Going to the prom..


Junior Member

InshaAllaah all are doing well :)

My college finishes next month and so they are going to have an 'The end of year prom'.

I remember back when I was in year 10, my older sister was in year 11 and they had a prom. My sister could of taken me, but I decided not to go. Then when I was in year 11, after our GCSEs, our year did a prom and all my friends were going and the majority of my friends are Muslim. I'm not judging, but I was kinda shocked because one of my good friend who is an athiest didn't go. Her reasons were that what is the point and we're not in america etc. She also thought it's a waste of time.
Anyway, still many of my Muslim friends went, and they usually cover but on that prom night they were wearing like sarees, lengha, kameez etc! And some even danced on stage with bollywood music infront of everyone.
One of my friends even drank from a fruit punch which actually had vodka in it (but she didn't know)
Also, my secondary school was a girls school and so on the prom night many girls got their boyfriends or boys that they chose to take to the prom. And someone even spicked one of the fruit punches :S
Many people got drunk and just lost their minds. There was music blearing out and boys and girls were mingling and dancing together.
Ohhh yhh and the headteacher of the school didn't allow the students to enter the hall unless they give him an admission fee.. and that was a kiss on the cheek! eeewww! lol
Anyways there were many fitnah present that night and I'm happy I didn't go. Though I will say back then deep down I did feel a teeny tiny incy wincy bit left out coz everyones having fun and partying and stuff and i'm at home. But then again I don't care because it's haram fun, right? And I remember after the prom all my friends were talking about it and stuff which kinda made me feel left out.
And I remember last year when i went sixth form they were planning a boat party at the end of the year and i decided to go because i thought "we're gna be on a boat, that's sooo cool" lol but then one of my practicing friends told me that its gna be haram because boys, alcohol, free mixing, music etc. : ( So I didn't go!
Anway, so this year they are doing another prom in my college and last week a girl in my class who is a student rep told me to come and i was like naah, and she was like it would be fun but I'm not going to go because it's not my thing. But wouldn't you feel kinda left out, because at the end of the year everyone is celebrating because of what they achieved etc, and then we can't because the way it is done is haraam.
Does anyone else out there face or have faced a similar situation? What are ur views and opinions regarding all this?

InshaAllaah looking forward to the replies :) Fi amaan Allaah.


Junior Member

good thread :) we have a prom as well and i aint going....i would never go to such events anyway...in fact i try to avoid even talkin to the opp sex at school cos there's just so much fitnah in schools nowadays..

so what i decided is that me and my mates will get together and go 'go-karting' instead..i think thats a perfect solution for a bunch of teenage guys... :D

plus i personally dont even like going into town cos of all the music...i couldnt possibly hack a prom..lol

personally i feel these kind of events are just ways of advertising fitnah..astagfirullah and we should as muslims and followers of the prophet s.a.w stay away from such events.

i hope you enjoyed reading my opinions :) :)



Praise be to Allah!
As salamu alaikkum, Wow Im glad to know I am not left out as well lol :) 2 Years back just before my gcse I remember this very prom and I remember people forcing me to come, and it would be fun, limosines and on n on, yet something stopped me, and I do not know what. I was less practising then, but yet kept up with my obligations in Islam. But something told me that this is shaytaan disguised in the form of friends at that time. Though my friends sounded very nice and convincing, something told me that shaytaan is in them. Many people who used to pray and that went and when they used to talk about it, I did used to feel left out, but when I came to find out about all the haram things that went on, I thought to myself, Alhamdulillah out of 1000's of students from the school, Allah T'ala, Glory be to Him, chose to guide me. And I always thought about that prom, of how Allah subhana wa t'ala chose to guide only me, when the entire year 11 was there and some year 10's (Don't know what they were doing there). I am glad to know that you understand this is haram, and really things like these are what shaytaan is waiting for. He is waiting for us to fall into traps like this, because he knows he cannot make us fall into kufr, so he tries to drag us down into Major sins, surely it is Allah azza wa jal who guides. And yes this year they are doing that as well. People going on about how this is the final year and missing everyone, and free mixing has become more widespread due to this fact in my college. Even last week we gave a friday khutbah warning people against music and this prom. We done newsletters and gave it out as well. Our job from our side was done as part of the college, we gave the message and now it is for Allah to guide the people. Subhanallah this is like one of them ALL-IN-ONE games kind of thing, where all the haram is all in one night. Free mixing, music, dance, women putting their haya out on sale, alcohol etc. Subhanallah.

Once again think back at how Allah subhana wa t'ala chose to guide you mashallah, and I feel very happy for you. I guess we both owe a lot of good deeds to Allah subhana wa t'ala just for saving us from this major fitnah. For if we were to see the punsihments of this major fitnah, then we would have hated what we see.

LOL I mostly never even try going around high streets most of the times, due to the fitnah there, let alone the prom. Probably you could get some mates and go for a talk in some masjid or something hehe :) (Not late at night or anything though). I am not very fussy about leaving college, apart from the brothers I have been with. But I will be keeping close in touch with them like everyday anyways, so not a problem, because all my mates are local, alhamdulillah. But the only thing I might miss from college is, the prayer room, the bun and humous we ate on friday afternoon, and the bengali chicken shop we used to go after college :p I probably might miss the chicken shop more than the college itself hehe

Anyways let us thank Allah subhana wa t'ala for guiding us till this point and keeping us away from some major sins. May Allah subhana wa t'ala help keep our brothers and sisters away from this filthy thing called "Prom" and May Allah subhana wa t'ala forigve us from our sins that we commit knowlingly and unknowingly, ameen. Fee Amaan Allah


never been to a prom in my life... lol :D
I been going to islamic Secondary school lol.. no such thing as proms lol

sorry sis, cnt help u out on that one :redface:
i never even knew we do this kinda things in life lol.. Welcome to reality me eh?! lol
just me and my madrassa lol oh and my food lol :D

Take care


Praise be to Allah!
never been to a prom in my life... lol :D
I been going to islamic Secondary school lol.. no such thing as proms lol

sorry sis, cnt help u out on that one :redface:

Take care

:salam2: is your islamic secondary school around east london?? Cos we looking for a descent one around here for my little sister inshallah.


make dua 4 ma finals
Assalaamu Alaikum:)
well, we just had our prom a week ago I think and I did not go:) I have some NON-Muslim friends and they wanted me to go, but I said no because I dont want go and it's against my religion so they respected that. I did not feel left out because in my school most of the kids that went were NON-Muslims and almost all(some went) of my Muslim brothers and sisters did not:) AlhamduliAllah, but yea even the teachers tell kids to make the *right decisions* lol, but I guess some of them just dont! may Allah guide each one of us and protect us all from all kinds of evil.ameen
GOOOD topic! dont feel left out sister, you have us here:)
Allah hafiz now and always:)


:salam2: is your islamic secondary school around east london?? Cos we looking for a descent one around here for my little sister inshallah.

Nope, you woould have to send her to leicester ;)

i promise i wd take care of her lol :D
i hope inshaAllah u find a Decent school for ur sis soon


Wa alaykum salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh ukhtiiii

MashaAllah great thread!!
In my school they actually have organized a prom for next wednesday inshaAllah lol and all my classmates are excited about it and cant wait for it subhanaAllah. They want to play football with teachers and then at 8 PM begin music, dance and all that stuff, of course mixed, and with alcoholic drinks :astag: and thats till 2-3 AM. SubhanaAllah instead of praying tahajjud!! but no they want to have "fun" before the exams. :girl3:
the thing is that they know that i dont go to proms (and never ever went alhamdulillah) and they still insist to see me there and even the teachers keep on asking me to go as i wont see them again after this year inshaAllah.
Im just so shocked because when i said i wasnt going then they all looked down on me and said i was backward and weird lol

speak to you soon ukhtii
love you filLah



Praise be to Allah!
Nope, you woould have to send her to leicester ;)

i promise i wd take care of her lol :D
i hope inshaAllah u find a Decent school for ur sis soon

Erm well my mother wont send her lol thats the problem :p But inshallah I will try find out. Does your school teach according to like one madhab or ???


TRUST in Allah [SWT]
walaikum assalam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, dear sister.

ahh... i'm still in high school, in'sha'Allah, this year is going to be the last one and graduation is coming in two more weeks, in'sha'Allah. some people are still disappointed in me that i didn't take my senior picture, going to the prom which already took place some weeks ago, going to seniors picnic, and attending the honor roll breakfast. i don't really participate alot in school. i mean, come on, i don't even wanna waste my time doing all these. besides, most of them are against the commands of Allah SWT. so many people were trying to convince me to go, but i still decline them all. xD what are they gonna do anyways? beat me up to go? :] just kidding. basically, i have no interests in going to such events at school and have no regrets for not going.

anyways, don't feel left out, in'sha'Allah. remember who you're doing this for, sister. :]


Erm well my mother wont send her lol thats the problem :p But inshallah I will try find out. Does your school teach according to like one madhab or ???

Yup one madhab, your mum wont send her.. We dont even have any pets in the house, i can assure you lol :D


Assalamu Alaikum


InshaAllaah all are doing well :)

My college finishes next month and so they are going to have an 'The end of year prom'.

I remember back when I was in year 10, my older sister was in year 11 and they had a prom. My sister could of taken me, but I decided not to go. Then when I was in year 11, after our GCSEs, our year did a prom and all my friends were going and the majority of my friends are Muslim. I'm not judging, but I was kinda shocked because one of my good friend who is an athiest didn't go. Her reasons were that what is the point and we're not in america etc. She also thought it's a waste of time.
Anyway, still many of my Muslim friends went, and they usually cover but on that prom night they were wearing like sarees, lengha, kameez etc! And some even danced on stage with bollywood music infront of everyone.
One of my friends even drank from a fruit punch which actually had vodka in it (but she didn't know)
Also, my secondary school was a girls school and so on the prom night many girls got their boyfriends or boys that they chose to take to the prom. And someone even spicked one of the fruit punches :S
Many people got drunk and just lost their minds. There was music blearing out and boys and girls were mingling and dancing together.
Ohhh yhh and the headteacher of the school didn't allow the students to enter the hall unless they give him an admission fee.. and that was a kiss on the cheek! eeewww! lol
Anyways there were many fitnah present that night and I'm happy I didn't go. Though I will say back then deep down I did feel a teeny tiny incy wincy bit left out coz everyones having fun and partying and stuff and i'm at home. But then again I don't care because it's haram fun, right? And I remember after the prom all my friends were talking about it and stuff which kinda made me feel left out.
And I remember last year when i went sixth form they were planning a boat party at the end of the year and i decided to go because i thought "we're gna be on a boat, that's sooo cool" lol but then one of my practicing friends told me that its gna be haram because boys, alcohol, free mixing, music etc. : ( So I didn't go!
Anway, so this year they are doing another prom in my college and last week a girl in my class who is a student rep told me to come and i was like naah, and she was like it would be fun but I'm not going to go because it's not my thing. But wouldn't you feel kinda left out, because at the end of the year everyone is celebrating because of what they achieved etc, and then we can't because the way it is done is haraam.
Does anyone else out there face or have faced a similar situation? What are ur views and opinions regarding all this?

InshaAllaah looking forward to the replies :) Fi amaan Allaah.

:salam2: ,
I think you have made a good decision, I'm sure few years down the line you will not regret it and feel proud of your decision as brother Thariq.


Praise be to Allah!
Yup one madhab, your mum wont send her.. We dont even have any pets in the house, i can assure you lol :D

Ah How can i get her to come there then. If like you had a cow, then she would have had a good company there. Oh well now, too late sister. Let me know when you people open a farm ;)


Ah How can i get her to come there then. If like you had a cow, then she would have had a good company there. Oh well now, too late sister. Let me know when you people open a farm ;)

She likes cows too? lol, trust me, i'll be a good sis to her, so u can send her down lol :D mind you its good to be in the company of humans too :tongue:

open a farm... sure thing.... I'll let u know lol,


Praise be to Allah!
She likes cows too? lol, trust me, i'll be a good sis to her, so u can send her down lol :D mind you its good to be in the company of humans too :tongue:

open a farm... sure thing.... I'll let u know lol,

No she doesn't like cows, she is one. Well thats what I call her anyways :p She will destroy your kitchen over night and make your parents go bankrupt over night ( I still don't know how we managed to bring her up lol). But yeah thats her for you :p


No she doesn't like cows, she is one. Well thats what I call her anyways :p She will destroy your kitchen over night and make your parents go bankrupt over night ( I still don't know how we managed to bring her up lol). But yeah thats her for you :p

Now thats meeaann lol :D
how can u call her a cow?! lOoOoooll.. go apologies to her now lol :D
shes my sis, and im not a cow surely, so she cant be one either ;)

Destroy my kitchen... We'll be partners in crime lol.. i like my midnight feasts lol,
parenst go bankrupt hahaha ...... how u guys managed to bring her up?! im shocked she's putting up with you :tongue:
I am officially on your sister's side! :D lol


Praise be to Allah!
Now thats meeaann lol :D
how can u call her a cow?! lOoOoooll.. go apologies to her now lol :D
shes my sis, and im not a cow surely, so she cant be one either ;)

Destroy my kitchen... We'll be partners in crime lol.. i like mt midnight feasts lol,
parenst go bankrupt hahaha ...... how u guys managed to bring her up?! im shocked she's putting up with you :tongue:
I am officially on your sister's side! :D lol

Whats wrong with a cow??? Come on man its a nice animal :cool: Well she eats like one anyways, moves around like one, and has a very slow reaction like one as well :p You never know sis, the cow of yours is probably still maturing.

Its not just about destroying the kitchen, the problem is you wont be able to get your kitchen back ever, it might even go extinct.

I know I am quite impressed about how we managed to bring her up. 12 years is a lot :p I deserve a Guinness world record...

P.S Its too early for you to jump on her side man, seriously cmon. Just stay in the middle will you.


Nice thread!

When I was in middle school it was horrible for me!!! Proms parties trips you name it... I stayed away from all of that... My father was strict... And I was the only Muslim girl in that school. Life was tough for me..but wallahi looking back I don't regret anything. Alhamdulilah as for high school... I was in an Islamic environment the whole
Four years and the teachers and staff really came
Up with great 'halal' LOL things for us to do.

You have made excellent choices sister. You're almost finished so conclude with another excellent choice. You are
Not missing anything but haram.

Take good care



Staff member
assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,

to cut a Long story short>

I hated school, and I did not like going.

There were Muslims, but they were just Muslim by name.

Imagine not listening music, or caring about movies from the age of 11....I stopped celebrating my birthday from age of 9, (was my own choice) and then imagine 5 years of going to a place where everyone, including teachers are ignorant, selfish and arrogant.. (even though it is meant to be one of the best schools in the whole UK)..

Sometimes, I would get teased because I cared about Islaam. People would make fun of what was halal or haram, and they would curse Allaah and the Prophet :saw: to get at me.. they would make fun of Islaam. The Muslims would call me "preacher boy" for telling them to come with me to pray.

So, I skipped school a lot, and nearly each morning I was late... or I just did not go.

I could not and did not want to copy them or be like them, nor be like the Muslims who imitate the disbelievers..

So, you did the right thing, you did not miss out on anything.

Some people so foolish, they will copy whatever other people are doing, even if that means drinking so much that they wake up in a pile of their own vomit the next morning.

wasalamu alaykum