I took my Shahada


Junior Member
Assalamu Alaikum
A few months ago I joined this website in the hopes of learning more about Islam and what it means to be Muslim. (I was raised in a Christian household, I wouldn't say devoted Christians but we were Christians.) It was so fascinating to hear everybody's stories and the discussion. So I continued to educate myself by reading books, watching documentaries and talking to other Muslims.
I finally decided last week that I was going to take my Shahada. I know that Islam is that truth, there is only one God, Allah(SWT) to be praised, and Muhammad(PBUH) was his messenger. At first I was thinking maybe I should learn more about the religion but I watched a lecture by Khalid Yasin and he said if I believe that there is only one God (Allah)(SWT) and he is worthy to be praised, and that Muhammad(PBUH) is his messenger then I already am a Muslim. That really touched me and made me decide to go to the mosque and declare it.
I am extremely excited about my decision and I cant wait to learn more about my new religion as the months go on. I have gotten nothing but support from friends who are Muslim and it is so appreciated. However, Shaitan is already trying to get involved. There are a few people that have said some negative things to me (i.e Muslims are pushy, they force you to believe what they believe, women are oppressed). Its sad to hear these things because I know that is not what Islam is about, Inshallah they will come to realize that.
I also wore a hijab when I took my Shahada because that was what something inside of me was telling me to do. When I put it on I noticed a beauty about me that I never saw before. It was different but still a great experience. I have decided that im not ready to wear it everyday yet but Inshalllah I will in the future. My future husband also picked out a name for me and its Aneesa. I was told it means affectionate woman and he said that's why he picked it. Its a beautiful name, I just love it.
I have made what I believe is called Dua(not sure if I spelled it right) and asked Allah to guide me and give me strength. I am asking all of the brothers and sisters that read this to do the same.
In addition, My future husband and 5 of my friends have taken their Shahada in the past 5 months. Alhamdulillah.
I think it is also important to state that we are all currently living in South Korea and the Islamic community is not as big as some of the others I have seen. Yet, we are all one and really help each other out. I am so glad to have met these people. It is amazing to see how Islam has spread all over the world.
So now my next step is to learn how to pray. If you have any advice I would love to hear it.
Thank you so much


Junior Member
Allah akbar wa alhamdolillah,

congratulations sister for joining this Ummah.

May allah makes it easy for you insha allah.



Slave of Allah (swt)
aslam o alikum
Allah hu Akbar :) Mashallah sister Welcome to islam, May ALlah (swt) make your journey easy and guide to towards blessed heaven- ameen
I wish you all the best luck in the future for learning how to pray TTI has a section for that and a tutorial with pics :) you can visit that
aslam o alikum :)


Yearning Slave
:salam2: sister,

Allahu Akbar..!

Alhamdulilah... you have been guided Alhamdulilah.

We are all here to learn about the deen so feel free to ask questions. Korea must be a beautiful place isnt it, Masha'Allah.

Take care.


make dua 4 ma finals
Allahu Akbar!
welcome to Islam and may Allah make this journey easy for you and may He SWT increase your faith and STRENGH you. Ameen ya rab!
WELCOME,WELCOME,WELCOME:) May Allah be with you Aneesa!! btw I LOOVE your name:) MashaAllah it's beautiful so is it's MEANING...
I also wore a hijab when I took my Shahada because that was what something inside of me was telling me to do. When I put it on I noticed a beauty about me that I never saw before.
MashaAllah! it feels GREAT to read this! plus what you said is TRUE, hijab protects you AND gives a BEAUTY that you have NEVER noticed before because NOw you know it's NOT the CREATION that you are tying to PLEASE but the CREATOR and WALAHI that brings comfort to the heart, mind and soul:)
Allah be with you sister NOw and ALWAYS:)


Junior Member
Allahu Akbar! It's very excited to read yr story,sis. :)
To be frankly u're the first convert who come from East Asia on this forum,except me myself. :) Anyway, plz accept my congratulations and blessings. InshaAllah He will make u a perfect muslimah. Ameen
Yr Chinese bro, Nurdeen.


Salaam Sister Aneesa.

Allahu Akbar! Allah swt guides who he wills. May Allah swt keep you on the straight path Ameen. Ch'u-k'a-dŭ-rim-ni-da! 축하드립니다! (congratulations)

Amina 1

Junior Member

Hamdulillah How blessed you are you're husband and friends converted with you suphanaAllah:hearts::hearts: I will say dua for you enshallah:tti_sister::tti_sister::tti_sister:

saima abdullah

my life iz 4 Allah


Junior Member
Allah Akbar,Congratulations dear sister,May Allah firm your heart on His straight path.:hearts:


Junior Member
I have made what I believe is called Dua(not sure if I spelled it right) and asked Allah to guide me and give me strength. I am asking all of the brothers and sisters that read this to do the same.

I have just done so for you sister Toya... May Allah keep you on His straight path and not cause your heart to go astray after He's lead you. May Allah grant you paradise. Ameen.

Congratulations.. I am very happy to hear about your decision.

If you don't mind me asking; what nationality are you? Are you an american lving in S.Korea??
