I don't feel safe in my heart...


Junior Member

Dear Sakeena , why don't try to open a new page , forgive your father for all that was in the past , purify your heart say I forgive him for the sake of Allah and start to be nice with your father , buy him a gift, cook something he like .....talk to him about something he likes......you know better than me what your father like. It is just a try .......why not? ...I know things will not change like magic but by doing so you are obeying Allah subhanahu wa taala and being a good muslema . Dear. I know it is not easy and need to humiliate ourselves a little but who said that it is easy to reach Janna...? We have to fight our ego, we have to forgive and forget......our hearts should be washed from time to time.


Junior Member
Dear sister
All of us experienced and still experiencing hard times , and deal with difficult people. I think that these difficulties make us grow....pain make humans feel pain of others. ........Believe me what are you going through is meant to shape your personality .......you will learn how to deal with different kind of people, you will learn not to hurt others .....you will learn how to be patience .........all great people pass through hard times.

We love you and wish you all that is good , sorry if we don't understand you sometimes ......writing is not a perfect tool of communication :girl3:


Islam is a way of life
Sister, you live in his house. I am not trying to be unsympathetic to you but how would you feel if your child, in your house, who you support, left your religion and put it in your face?


Junior Member
One of Allah's name and attribute is the protector sister. Turn to Allah for protection and tranquility and inshallah He will protect you and put peace and tranquility in your heart. He will create those underlying factors to make you feel so....Inshallah....

Noor El-Huda

Junior Member

I'm not looking for lectures. Please stop putting verses in my face, I know you're all trying to help but I just need someone to listen to me right now.. I feel so hurt inside, even though I am not crying or anything at the moment...

I just want to vent. Every time I make a thread to vent, people give me verses.. :SMILY23:

Dear sister Sakeena,
We don't know you personally, so it is difficult to talior make our responses specifically to suit you. It's difficult for us to work out when someone does not want proper practical advice, but is just venting, as the majority post for the advice. I don't think I put any verses in your face, but even if we do, this is what this forum involves anyway.

So please lets be tolerant of each other here, and if you happen not to like something, just ignore it respectfully. That's how the rest of us work. After all, our intentions are well meant and we don't deserve what you hit back at us. So, lets keep a certain degree of respect between members.

I hope you understand. Salam alaykum


Junior Member
IN our life we get hurt by our own blood than someone outside of the family.

I am also going through something like your situation.

Seeking Allah's Mercy

Qul HuwaAllahu Ahud!
Brother, I know this verse. I already know that. :girl3:

I am a good daughter. The problem is my dad is not behaving like a good father should and I feel he's pushing me away.

Asalamoalaikom wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh,

All those who've shared verses with you know you've read them and known them. Those who shared hadith know you know and have read them before. Those who adviced you to treate you dad well know it's not the first time you are being told all of this.

The purpose? It's simple, to remind you and us all of the position of our parents and our duties and responsibilties. You are venting here about you dad not treating you right. If he's feeding you, providing you with a house, clothing you, educating you, taking care of your health. He's doing enough for you (Or us in case of our parents) to massage his feet before he sleeps, iron his clothes, wash them, press his head, and take care of him.

Sakeena, the Qur'aan is not a book to be placed on the shelf, it's to be read, understood and implemented. If you do that daily, you won't even care what you mom or dad does or doesn't (except for their Akhira's account). You havn't realised the Purpose of these verses, they not just to be read and say "yeah okay". No one rubbed them in your face, why vent if you don't want anyone to console you? They tried to console you by reminding you you are a Muslim and following Qur'an is the best solution.

Seriously, you make a thread, we reply. We reply with the best of our intention to try and ease your pain. It's really disrespectful to say such things about Qur'anic verses. If you don't value them this way, fine. But what do you expect at Turn to Islam? Love songs? Lol.

Just calm down, make Wudhu, pray and talk to Allaah. Ask Him to ease your situation. He can do it, not us.


Junior Member
Asalamoalaikom wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh,

All those who've shared verses with you know you've read them and known them. Those who shared hadith know you know and have read them before. Those who adviced you to treate you dad well know it's not the first time you are being told all of this.

The purpose? It's simple, to remind you and us all of the position of our parents and our duties and responsibilties. You are venting here about you dad not treating you right. If he's feeding you, providing you with a house, clothing you, educating you, taking care of your health. He's doing enough for you (Or us in case of our parents) to massage his feet before he sleeps, iron his clothes, wash them, press his head, and take care of him.

Sakeena, the Qur'aan is not a book to be placed on the shelf, it's to be read, understood and implemented. If you do that daily, you won't even care what you mom or dad does or doesn't (except for their Akhira's account). You havn't realised the Purpose of these verses, they not just to be read and say "yeah okay". No one rubbed them in your face, why vent if you don't want anyone to console you? They tried to console you by reminding you you are a Muslim and following Qur'an is the best solution.

Seriously, you make a thread, we reply. We reply with the best of our intention to try and ease your pain. It's really disrespectful to say such things about Qur'anic verses. If you don't value them this way, fine. But what do you expect at Turn to Islam? Love songs? Lol.

Just calm down, make Wudhu, pray and talk to Allaah. Ask Him to ease your situation. He can do it, not us.

I'm snubbing you from now on SAM. :SMILY32:


Assalaam walaikum,

Little sisters...come on now...

I know you are hurting baby sister. I know you are hurting. And if I could be near you I would hold you and let you know how much you are loved.

Please do not focus on your father. Sometimes in life when one person turns our world upside down..we need to focus on the things that keep the world right. So look at the good in your life.

And sometimes that which we need so much is just not there. We try to reach out and we catch air. Well..sometimes that is a good thing. Because we discover Allah is there.

And that with Allah is better.

Do not be upset with Sister Seeking Allah's Mercy. She is doing her best. She does not know all the details of your pain.

Please take a moment and PM me.


Junior Member
sister ... sorry your going through a rough time... i know what it is like to have a parent who actually doesn't like you ... and probably doesn't love you... i had to go through that situation at one point. Its a shame that some parents can be like that. the best thing you can do is pray, pray for guidance, for patience. for an answer that will put you in a better situation.
no ... its not always fair what our loved ones do... i still loved my father dearly but i learned at a pretty young age he and i got along a bit better when I was not under his roof... however he has now passed and i regret not making more of an effort while he was alive because no matter what he did, its my own reactions to it i have regret too.. ( and well I wish he'd liked me.. it would have been nice.

I know you are just venting, but sister, it might help to put in your posts that all your doing as venting.. but it should also make a difference to you that so many people do care. I'm sorry they aren't going about it the way you would like, but the care that people feel for you here should be obvious and should be taken into consideration when you complain about replies of peope who do take the time to reach out to you ... ya know?
please stay strong, and know that what you are going through is temporary and that Allah is there for you as i'm sure many people here are as well

Noor El-Huda

Junior Member
I know you are just venting, but sister, it might help to put in your posts that all your doing as venting.. but it should also make a difference to you that so many people do care.

Jazaki Allah kheir sister. It would be a fair thing to do. Sister Sakeena needs to be more specific with the kind of help she is seeking, especially that these conflict episodes seem to be recurring in threads. It would also be fair to tell members that she is not after any any religious talk, because automotically memebers will be referring to the quran on TTI. Hopefully, that should limit misunderstandings in future and make it more likely thatsister Sakeena receives the kind of comfort she is seeking.


Seeking Allah's Mercy

Qul HuwaAllahu Ahud!
I'm snubbing you from now on SAM. :SMILY32:

Cool!^_^ btw why is that so? coz I said you should massage his feet? lol! I think he'll love it. Make sure his socks are off though, who knows what your hands will smell like afterwards ;p

Sakeena, Jokes aside. I'm in a habit of telling the truth, even if it appears bitter or rude. And since I've been your long time annoying sister, I don't really worry about being honest with you. You happen to be causing yourself a lot of pain by not looking at things from another perspective. Venting won't help ukht.

Not everyone here knows you, you can be rude to me, I'll enjoy it. But please try to show a wee bit more respect to the others, next time.

May Allaah bless you.


Junior Member
assalamu alaikum sis,

looks like u are going through some real tough time.

well if the situation is worsening day by day, like you are having a feeling like your dad's gonna lock u in your room or something if u don't obey him,then u probably should move back to your mom.

or if u think u can be patient and things will change then bring in the punching bag.it will be cool!!!!!!!

May ALLAH help u.


Junior Member
Often there are times, when we feel that outburst. And its smarter and better , if you could channelize that energy and use it for something more beneficial. Yes situation demands you to focus elsewhere... its not easy, but doable

Endure, vie with each other in endurance, and continue your relation with God (3:199):