
New Member
Brothers&Sisters A.Aleykum i am in tears as i write this so please make dua for me and may Allah bless you sooo much.i feel like i just want to die and go back to Allah.My problems started after i went to see a dentist in december last yr. I thought he was good but keep getting sick since and nw i fear the worst.what if i contracted some horrible disease like HIV??My whole life has literally come to a standstill.i'm praying&making dua please do the same for me.jazakallah khayran.

Living Soul

Junior Member

sister/brother May Allah Subhanaho Watala take away all your sorrows and pains and grant you a peace and comfort in this Dunya and in the Akhirah Ameen. Prophet Muhammad PBUH has said that if you feel depression or stress then recite it..." La ilaha illallaho Al Azeem Al Haleem, La ilaha illallaho Rabu Samawati Wa Rabul Arsh el Azeem".. May Allah keep you in His Divine protection Ameen. Pls. make Dua for me as well..

Correct me if I am wrong.



salamu alaikum,
My br/sis, may Allah swt put comfort And ease in your heart at this time and all the time. May He (great is His throne) grant you with all the good health and inshallah my br/sis you find the help you need. You are not alone in the troubles of this dunya, everyone goes through hardshiip, be it today or be it tomorrow. There is an Arabic saying "yawmun lek, wa yawmun alaik", (a day for you and a day against you). So you are not alone dear one, make duaa and be with Allah, and your heart will find ease.

(please correct my translation of the saying if there's anything wrong...)


Junior Member
Dear sister, Assalaamu Alaykum :) May God ease your fears, quiet your fright and cure what ails you. Don't keep guessing and worrying, sister. Go to a doctor and get a checkup. Make this supplication while you're being diagnosed, "O God! I seek refuge in you from worry and sadness, from disability and laziness, from stinginess and poverty and from debt and defeat."

If you are diagnosed, God forbid, go through the treatment and make this supplication, "O God! Cure me. You are the one who cures. No cure is there but Yours. A cure that leaves behind no ailment."

salaam alaikom
totally agree with you brother Ayman i told you earlier i am so touched by your words
so sister or brother dont waste your time thinking about whats going to happen life is so precious

life is like a view from the window
you cant change the window even if you dont like it
but you can change the way you look at it
then you will see how beautiful life is


Junior Member
Brothers&Sisters A.Aleykum i am in tears as i write this so please make dua for me and may Allah bless you sooo much.i feel like i just want to die and go back to Allah.My problems started after i went to see a dentist in december last yr. I thought he was good but keep getting sick since and nw i fear the worst.what if i contracted some horrible disease like HIV??My whole life has literally come to a standstill.i'm praying&making dua please do the same for me.jazakallah khayran.


Learn and make this duaa on the pain area. Say it from the heart once you learned it.

117. What to say and do when feeling some pain in the body
‘Place your hand at the site of the pain and say:

بِسْمِ اللهِ (ثَلاثاً)

Bismil-lah (three times)

‘In the name of Allah’ (three times)

…the supplicate seven times:

أَعُوذُ باللهِ وَقُدْرَتِهِ مَنْ شَرِّ مَا أَجِدُ وَأُحَاذِرُ. (سبع مرات

aAAoothu billahi waqudratih min sharri ma ajidu wa-ohathir. (seven times).

‘I take refuge in Allah and within His omnipotence from the evil that I feel and am wary of.’ (seven times)

And Surah Fatihah has been mentioned to cure as well.

May Allah cure you and your family from any illness and burden and return you and your family to the best of health.


Um Ibrahim

Alhamdulilah :)
Brothers&Sisters A.Aleykum i am in tears as i write this so please make dua for me and may Allah bless you sooo much.i feel like i just want to die and go back to Allah.My problems started after i went to see a dentist in december last yr. I thought he was good but keep getting sick since and nw i fear the worst.what if i contracted some horrible disease like HIV??My whole life has literally come to a standstill.i'm praying&making dua please do the same for me.jazakallah khayran.

Walaykum Salam,

May Allah keep all worry and saddness away from you. I pray that Allah keeps you save, healthy and protected always...Amin:tti_sister:

And please, do take all the right advice like going to the doctor, Insha'Allah. Don't drive yourself crazy with what if's.

Salamu Alaykum


Muslim Unity...
May Allah swt mke things easier 4 u
inshallah may he giv u the strength
And i will mke dua 4 u inshallah
please take care of urslef and dn't put
that much pressure on urself
what eva Allah wishes will happen
so jus pray 2 him n he'll help u inshallah
I am hoping for things 2 become much better soon inshallah
May Allah swt reward u for difficulty u hav 2 go thru


New Member
millions die every year from poverty and Allah does not save them.
people die in wars every day and Allah does not save them.
Praying did nothing to help save these people... what makes you think that you're so special that Allah will help you?

how long will it take people to realise that praying does aboslutely nothing. The only effect it can have is a placebo effect.

I really hope for you that this is not HIV. But if it is, dont expect any help from your friend in the sky


Left long ago
millions die every year from poverty and Allah does not save them.
people die in wars every day and Allah does not save them.
Praying did nothing to help save these people... what makes you think that you're so special that Allah will help you?

how long will it take people to realise that praying does aboslutely nothing. The only effect it can have is a placebo effect.

I really hope for you that this is not HIV. But if it is, dont expect any help from your friend in the sky

Asslam u Alaikum,

Allah does not help those who do not help themselves

Brother/Sister n20.....You are in terrible need of your own help


Junior Member
millions die every year from poverty and Allah does not save them.
people die in wars every day and Allah does not save them.
Praying did nothing to help save these people... what makes you think that you're so special that Allah will help you?

how long will it take people to realise that praying does aboslutely nothing. The only effect it can have is a placebo effect.

I really hope for you that this is not HIV. But if it is, dont expect any help from your friend in the sky

well i guess you are the one who needs our prayers so let me pray for you that may Allah guide you to the right path and then you will be able to feel the sweet taste of imaan and make sure that Allah always with us even you
may Allah forgive and guide you


millions die every year from poverty and Allah does not save them.
people die in wars every day and Allah does not save them.
Praying did nothing to help save these people... what makes you think that you're so special that Allah will help you?
:salam2: first of all. we never says that allah will giv eternal life to righteous people in this world, nor we muslims ever says there will be more than one life in this earth, and in qur'an(the holy book) says.."each soul will taste death".and if u r not a psycic, our lord promises death to each person and promises to rewrd us with paradise in HEREAFTER. u must have a look at wat weare talking again and again, we are talking about the rewards allah gives us in hereafter, and if u r in a gud stateof mind, u should know all the beleivers and non-beleivers will die. even one day YOU WILL DIE. its not for only muslims.and about help, allah helps us who calls for him to help, and who helps them themselves.ppl like u needs to help ur self then onlu allah will help u.

how long will it take people to realise that praying does aboslutely nothing. The only effect it can have is a placebo effect.

I really hope for you that this is not HIV. But if it is, dont expect any help from your friend in the sky
how do u know praying has no effect, HAVE U EVER PRAYED??, we know wats the effect of praying, we know wat it is. who r u to say that, only those who pray knows wat it is like to worship the lord,...
and as a reminder we do not beleive that everythng will be in the best way in this life as i mentioned b4.this is a test, and it is the decree of allah,and we accept and obey he knows wats best for us,and we do not.


Junior Member

Allaah tests the Muslims in different ways. InshaAllaah may Allaah cure you and make your days be joyful and give you all that is good in this life, but the BEST InshaAllaah in the Akhirah, ameen Ya Rabb!!


Please make du'a for me too. InshaAllaah click on the attached thumbnail below because there is a hadith that i would like you to read InshaAllaah. : )


  • n592772414_122474_6011.jpg
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Junior Member
salam alikom brother n20

How dare u say sth like this ??????????? really u make me nevrous????????? if u are not muslim and sure u have no idea about islam least show some kind of
respect to people who are going to read ur disguise answer!!!!!!!!!!!

la ilaha illa allah i can't imagine that there are people who join us here and have this kind of thinking im so sorry brother..................

salam alikom

Roby Rahman

Junior Member

You are in my duah
I pray that ALLAH swt make things easier for you.
And please do not forget to remember ALLAH swt throughout every moment of your life, for this life is just a test.
:salam2: You have made me stressed out for you. may Allah protect you and inshaallah there will be nothing wrong with you. Allah is with you always remember that. Please go to a doctor and get yourself checked and please keep us posted. May Allah make it easy for you.
:salam2: Bro or sister n20. I dont know what kind of christian are you to say something so bad. How can u see a fellow human being suffer.


New Member
You claim in your profile that you're Christian, yet you have no compassion for a fellow human being in suffering. The reality is that you are a typical resenter who thinks he figured it all out. You are an atheist in disguise and a cynic at that.

Your friend in the sky, however, has enough patience to last your entire lifetime and He waits for you to go back to Him and apologize. I hope that you do that someday before it's too late.

No I am not a Christian.

The reason why im saying this is because i DO care about my fellow human being. I even said that i hope it is not cancer in my orignial post.

At the end of the day, as you all said, Allah tests people in different ways. As Allah is all powerful, im sure he already knows the fate of this individual. So really, what use will praying do? Are you really that self-righteous to think that us mortals can influence Allah's decision by praying?


New Member
im sorry if my original post sounded harsh. I really hope that it is nothing serious. Honestly i do. And i appreciate everyones messages to me praying allah guides me.

I want to see God but im blind. I want to believe in God but i cannot. If i were to say i did believe in God then i would be lying (which is a sin). Im in a loose loose situation.


Muslim Unity...
im sorry if my original post sounded harsh. I really hope that it is nothing serious. Honestly i do. And i appreciate everyones messages to me praying allah guides me.

I want to see God but im blind. I want to believe in God but i cannot. If i were to say i did believe in God then i would be lying (which is a sin). Im in a loose loose situation.

:ma:for being honest... May Allah guide u inshallah And protect u
n us all Ameen :wasalam: