Jehova's folks shov their flyers but refuse to take mine


Junior Member
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

I'm not fimilure with non-arabic names, so i want to ask you, who is Jehova??


Junior Member
Hello ShyHijab,

Please provide me with Quran versus referring to the Prophet's sins so, I can take a look?

Thanks :)

This is a very well written explanation about the prophet's and the nature of their sins. There are Quranic references as well as Hadith. I am but simple lay person and leave something of this magnitude to the scholars.

As far as the statues go, I find it very ironic that sects of Chrisitanity (such as Catholics) use statues when over and over again they were condemned as idols in the Torah. But yet you will read tons of apologetics trying to justify what is clearly a forbidden object in the house of worship. But then again, they also invented the confessional, prescribed penance, paying to have your sins forgiven, limbo, etc., So I take their blasphemy with a grain of salt.


Junior Member
Shyhijabi: It is possible to have a statue, even a statue of a God, without using the statue as an idol. And the opposite is also true, it is also possible to engage in idolatry without a statue, there are some foolish people who pray to a 'god' it is actually possible to locate, such as inside the crucifix on their wall, or three inches away from a particular corner of the ceiling.

Is that your part of your core belief; or are merely conveying what some Christian sects believe??



Junior Member
salam septihol.
ohh i see you are still in doubt about islam,
i am telling you that the idea of four wives came as a restriction, because people before the time of mohamed pbuoh used to marry more than four wives, islam came and lowered down tyhe number.
in addition, woman used to be burried alive, and islam came and forbid this....and honestly the women must be thankfull to allah swt who rose their value in the society and gave them all the rights,....
wa salam alikoum


Junior Member
ShyHijabi wrote:

Heh, you should read up on Quaker or Gnostic (those are two different religions, btw) religious practices and beliefs sometime.

Septithol, are you gnostic ? believe in Gnosticism?

Isn't gnostic belief based on divine (perfect) souls in men and imperfect god who seems to look like (a snake with lion's face or maybe a dragon ) as one from greek mythology?

yeah, imperfect god and perfect human souls? hmmm....most other ( if not all) religions stress the perfection of God.


Junior Member
Shyhijabi: It is possible to have a statue, even a statue of a God, without using the statue as an idol. And the opposite is also true, it is also possible to engage in idolatry without a statue, there are some foolish people who pray to a 'god' it is actually possible to locate, such as inside the crucifix on their wall, or three inches away from a particular corner of the ceiling.

Statues are forbidden in Islam, so no. Praying to any object, such as a cross, crucifix, or even just a piece if wood/stone is considered idolatry and strictly forbidden in Islam. It is much to easy to pray with your eyes focused on a statue/object before one begins to worship that object. That's why I think Islam is truly a religion of ease, we pray straight to the Creator, period.


Heros of Islam
haha similar thing apnd to me this jehovas witness lady cme to ma dorr step and gave me sutin i asked er to take sutin from me in return a Islamic book on tawheed, but she refused so i gave her thing back and sed i won't be bothered to read it

main thing is if they cnt commit to sutin we offer them why shud we commit our time to sutin they give us


Junior Member
haha similar thing apnd to me this jehovas witness lady cme to ma dorr step and gave me sutin i asked er to take sutin from me in return a Islamic book on tawheed, but she refused so i gave her thing back and sed i won't be bothered to read it

main thing is if they cnt commit to sutin we offer them why shud we commit our time to sutin they give us


just wanted to ask what is " sutin " ???


Junior Member
Musulmanin, you wrote:

I have some (a few) gnostic beliefs. My religion is a bit complicated. What Gnostics believe regarding man, is that man was originally created by an imperfect God, who, being imperfect, was able to create man's body, but not his soul, so the body of man just lay there. Then the true God, the most high God, had pity on man, and gave men divine souls, so their body did not just lay there. This explains why Gnostics think man's soul is better than his body. I also believe man's soul to be better than his body, but for other reasons that a Gnostic would not agree with (among other things, I believe in evolution, but think that God was likely ultimately responsible for creating a universe with laws of physics that made evolution possible).

Thanks for the explanation


Junior Member
haha similar thing apnd to me this jehovas witness lady cme to ma dorr step and gave me sutin i asked er to take sutin from me in return a Islamic book on tawheed, but she refused so i gave her thing back and sed i won't be bothered to read it

main thing is if they cnt commit to sutin we offer them why shud we commit our time to sutin they give us

What? I can barely understand what you've written. Please avoid using this shotrhand/slang while typing.


Junior Member
Musulmanin, you wrote:

I have some (a few) gnostic beliefs. My religion is a bit complicated. What Gnostics believe regarding man, is that man was originally created by an imperfect God, who, being imperfect, was able to create man's body, but not his soul, so the body of man just lay there. Then the true God, the most high God, had pity on man, and gave men divine souls, so their body did not just lay there. This explains why Gnostics think man's soul is better than his body. I also believe man's soul to be better than his body, but for other reasons that a Gnostic would not agree with (among other things, I believe in evolution, but think that God was likely ultimately responsible for creating a universe with laws of physics that made evolution possible).

Wow.... Did you really come up with all this stuff on your own.... or someone told you about it ???

I feel sorry for the simple fisherman, the farmer, and the mainstream layman.... They are surly going to hell for not comprehending such complex religion.

No disrespect.... that's just some heavy stuff...


Junior Member
my particular religion is extremely complicated. Probably most people would not be able to understand it. .

You still have missed the point....

When God reveals Himself to His creation, He makes sure it's easy enough that even a five year old can comprehend it. Now when you go and invent an overly complicated concept of God and invent your own spaghetti conflicting ideas, it become clear that you're straying far off with this new spaghetti religion. I have noticed that some humans are very attracted to complexity; meaning that the more complex an idea, the more true it must be. Now if that's what floats your boat, good luck and more power to you!!

Hmmm.. Spaghetti Religion.... Interesting title... I think I'll start using that.. LOL

Again.. No disrespect intended...



Actually this is the mormons you are confusing them with. They require their males to serve a two year mission before they can receive their ordinances of the preisthood. I can direct you to sites that show the perversion of thier cult as well.

Both the JW and the Mormons were founded by men who were previously scammers. Jospeh Smith was a gold seeker and even used "peep stones" to relay the book of Mormon. He took women who were already married and made them his "spiritual wives." So we are basically talking about demanding his followers to give up their wives to satiate his lust. The mormons believe they can become gos in the next life and that the husband gets to determine if his wife will be ressurreted. Can you imagine? You anger your husband and it could effect your eternal soul? For mormon cult explanation here's a helpful link.

This was started by ex-mormons who uncover the cults methods of brainwashing and control.


there is an age for a JW child to begin preaching the JW message door to door. it is usually between the ages of 10-13. they really have to do it the rest of their lives. they have to put in a certain amount of time in each week be it door to door or with a fellow coworker. i know this because my oldest brother has been a JW for 30 years now and my nephew is now 18 and has been preaching since he was 10. the 10 year olds only do it if that child is seen to be exceptional with knowledge at an early age whereas the 13 years old is usually for everybody else that doesn't fit that description.

i love my brother and his son and his wife; but they truly are part of a cult.


Junior Member

there is an age for a JW child to begin preaching the JW message door to door. it is usually between the ages of 10-13. they really have to do it the rest of their lives. they have to put in a certain amount of time in each week be it door to door or with a fellow coworker. i know this because my oldest brother has been a JW for 30 years now and my nephew is now 18 and has been preaching since he was 10. the 10 year olds only do it if that child is seen to be exceptional with knowledge at an early age whereas the 13 years old is usually for everybody else that doesn't fit that description.

i love my brother and his son and his wife; but they truly are part of a cult.

:salam2: brother... Wow.. Have you tried to convey Islam to your brother?? This is an interesting situation you have.. Has he tried to convert you to JW ?

I have found that there one thing we have in common with JW and that's the fact that they don't believe Jesus is god like the rest of the christians :astag:
Could this make them the closest to Islam among the rest of the Christians?

Also, I have met other denominations such as Catholics and Protestants who denied that JW are Christians. However, when the JW were at my door they insisted that they are Christians... So; are they .. or aren't they??

Strange thing...
