communism believes in state and counrty now, because there is no afterlife acknowledged by communist governments. I don't know, that is just we were taught in school. Vladimir Lenin was quoted saying "Atheism is a natural and inseparable part of Marxism, of the theory and practice of scientific socialism." and "Religion is the opium of the people: this saying of Marx is the cornerstone of the entire ideology of Marxism about religion. All modern religions and churches, all and of every kind of religious organizations are always considered by Marxism as the organs of bourgeois reaction, used for the protection of the exploitation and the stupefaction of the working class" And Karl Marx is the father of communism.


Junior Member
How it is shirk? To me communism is political ideology for equality in social and economical matters. Thats all. Opinions about religion is the thing what makes other communists here mad with me.

But it is they problem.

Read @trying2learn's post. Communism is Atheism. To me Islam is everything, and Islam itself is everything. Everything I do has something to do with my deen. Communists are harsh towards those practicing their religion like the Soviet was. Today we see how Caucasus people love their deen because they hadn't the freedom to learn their deen because of those communists.

Since communism to you is politics, does that mean you will be against religion? Well for me islam is political. So you have met communists being mad at you? Communism, democracy and any other way of Life than Shari'ah are shirk/kufr.


Junior Member

Read @trying2learn's post. Communism is Atheism. To me Islam is everything, and Islam itself is everything. Everything I do has something to do with my deen. Communists are harsh towards those practicing their religion like the Soviet was. Today we see how Caucasus people love their deen because they hadn't the freedom to learn their deen because of those communists.

Since communism to you is politics, does that mean you will be against religion? Well for me islam is political. So you have met communists being mad at you? Communism, democracy and any other way of Life than Shari'ah are shirk/kufr.
:salam2:Brothers and sister please take this discussion in another thread.As a sign of respect for the original poster s initial question.

Be good .Fi amni llah.

Ibn Uthaymin

Junior member
How it is shirk? To me communism is political ideology for equality in social and economical matters. Thats all. Opinions about religion is the thing what makes other communists here mad with me.

But it is they problem.

Your definition of communism is completely wrong. Communists are Athiests.


Assalaam walaikum,

I was going to post this by itself. I am providing a link that is very historically impressive. Sister Harb, it is a long article but this will give you insight into the history of communism.

I will wait for your response. If, after reading this link you feel I should open a thread let me know.


sister herb

Official TTI Chef
Dear sisters and brothers;

yes I know that communists are atheist. That doesn´t bother me at all - I go to they meetings with my hijab and my hijab may shock some of them. They don´t understand me at all like why I believe Islam and follow it. I like communist ideology about equality in social welfare, thats all.

As I am living in country what was neighbor of ex-Soviet Union before I can say I know quite much about communism and about its history. It is also part of history of my country. I have read many books about periods of Lenin and Stalin and know what kind of crimes against humanity they, special Stalin, did against humanity in the name of communism.

It is not problem to me - why it should to be problem to some other then?

With some my communist friends we have joked before that actually we have same enemy - western capitalism and imperialism. So then, we can use same barricades and after beating our enemy start to fight together if the revolution was communist or islamic.
