How do I support my NEW Sister???


Blessed Muslimah
Asalamu alaykum Wa rahmatuallahi wa barakatu

Well today i had a inspiring day i was in the Masjid and in came a woman and she embraced Islam Alhamdulilah and we where helping her and giving her more information about prayer and how to pray and do wudu but i think it was all to fast for her so i wanted to ask you Brothers/ Sisters for help How do i support her step by step she just came muslim a few hours ago so i have her details and she lives near by alhamdulilah so i just want information of what i should help her with first because i dont want to overwelm her inshallah

Sorry I am rambling iam just soo happy today to see someone answer the call to Islam :hearts:

Please help so i can advise her through this wonderful journey any new muslims what helped you so i can help her also like you inshallah?



Blessed Muslimah

Any suggestions people shall i start with helping her with her prayers????

if she doesnt know fatiha can she pray by just saying allahu akbar???

please help :shymuslima1:


Subhana Allah!
Asalamu alaykum sister

They are so many things you could do for her to make her feel like that she is in true home. You could give her books, show her islamic videos, teach how to pray, help her pick halal food by showing which is which, invite her to your house, introduce her to your muslim friends and family, teach her Arabic words( exmp. Insha ALlah, Allahu Akbar, Alhamdulilah, etc...) and many many more. You have a great opportunity sister to help a convert.:hearts:



Junior Member
Asalamalykum sis....mashAllah great news.....I can advice you a bit as i have taught two brother frm starting and now they doing quite good......first of all most imp thing try to spend time with her as much as u can by inviting for food or going to thr houses and then let them first start with fardh of all prayers cos they get confused if u tel them to pray all and first teach them physical moves and sajdah n all and after that get any book of prayers and write surah fatiha in english like Allahmadu Lillahi Rabil Alaameen dont pressurise dem to memorise in starting let them do with there pace and dont let them run until they walk so go very slowly with them and Allah knows they are new so let them take as much time as they want.......when they are with you watch islamic documentaries lecture talks on prophet saw and companion this will help them to gain there interest and inshAllah slowly slowly they wil do .....I think sister u r frm my city is the shahdaah was in main mosque anwyz if u can pm me wil tell you in detail and other things bout new muslims sis there are classes for them too where they can learn and meet with new sisters......


Junior Member
Asalamu alaykum

There are other threads here on TTI similar to this one. You may wanna check them out.


Servant of Allah
Asalamu alaykum wrwb sister. well i can help since i'm connected with many reverts mashaAllah! anyways sister...don't rush her, or give her too much info. treat her as if she is a baby that is learning to walk. step by step take her through islam. dont pressure her or make her nervous. the most important things to start with are: Tawheed and The pillars/articles of Islam. just let her dwell in that for a while. then move on from there as to what SHE WOULD like to learn. another thing is, don't act as if you are her leader and such...this tends to happen to many people and it makes the revert brothers and sisters feel as though they are dumb. treat them as you would treat any other muslim. when people see you helping her out they might say things like "oh you made her become a muslim and blah blah"....let them know that she chose Islam on HER OWN. not that i'm saying you would be acting this way sister, it's just something general that takes place often. so treat her kindly and treat her like you treat other muslims and explain to her the things she needs. get her email address and phone number and keep in contact with her. and once a week send her an islamic reminder like a video of how to pray. hope that helps. Asalamu alaykum wrwb.
Again DO NOT RUSH HER or PRESSURE her.:) let her take baby steps. and just pick her up when she falls.


Blessed Muslimah

Jaza kallahu khairan for all the help you guys i will try my best its just all new for me because iam born muslim i dont know how to learn her from scratch inshallah i will take step by step i will keep in contact with her inshallah

again thank you and has anyone got any useful websites that i can pass on?
i will tell her to come here too so she can get support from you wonderful guys thank you...



Blessed Muslimah

I would appreciate if any new muslims or reverts could write how they were helped and what helped them the most????

that will really help inshallah:blackhijab:



Junior Member
when you reach the praying step there is a very good site i recommend it to you

it's a biginner guide for islamic praying

animation show's you how to pray with movement,arabic sound & english translation

press on every prayer to let it start working

the link :

Hard Rock Moslem

I'm your brother
Just make things easy for her in the beginning. You may start with salat first. Once her salat is perfect the rest will follow without much problem.


Servant of Allah

Jaza kallahu khairan for all the help you guys i will try my best its just all new for me because iam born muslim i dont know how to learn her from scratch inshallah i will take step by step i will keep in contact with her inshallah

again thank you and has anyone got any useful websites that i can pass on?
i will tell her to come here too so she can get support from you wonderful guys thank you...

:wasalam: (tell her to click on the posters and read them inshaAllah) (i would suggest this as number one!)

allah is with me

Rabana Wa laqal Hamd
see, sister, i really dont know anything, its just alhamdulillah, you have done such a ood work ... sister , you just ahow er the right path, and make her more islamic by saying such words about islam , that will make her more into islam....thats all i can say


Junior Member
salam alikuk

hey sister im a new revert aswel ive been a muslimah for about a month i would advise her to take it slow and not worry if she makes mistakes ALLAH knows best. i would be right by her side if she needs anything. have u gave her ur number and stuff. i think its best for her to start to know about the five pillars. salah is the best to start with and remind her she will get there with the arabic it just takes time and paitence. inshallah take care and good luck:tti_sister: il make dua everything will be ok inshallah


New Member
helping new sis in islam

1st need to teach her small and basic thing such as salam,bismillah,and most important salat try to get for her ustazah who can help her to learn islam.............insyaallah


Junior Member
Masha Allaah :lol:
this book will help you out Incha Allaah :lol:

an introduction about the book :

"... Many people who want to learn Islam or are new converts find it hard to have a simplified guide that explains to them the basics of Islam in a nutshell; so I decided to collect the basic guidelines and gather them in an e-book I named it "Basic Islam" for Introducing Islam "


    99.8 KB · Views: 10


Umm Zubayr
Assalam aleikum,

Start with TAWHIID. Make sure she understands this notion of oneness which is central to Islaam. As others said, don't give too much information at once, but again some people disgest more quickly than others so just adapt yourself to her pace. Usually, they have a lot to say, so be there to listen what she says inshallaah. If you could give her a translated Qur'an as a gift, she'd feel comfortable :)


Assalamu Alaikum

:salam2: ,
I think the best way you can help her is by GIVING HER YOUR TIME to her. By this she will get more knowledge and she will be comfortable talking all her questions.

Mashallah it is a very good opportunity for you to earn hasanath.

May ALLAH SWT make it easy on the sister who reverted and to you as well to help her.



Junior Member
I wasn't so much overwhelmed by Islam but more by the people! I felt so swarmed, although I know it was all in good intentions. Definitely let her know that you are there if she needs anything, but give her some space too. If she has questions, she will ask you, and just check in with her every once in awhile. If she's worried about any changes she has to make in her life, or worried about not "getting things right" let her know that Muhammed (PBUH) revealed the practices of Islam gradually over time. Not all at once so as to overwhelm people with the transition into Islam. This does not mean we take advantage and make changes when it's solely convenient, but try to keep things balanced.

Make sure she's got some other convert sisters she can talk to as well. There are some things I felt better about talking with convert sisters and not with anyone else. Like how to handle the transition of the way marriage process works. It's different if you've grown up with the idea of how things are supposed to flow rather than when it all the sudden changes to something different!

SO, that's about all I can think of right now!


Blessed Muslimah
I wasn't so much overwhelmed by Islam but more by the people! I felt so swarmed, although I know it was all in good intentions. Definitely let her know that you are there if she needs anything, but give her some space too. If she has questions, she will ask you, and just check in with her every once in awhile. If she's worried about any changes she has to make in her life, or worried about not "getting things right" let her know that Muhammed (PBUH) revealed the practices of Islam gradually over time. Not all at once so as to overwhelm people with the transition into Islam. This does not mean we take advantage and make changes when it's solely convenient, but try to keep things balanced.

Make sure she's got some other convert sisters she can talk to as well. There are some things I felt better about talking with convert sisters and not with anyone else. Like how to handle the transition of the way marriage process works. It's different if you've grown up with the idea of how things are supposed to flow rather than when it all the sudden changes to something different!

SO, that's about all I can think of right now!


Jaza kallahu khairan for your input sis it really helps and sister cookiedough-123 you both helped a lot sorry i couldnt reply earlier inshallah i will try my best to take it slow we recently went book shopping so i was advising her to get the basic beliefs down first and not to confuse herself to much with the history alhamdulilah she toke it well...

I wanted to ask how would i go about explaining the ettiquettes of the toilet about stepping in and out she may ask why is it so specific how do i answer but i am sure she may have read about it but i just dont know how to explain some things i guess but alhamdulilah iam not complaining its a big learning experience for me as well :SMILY346:



New Member
spend time with her. take her number, give her your number. take time with her. dont show her everything at once... it can be overwhelming. i heard a lecture recently, and the lecturer gave an example, where a muslim woman recently converted to islam... the people who supported her made her wear the abaya, and made her do things that were alien to her, or made her feel uncomfortable... anyway, the point is ask her what she wants to do. learning salah can be daunting for a new convert so just take time with her and be patient inshallah