back in need of advice


Junior Member
:salam2: brothers and sisters
its been a long time since i last spoke here! since i last did i reverted to islam over three months ago and my journy has been amazing.. learnt so much.. how ever i am still struggling to now..

before i reverted no1 would help me.. i had my gf at the time help me who is also a muslim.. i learnt islam is my way.. i now pray more then her.. read the quran more.. and ijust need some advice.. me and my gf stopped all sexual acts a few weeks ago.. but i just need to know.. is going out with her against islam?? is kissing her against islam?? ive read in the quaran no sex before marrige but this is all i can find..
what should i do??
if possible id like to hear some views from sisters cos many brothers have given there opinion to me but no sisters


Junior Member
Assalamu alaykum,

well, brother I am sister I am not scholars or smart but I was taught that you can not interact with the opposite gender, and I believe in the qurran it does talk about it. I really wish I can tell you more but this is what I know, and other are my opinion and the things my culture and parents taught and you really do not want tell you my opinion cos I am very opinionate. I hope things get work out fro you and I hope the scholars and intelligence sisters in this website can help you farther


:salam2: brothers and sisters
its been a long time since i last spoke here! since i last did i reverted to islam over three months ago and my journy has been amazing.. learnt so much.. how ever i am still struggling to now..

before i reverted no1 would help me.. i had my gf at the time help me who is also a muslim.. i learnt islam is my way.. i now pray more then her.. read the quran more.. and ijust need some advice.. me and my gf stopped all sexual acts a few weeks ago.. but i just need to know.. is going out with her against islam?? is kissing her against islam?? ive read in the quaran no sex before marrige but this is all i can find..
what should i do??
if possible id like to hear some views from sisters cos many brothers have given there opinion to me but no sisters


it's pretty easy, actually. first off muslims do not date. and if they do they're supposed to be chaperoned. you say that your girlfriend is a muslim. is she a born muslim? if she is, she should know better. it's great that you're reading the quran etc. but you have to get yourself out of that situation where you are comitting zinaa ( fornication ) with her. i would say that you should marry the girl right away or end tge relationship. i'm telling you, that you cannot just stop or still go out and not have sex. dear brother when a woman becomes used to sex, it's hard for them to go long without it. a bad girl can always become good, but when a good girl goes bad she's gone forever. so yes, kissing, touching, fondling anyone but your spouse is HARAM. there really isn't way around it. i'm sorry. there are two things that have been the most responsible for putting man in hell; they are: their tongues and their private parts. brother, again either prepare yourself for marriage or end the relationship. you just reverted to islam, when you reverted you had all of your sins erased, don't start of anew by comitting these kinds of sin.


Salafi Dawah is the best

i'm telling you, that you cannot just stop or still go out and not have sex. dear brother when a woman becomes used to sex, it's hard for them to go long without it. a bad girl can always become good, but when a good girl goes bad she's gone forever. QUOTE]

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: sorry that is really funny though

ok ok on a serious note this brother should marry the girl or break it off dating is haram



i'm telling you, that you cannot just stop or still go out and not have sex. dear brother when a woman becomes used to sex, it's hard for them to go long without it. a bad girl can always become good, but when a good girl goes bad she's gone forever. QUOTE]

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: sorry that is really funny though

ok ok on a serious note this brother should marry the girl or break it off dating is haram

that's partially quoted from the rapper jay-z


Tamed Brother

You reverted to Islam for the sake of Allah SWT, and not for your girl friend, right?
It is pretty amazing that the people who were not Muslim but they reverted, they are going to follow Islam better than those ignorant born Muslims who dont know the value of Islam. They are Muslim just because they were born in the family of Muslim parents.

If your girlfriend is born Muslim then she must be knowing very clearly how gross sin it is to have relationships with a person out of marriage. Islam does not even allow to put a second look on the stranger opposite sex, yet the kissig and fondling is horrible sin. A westerner might think, it is very strange why Islam does not allow intraction between two stranger opposite sexes, but people should understand that Islam is not forbidding them to get married. If they want to have physical relationship then nobody is stopping from marrying. Marriage is the basic foundation for the physical relationship, there is no concept of kissing or any other physical contact out of marriage.

You better avoid such born Muslim girlfriend who is in fact considered a fornicator under the definition of Islam. At the moment, I think it was "you" who decided to not to have sex with her, right? That means if you would not stop then she would keep on doing fornication with you? That means she was not there to repent. So you better find a modest revert Muslimah and marry her.

It was better option if she would repent first, but just because you asked her not to have sex, is not repentance but she is avoiding sex because of you. Maybe it is not very odd for you being in western culture to think about kissing a girl out of marriage, but it is highly offensive and unthinkable thing in Islam.



Junior Member
thank u all.. after i reverted i did sleep with her once.. how can i be forgiven?! please.. i dont want to go to hell. i reverted so i can be with allah.. and ive wrecked my chance.. please help :)


Junior Member
thank u all.. after i reverted i did sleep with her once.. how can i be forgiven?! please.. i dont want to go to hell. i reverted so i can be with allah.. and ive wrecked my chance.. please help :)


Look, just work on your future, dont worry about the past, if we all worried about the past we woul be in serious trouble!!

You made a mistake, Allah wants us to make mistakes and turn to him in repentance.

Jut work on your future, yes you will make mistaks but mae sure you learn from them and try to make sure your good deeds are better than the not so good ones and keep trying your hardest. DO not let the past get in the way of your future or crew around with your head. Do not allow shataan to play with your mind.

Take i easy and enjoy the journey within limits!


Saifu deen

Assalam ALykom:

"Whichever of you is capable should marry for it will aid him in lowering his gaze and guarding his body (from sin). As for the one who is not capable, fasting is his protection." (An-Nasaa'i - Sahih)

It is not allowed to speak with a non-related woman with any speech that stirs desires, such as in a flirtatious, coquettish or soft manner. This is not allowed whether it is over the telephone or otherwise. Allah has said,

"Be not soft in speech, lest those in whose heart is a disease should be moved with desire" (al-Ahzab 32).

"what is necessary" does not include emotional desires or 'needs'. This is referring to accomplishing things that are necessary and cannot be avoided, i.e. there is no appropriate person available to talk to in order to accomplish the needed goal or item. For instance, speaking with a doctor or mechanic, store clerk to inquire as to a price, etc., is that which is necessary. Socializing is not considered that which is necessary, even in the workplace.

Avoid being alone with a non-mahram except out of necessity and when unavoidable.

Respect yourself and your body; wait until marriage for sex. More importantly, obey your Lord; wait until marriage for sex.

Don't do like the kaffirs, who date. Do as your Lord commands you. Trust that Allah swt knows what is best for you.


Wassalam ALykom...


Junior Member
:salam2: Carpy,

MashaAllah nice to hear that your doing well in terms of you prayes and learning on your path in Islam, May Allah subhana wa ta'ala make this easy for you and increase you in knowledge and good deeds, ameen.

I feel the brothers and sisters who have answered your post have given you some good things to think about. However I just want to point out two things;

1. One of the advice that i have seen being given to brother or sisters who fall into the trap of having a relationship outside marriage is to hurry to "marry" the one they are commiting sin with. I don't see how this is a solution. What about repentance and moving on in life from that sin and cutting all ties with the person? One of the condiions for repentance is to give the sin up completely. If there is sincere repentance from both parties then mabye it is worth considering whether you would want to make this girl/guy your wife/husband and the mother/father of your muslim children. Does this sister have the qualities you should be looking for in a you ?
I know sisters who got married to their muslim boyfriends, learnt about Islam and further down the line regret being married to these men. It make them think back about why their husband's didn't choose to follow Islam but instead to commit fornication and many times they surpass their husband's in terms of the deen and don't see themselves as compatible with them any longer.
Also you need to think about the attachment you have for her. Why are you so attached to her? You really need to step back and realise that whatever you feel for this girl, it's never worth anything and you're loosing way too much.

2. Born versus revert? I see this in alot of posts aswell. I don't get it. Why is it always that we need to split up into born and revert muslims? I think someone made a comment about staying away from these type of born muslims. What? What does it matter whether it's a sister who was born into a muslim family or whether it is a new sister to Islam. Yes, they found Islam under different circumstances but everyone comes to a point in their life where they choose whether to practise the deen or not. You're a muslim because you choose to be. I have seen bad things from both type of sisters and at the same time seen excellent born and revert sisters. So can we all please stop pointing out whether it is a born or revert sister/brother if it's not relevant to the question or discussion. It's useless and we don't know what is in the in the hearts of people, only Allah knows.
SubhanAllah once I tried to join a sisters forum for new sister from Sweden. I had just started practising Islam and learning on my own and although I had the muslim background everything seemed so new to me. So I explained about why I wanted to join and my request was rejected by the head sisters because I was a "born" muslim. I've never felt so excluded in my life, not just by anyone but by sisters, and I felt so upset by it. My best friend is a reverts swedish muslimah, she dislikes being labelled a revert. She says she's just a muslim just like me. And yes, i don't see her differently at all nor does she view me differently. We were just guided b Allah in different ways.

Ok, so just had to rant about te reverts vs born muslims issues. Let's drop it.

Carpy I really feel you should think about the implications of what you're doing. You need to leave this sin and leave it quick. You can do it inshaALlah and repent.

Tak care,


Sister Amirah


New Member
asalam aleikum

everyone makes mistakes, even you even your girlfriend, so you had sex, repent Allah is the most forgiving keep repent, if you love your girlfriend marry her and insha Allah you guys will grow strong together. if she is not ready for marriage and you are not ready for marriage then bro you shouldnt be sleeping with her

touching kissing all that is not allowed cos the Quran says do not approach Zina, so dont do it but dont do anything that could potentially lead to it.

as long as you are sincerely repentant our Rabb is sincerely forgiving

take it easy


New Member
i'd also like to add something for the rest of us Insha Allah, being born a muslim means nothing, if we dont get taught about it and if we dont have an understanding. there are many people with muslim names who know less about islam than non muslims so i think its unfair to say a born muslim who strays is out and out bad.

we are all born on the fitra and our parents make us what we are including parents who bestow on us a muslim name at birth and think they have done their job. even people who are taught islam can stray, Allah is forgiving we should be.

perhaps it is easier for you guys to judge because Masha Allah tabarak Allah you guys have not commited certain sins but as a person who was once astray despite my muslim name and as one who knows people who are some of the best muslims now but who like me were astray despite the blessings of a muslim name i would implore you guys that the same way we look at non muslims and try to encourage them is how we should treat astray muslims.

sister Amirah just smahed it so my post is sorta irrelevant now