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  • As-salaamu'alaykum my super duper sweet sis! :D

    Kayfa haaluki?
    Aw sis i miss you msgs SO much are you okii?

    Hope things are all going well for you inshaALlah
    take care

    love u ALWAYS:D
    and i have to say *haha* i beat you to this msg :p

    Wassalaam :D
    alhamdulliah sis i am getting better ....
    as u said *there's no hopelessness when Allah's Mercy prevails over everything *
    he is most forgiving and most merciful...He has made things very easy for me
    jazakallah khair for asking dear sis
    take care
    air hugs
    Asalam alaikum my dear habibi(i think that's how you say it)
    how are u doing sis? is everything okay now...
    I think about u alot..as in u know friends and sisters in islam:D:D..nothing more than that
    oh sis i love u sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much
    here is something for the beautiful,generous,sweet, kind, special sis
    No shadows 2 depress u
    only joys 2 surround u
    many friends 2 luv u
    ALLAH himself 2 bless u
    These r my wishes 4 u,
    for today, tommorrow & everyday
    inshallah talk to u soon
    keep on smiling sis...
    walikum salam
    As-salaamu'alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu wa maghfiratuhu!

    This is to all my sweethearts :)


    May Allah reward you all with the best reward. jazakAllah khair katheer for always being there for me and hearing me out. You guys ROCK!!
    I truly and honesy hope to meet you guys in this duniya. If not, then in the Aakhira! Ameen

    Take care my darlings
    Make dua for me please, i am in dire need of your pious duaas.

    Your Sister Asmaa

    x x x

    P.S sister Muslimah86 i hope u dont mind me "borrowing" ur idea :D

    That was Super duper sweeeeeeeeett!!!!!!!! :D :D
    JazakAllah khair katheeeeeer sis. man!! That makes me feel so special :cool: loOoOoOoOll :D:D

    MashaAllah :D:D
    How'd u do it huh?! How'd u be so nice..? :confused: Whats the secret??!
    cos i wana be just like uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu :D
    mashaAllah ur an ammmmaziiinnngg person sis! :D So good... Alhumdulillah i met you :D

    I love u too sis-perely for Allahs sake :)

    Take care
    wassalaam :D
    awwwwwwwwwww sister..that was so sweet of you...
    I love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu so much for ALLAH's sake...
    mashallah the nasheed is just beautiful just like YOU:hearts:
    take care now
    inshallah talk to you very soon
    Tight squishy HUGS
    aaww sister:D

    JazakaAllah khairan for sharing this with us:D
    it's really beautiful and meaningful!!!!!
    I love you too for Allah's sake!!!!:D

    take care!
    Allah hafiz now and alwaysss:D
    aaaww:D I am happy to kno that u have SMILED!!! may Allah keep u happy and ease ur every pain!ameeen

    dear ukti, No need to apologize:D it's ok....I knew u were having some tough tym n all I wanted to do was to HUG u!! I kno, it's jst pics n words BUT these are all I can do for now!:D AlhamduliAllah:) it makes me happpi to kno that things r lightening UP!!! alhamdulialah:D
    no thanks for something as simple as writing a vm sis!!! there is NOTHING especial I did!!! I love u tooooooooooo for Allah's sake! and Jannah will be our meeting home!!!inshaAllah:D
    u r in my duas sweetyyyy! this will passssssss very soon inshaAllah:) I kno u r strong and with help of Allah u'll go thru this with soo much patience:D
    tc now
    Allah hafiz now n alwaaaaaaaaaaayssss:D
    As-salaamu'alaykum :D :D

    Alhumdulillah i am well... diasappeared.. hmmmmm just trying to hide from you.. loook like im doing a good job eh?! heheheheh :D kidding sis
    its the second time u beat me now! Dang!!

    Nah, dont worry about it man.. its cool :cool:
    How are u..? Hows things going...? it HAS been a long time innit? sowwwii :D

    take care i love u too for Allah's sake :D
    Wassalaam :D
    and I hope whatever you were going through...ALLAH made it easy for you
    and sis i can't find any negative thing to say about the stuff that i was goign through because it has made me a stronger muslimah...I didn't even know what islam was....this *thing* has woken me up and showed me what life is all about
    I couldn't be happier...Air hugs sis...
    thank you sis for your support, kindness, smile and for ALWAYS being there for me
    inshallah if not in this world, we will surely meet in JANNAH..
    I love you sooooo much:hearts:
    take care
    walikum salam wr wb
    walikum salam warahamtullahi wa barakatuho
    yay sis..I was jumping with joy when i read your msg
    I am so happy everything is okay on your side
    yes sis..alhamdulliah i am fine by the mercy of ALLAH..I am feeling muchhhh better...can't complain sis
    awww sis u r such a sweet heart...i wish i could squeeze your cheeks..seriously..I don't know what I would do without your support.....i really don't know..sometimes i think that if i hadn't found you ..i would be alone here..i know i have ALLAH by my side...
    thank you sis for you kind and sweet words....
    i hope to see you here more inshallah
    Assalaamu Alaikum sis:D

    hw r u???
    well,I havent seen u lately and sis Ayesha_r's VM is making me worriiied a bit more abt u!!
    sis......I hope u r ok!
    from the VM below, I think u r having some probs....well, I will keeeep u in my duas!
    may Allah be with u and may Allah help u!ameeen ya rab

    Alah hafiz now and alwaaaaaaaaysss........
    *with every difficulty there comes ease*Allah is there for u dear sis
    Asalam alaikum my dearest ukhti
    how r u?
    is everything okay now?
    I was worried about u...
    sorry as u have been there for through thick and thin and I am not able to be there for u...I want to be but sis i have no knowledge of islam...ALL i can do this make tons of dua for u...
    Please sis if u ever need me ..plz sis..talk to me..
    I love you soooooooooo much
    MAy ALLAH bless you and grant you janat ul firdous.May ALLAH make everythign easy for you.May ALLAH give you patience and strength.Ameen
    take care
    Walikum salam

    Why your summer vocation is stressful ukhti.:shymuslima1:??
    Alhamdolillah this summer vocation is very busy. I am working full time and also taking PHYSICS FOR ENGINEERS CLASS. That class is 4 hour long....and some time i fell asleep. lol....however mashallah i have done extreamly good in the first exam....alhamdolillah

    I pray to almighty allah that He releives your stress ....ameen...

    I hope you are enjoying summer break dear sister.:hearts:

    Sister if you don't mind can i PM you about something. Please let me know asap. Okay inshallah

    There is nothing more noble in the sight of Allah than Duaa.
    walikum salam wr wb my dear ukhti
    alhamdulliah i am fine...just busy with studies and spending time with family..
    sis..don't be sorry...i will make tons of dua for you..MAy ALLAH make everything easy for you sis.AMeen
    I hope you are doign okay..u have done so much for me...don't know what i would do without you
    tight hugs
    love you soooooooooooooo much
    take care of yourself
    hope everythign turns out okay
    walikum salam
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