Warning: Avoid Secret Sins!


Hubbi Li Rabbi
Staff member

A short but VERY informative lecture by Sh. Mohammad Al-Arifi (my all time favorite) about a *critical* topic..please watch it!..inshallah it will be of benefit to you all!..



May Allah shade us with His Pleasure in the dunya and the akhirah..Ameen!



و عليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

جزاك لله خير اختي
مؤثر ومفيد جدا


Hubbi Li Rabbi
Staff member
و عليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

جزاك لله خير اختي
مؤثر ومفيد جدا

و اياك حبيبتي في الله..و بارك الله فيك و احسن اليك

و عليكم السلام و رحمة الله و بركاته


I like how they put the translation with the speech, in sha Allah, we see more and more, like this.

wa jazakum Allahu khairan,



Assalamu Alaikum

:salam2: ,
May ALLAH SWT reward you for this post. Mashallah those were very good reminders.

Jazakallahuma Khair



MashaAllah very beneficial Mohammad Al-Arifi is one of my favorite too
Baraka Allahu feeki wa Jazaki Allahu khairan kathiran fe dounia wal akhira



Hubbi Li Rabbi
Staff member


I like how they put the translation with the speech, in sha Allah, we see more and more, like this.

wa jazakum Allahu khairan,


Wa iyak akhi..I was impressed with the translation as well..very nicely done..thanks for watching akhi..wa baraka allaho feek!

Asalamu alaykum

:ma: it's very beneficial. jazak Allahu khayra ukhti for sharing:hearts:


:salam2: ,
May ALLAH SWT reward you for this post. Mashallah those were very good reminders.

Jazakallahuma Khair

Wa Jazakoma Allaho Al-Jannah..alhamduliallah you both benefited from this lecture..baraka allaho feekoma


MashaAllah very beneficial Mohammad Al-Arifi is one of my favorite too
Baraka Allahu feeki wa Jazaki Allahu khairan kathiran fe dounia wal akhira


Wa jazaki allah kolla khair..wa ahsana ilayki fil dunya wal akhirah!..it's great that you favor Sh. Al-Alrifi as well!!! :)..mashallah..he's SO knowledgable..very affective lecturer indeed!..may allah bless Him!..Ameen!..baraka allaho feeki for taking the time to watch ukhti
