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  • wa alaikum salaam sister muslimah86, i can understand and its ok. no worries. i dont have any grudge for anybody on TTI forum (including you). well, regarding my post closed, it was written in its fate :).
    :salam2: sis
    awwwwwww sis thanku for such a sweet msg
    *(for some reason I remember *you* the most from here..*
    aww sis really..u r so sweet..same here...when i feel down i am like lets msg sis muslimah 86....i love you sissssssss
    i am getting betterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr from the mercy of ALLAH...My pain is 90% gone...yayyyyyyyyyyyy...thanks to ALLAH
    u r lucky..no studies..he he..i am studying in the summer while my siblings are fininshing school in like 2 weeks..:girl3:
    gotta go now sis
    inshallah i will write more
    love u sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much...
    walikum salam
    Asalam alikum my dear sis
    how r u?
    how are ur studies?
    haven't talk to u in a while..miss u alot
    sis i don't know what it is about ur posts...they give me hope..or strength....
    May ALLAH bless u an dgrant u janat ul firdous
    I love u sooooooooooooooooooooooo much for the sake of Allah
    take care of ur self
    walikum salam
    heheehe... priorities..hhahaha.. no comment :D:D

    Im off to madrassa again now lol.. i really think im gona becum bold due to stress OR i might grow a few grey hairs lol :D loOoOoOoOoll :)

    hope u had a super duper day so far inshaAllah :)
    Take care dear sisterr

    i love u too ukhtii fillah :)
    May Allah bless u always..Aameen

    Well ofcourse it makes snese dear! :D:D
    aawww.. u have a headache..? :( im sorri to hear that,,.. may Allah give u shifaa kaamilah! Ameen ya Rab :)

    Alhumdulillah im not too bad either :)

    Busy with what sorry..? did i read wedding plans..? Sis who u kidding i dont have tym to think about that as of yet! loOoOoOoll :D
    my exams are cumn up and im trying to revise my socks of lol :D please make dua for me

    Aameen to your duaa ukhtii.. May Allah bless u and ur family and may He bless u with Jannatul firdaws :)

    Take care my dear sister
    i am off now.. backs hurting me lol, got madrassa tomorrow so gotta get my stuffr ready inshaAllah.. iron my abaya.. etc etc.. lol :D:D

    jazakAllah kahir for putting a smile on my face ukhtii.. :)
    Wassalaam :D:D
    As-salaamu'alaykum sisterr :D:D

    how are u keeping..? thinking of u so i thot id leave u a short message :)
    hope u dont mind inshaAllah

    Dont worri if u cnt message back :) its fine just wanted to check how u are
    i feel like im ur doc. lol "check how u are" lol :D oh u know wat i mean sis

    luvya sis fillah
    tc inshaAllah

    Wassalaam ~
    Oh wow! i'm soooo jealous! why didnt i think of this?!!!! it just goes to show how much better you are than me tabarakallah.

    May Allah keep your iman safe and sound until inshaallah we meet in jannah for we might never meet on earth.

    Most importantly I LOVE YOU FOR ALLAH'S SAKE my dear sister and i pray that we'll be counted amongst those under the shade inshaallah.
    :salam2: my beloved sis. No apology is accepted.I love you for the sake of Allah,and by allah you don;t have to apologise.
    JazzakALLAH khairan kathira.May allah swt keeps us all steadfast in our din and iman.ameen ya rabbal alameen.
    Lov u always for the sake of allah.
    walaikumussalam warahmathullah wabarakaath.
    As Salaam Alaikum sis,

    sis, i have to say this "apology rejected"!!
    well well i dont think u need to apologise my dear sis.... :):)
    i love u 2,(3,4 ...... still counting) all for the sake of ALLAH SWT!!!

    Jazakillah Khiran Kathiran Kathiran for these golden words...
    plz keep them coming...:)
    take gud care of urself and all around u
    and "Keep :)ing"
    Assalam Alaykum wrb dear ukhti,

    JazakAllah khair for the hadith :) Sorry if I haven't been in contact with you but I hope you are well there insyaAllah? Everything going alright I hope? InsyaAllah, I hope for the best for you ukhti! I love you too fi sabilillah!!


    May Allah bless you Jannah!
    jazallah khair habibti,
    my beloved sister jazakallahu khaiyr
    and you know what i love you sooooooooooooo much
    aswel for Allah's sake!!!!!! Ukthi take care
    Asalam Alaikum sis
    sis thank you for sharing such a beautiful Hadith.I love you too very mych for the sake of ALLAH.
    May ALLAH bless you and grant you janat ul firdous.Ameen
    walikum salam
    As selamu aleykum beloved sister

    jazak Allahu ckair :) I love you too for the sake of Allah habibti. May Allah give you all the best in this world and in the other world inshaallah

    ve aleykumselam
    Wa-alaykuma salaam my dear:hearts:

    Masha Allah! that was an incredible hadith. Honestly my deasr sis, i do love you too for the sake of Allah subhana wata'ala. May Allah reward you for your kindness toward us all amiin. May we all meet in janah amiin.:hearts:hearts:

    Apologies..? Oh no way sister.. sometimes we just get a little caught up in things :)
    please dont be sorry sister... There is nothing to fogive inshaAllah :)

    I love u 2 For Allah's sake

    Take care

    May Allah Al Wadood Love you to :hearts: I love you too sis very much and Allah is my witness if i have wronged u or offended u ever please forgive me...
    Wa salamu alaykum wa rahmatu allahi wa barakatu :)
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