please have a look on this amazing video...


Junior Member


Sahaba of the prophet are certified be Allah that they were pleased with Allah and Allah is pleased with them. The are our guiding stars and examples to be like them.


Smile! It's Sunnah!
salaam alaikum,
well i dont understand arabic, so can ne one jst post a jist of wat he is saying?



Junior Member
this is the translation hope it i good

Salam alikoum
The sheikh in this video is telling the story of a wonderful man, and he swear that he will say only things that he saw with his eyes and not to add anything out of that. This is the summary of what he is saying in the video
“ the little man memorized the quran at the age of 12, he used to cry each time he reads the quran and sometime loosing consciousness and falling down when he reads some verses. This little man memorized sahih mouslim in two wekks with this sheikh who is telling the story, and sahih el boukhari with another sheikh and none of the two knew about that, this man was very aware of IKHLASS which means trying to do things away from the eyes of the people and keep things only for the sake of allah swt. This man was excellent in his studies, and he used to sleep only between the school hours to the prayer of DOUHR, and after EL ASR prayer he used to join the others in the circle of knowledge (el halaka) and after the maghrib prayer, he used to attend the courses of the scholars, and after el ISHA prayer until 23:00 he used to revise his lessons and courses. And everyday between 23:00 to the FAJR prayer he used to spend all the night in praying. The sheikh is saying that he read about sahaba who used to fall down when reading the quran and he is pointing out the disagreement of the scholars about that issue, he is adding that he never seen this behaviour except from this man. He is telling also that one day in the JOUMOUA prayer in the mosque, when the imam was reading some verses from the chapter of ANFAL, he fall down on his head so they thought he has died. One day the man was in the house of this cheikh, the cheikh behaved like he has fallen a sleep, just to see what the man will do, he started praying, the cheick fall a sleep and get up, many times and the man still in one RAKAA. Until he read this verse “kalla inaha ladda nazzaatan li chawa , tadou man adbara wa tawalla wa jaaa fa awaa….” The man fell down, then the cheikh woke him up. Then, he come back to pray, till he reached the same verse, he fell down, then the cheikh woke him up, then he come back to pray and again fell down and this time he did not wake up until the FAJR prayer. This man used to finish reading the quran every three days, at night and every seven days in the day. The man also used to remember allah swt 12000 times a day, the cheick said that he counted them himself. And when the cheikh asked him why are doing all this, the man told him, ABOU HOURAIRA should not enter the paradise before me. At this stage this man was only 17 years old. Allah swt blessed this man with the answering of douae , the cheikh said they used to call people to islam, and to the straight path, and when they loose hope in these men, the little man just spend two days with the people calling them, and then you will see them in the first row in the mosque. One day, this man was leading the prayer in a mosque, then during the prayer another man came and hit him on his back, when the prayer got over the little man asked the other one why did you hit me?, he said “you are making the prayer too long”, the little man said “but you are healthy to bear that”. Then the little man lifted his hands to the sky and said” oh , allah take health out from this man, so that he may recognise the value of the prayer to do better when standing in between your hands” this was in the prayer of ASR, the cheikh swear that the man did not come to pray the next prayer , he was ill on his bed. Weeks later, the cheikh met the little man, and told him that the man is on his bed, so make douae to allah swt to heal him, he said “oh allah heal this man” the cheick swear again, that the man came to pray the next prayer in that mosque. One day in mekka, he was praying and his glasses disturbed him, he said that is not suitable to go one day to Palestine with this glasses, and then he took them out and drunk a cup of the water of zemzem and said “oh allh make it a heal to my eyes”, and then he became like one perfect in his eyes and the people tested him in a clock and he could recognise the time like he never did before. This little man is a repentant and the cheick one day asked him in the name of allah swt to tell him what was his sin, the man said “when I was very young, I went to a shop and i stole a cake…and when I remember that I recognise that every part of my body is growing from this cake and everything that grown from haram is in the hell fire….
The man died by a shoot from someone who was cleaning his weapon.
This is the story, may allah swt make us like him in faith and worship. Amen
May allh swt make you benefit from this.


Smile! It's Sunnah!
salaam alaikum,
thanks sistr/brdr shichemlydia for the translation! thanx a lot!!
