How do i grow tall?


Junior Member
asaalamu alykum wr wb

pray on time and the 12 rakaat of sunnah a day and inshaallah ALLAH will grant your wishes.drink lots of milk. and stretch every morning and ALLAH knows best.


Junior Member

This again??? Just thank Allah every day that you have legs that work, a mind that can think, and a healthy body. Seriously, stop obsessing over such a shallow issue.


Any tips brothers and sisters? :)

Haven't grown tall in 2-3 years and im 18 :(

selam alikom
brother I wont say maybe its for your own benifit,
I'll say it with certainty,its the most beautiful appearance you'll have
because Allah says in Surah Tin verse 004 "We have indeed created man in the best of moulds"
and try to focus on the values of your soul
purify your soul then you'll be seen taller than shakil Oneal in people's eyes
by the way try some basketball:laughing-dancing::laughing-dancing::laughing-dancing::laughing-dancing::jumpclap::jumpclap::jumpclap::jumpclap:


Tips On Grow Taller~Insyaállah!



At 18 Years old you can still grow,

Simply eating a proper diet.
A nutritious diet that includes fruits and vegetables, dairy, cereals, meat, and plenty of water will aid the natural process for enhancing height.
Some stretching exercises can help increase the height .


~May Allah swt help and guide you~Amin!

Take Care!
~Wassalam :)


Junior Member
As-salam 'alakum wa rahmatullah wa barakatu

I am around ethier 5'1 or 5'2 and I am a 22 year old male. I am so short. I am actually shoter than most people around me, it does depress me . :(

Would anyone know of any way I can get taller???


Lil' Muslimah
Walaaikum salam warahmatullahi wabarackatu

My mother tells me to drink loads of milk and sleep alot, make sure you stretch daily, around every morning/ every night.

Mark a pencil line over your head against a wall to see the difference every week or month.


Staff member

Do you people have any basis for the advice you're giving, have any studies been done to prove that doing those things actually increases height?

Lol, it just seems like made up wishful thinking to me. I agree with ShyHijabi.


Lil' Muslimah
Salam al-fajr

Calcium makes us grow, that's why we need milk when babies

I don't mean to argue or anything, Alhamdulillah we've been blessed to even be human beings instead of animals!
If people have questions it's nice to get a reply instead of us arguing,

forgive me if my answer isn't good enough


Staff member
Salam al-fajr

Calcium makes us grow, that's why we need milk when babies


Calcium helps maintain the right bone mineral density so its an important part of ones diet for sure. Although it wouldn't make you taller once you've stopped growing, good blood Calcium levels over the years can prevent kyphosis which reduces height in older people.



Lil' Muslimah

Oh as well as learning about Islam I'm learning about science also hehe! I love it
thanks for telling me sister, please forgive me for my mistake


Junior Member

Would there be any chance I can still grow at age 22? I know I will only grow as much as Allah has decreed for me, but I don't know what He has decreed for me, so I want to know if there is maybe anything I can do. I don't think I have grown since maybe age 13 or 14 or so. I am ethier 5'1 or 5'2, but etiher way, I am too short for a male. Most males and females seem taller than me.

Of course I try to rid myself of these feeling, but I can't help it, I do have some desire to find a way to get taller, of course, something other than surgery, and in a way that is not risky.

If anyone knows of a way, then please tell me, Inshallah!


Staff member

Would there be any chance I can still grow at age 22? I know I will only grow as much as Allah has decreed for me, but I don't know what He has decreed for me, so I want to know if there is maybe anything I can do. I don't think I have grown since maybe age 13 or 14 or so. I am ethier 5'1 or 5'2, but etiher way, I am too short for a male. Most males and females seem taller than me.

Of course I try to rid myself of these feeling, but I can't help it, I do have some desire to find a way to get taller, of course, something other than surgery, and in a way that is not risky.

If anyone knows of a way, then please tell me, Inshallah!

As muslims we never focus on the appearance too much and your height is something that you are very unlikely to be able to influence, so you should rid yourself of these thoughts.

Remember that Allaah isn't looking at your height. Its not as if there is a 'Minimum Height: 5'5' notice on the doors of Jannah or something, if there was I would completely understand your concern! But there is no such thing, so relax.



Junior Member
I think it depends on where you're from or maybe it's something to do with your genes.

And about the milk, I thought milk helps your bones and teeth grow because of the calcium nutrient.


Bro height is never a problem!
try to be yourself and thats it
focus on how your morals should be........
like anger? are you Reckless
like Non Patience...
like being kind with others
because while growing up you'll realize that there are some people in your life whether you've seen of or not, had achieved in their lives some noble things and when u look to see what they look like you'll find that they do appear like us some tall some short some physically Disabled...
but the most important is

How long is your patience, not how much the length of your body
What is important is a large heart, not how many beats per minute