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  • oh sister.. what you wrote was amazing.. so touching! so nice of you! May God bless you and guide you on the right path! I love you too :D
    ameen,ameen,ameen to ur duas sister!!! I ask Allah the same for u and the ummah:D Ameen
    sister I <3 you LOADS, and i mean LOADS!!!!lol
    Allah hafiz nw and always:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
    aaaawww! soo sweet:D o0h *hug, a very LOOONG tight hug*
    I luv u too:D and thank u soo much for the touching msg:D may Allah make us one of those who r shaded.Ameen:D
    I LUV u and dont worry abt the late reply:D
    Allah hafiz nw & always:D
    Assalamo Alaikum
    Sister how are you?? I have been following your threads for a quite a long time and find good guidelines information for which I pray to Allah SWT to reward you well. Ameen

    Need Prayers

    Jazakallaho khairn
    Assalamo Alaikum
    Assalamu Alaikum sis
    how are youu sis?
    i hope u doing well :D
    i just stoppedby to say salam :)
    wasalamu alaikum
    Asalam alaikum sister
    how are u doing?
    i hope ur studies are good
    inshallah talk to u soon
    love u lots
    take care
    walikum salam
    Asslam u Alaikum wr wb,

    Jazak Allahu Khayra for such a beautiful Dua dear sister. Ameen. May HE (Allah) love you for whose sake you love me.

    Apologies for late reply. May Allah grant you every goodness you may ever wish for yourself. Love you for the sake of Allah,

    :wasalam: sister

    Alhamdolilah now i am fine. I have been also terribly busy because of the finals. No time to be online. But alhamdolilah now the exams are done....HURAYYY....mashallah its a great feeling. Please pray that i get good grades

    Hmmm so your parents extended the vocation. Nice they seem to have a lot of fun. Thats an excellent news. Inshallah you will be also having fun especially when the semester is done..

    Howz parenting going on?

    FI AMANILLAH......:salam2:

    "Be sure We shall test you with something of fear and
    hunger; some loss in goods or lives or the fruits (of
    your toil) but give glad tidings to those who patiently
    persevere. Who say when afflicted with calamity:
    "Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhir raji-oon"

    "To Allah we belong and to Him is our return."

    Sura Al-Baqara, verses 155-157
    :salam2: wrahmathllah wabarakaath my beloved sis.
    You are being missed so much sis, I didn't have much time to visit here,but I remembered u and sister nadia everytime I get ol.Love u so much for the sake of ALLAH and may he make everything in r life easy.
    hope u r doing great....sis pls make sincere du'a for me,to make things easier with me and make me better muslim/.jazzakALLAh khairan kathira.
    :wassalam: warahmathullah wabarakaath
    Assalaamu Alaikum ukhti fiAllah:D
    hw are u doing??
    jst thought I would say salaam:)
    hoping for the best inshaAllah taAla
    Allah hafiz now and always:D
    Lol. stalker. i think i might be a batwoman. i do come on late at night. very late. in fact i'm on a very busy tight schedule. i come home from school and help out my sister and now i have made time for myself. i go to the masjid all seven days of the week until midnight. from 7:30pm to midnight. i'm trying to memorize the quran and complete it as well by the end of the summer. so far i'm enjoying it alhamdulillah. Allah sent down the perfect plan for me. Alhamdulillah.:)
    Asalamu alaykum wrwb.
    *scratcthing head searching for thoughts* agenda? ehem. lol. kidding. yes i remember the agenda. and if you don't hurry up i think i'm gonna turn ehem. ya know.:) Ameen. to your dua. walaykum wasalam wrwb.
    and may the one who's sake you love me for love you as well. ameen.
    lol, I have probably posted b4 I seen your reply!AlhamduliAllah:)
    "they warmed my heart" well, I am glad they did!AlhamduliAllah sister:) iam gonna go check ur reponse:D I always like hw u r on the point with easy logic answers:DZadakaAllah dear fiAllah:)
    *Jazaki Allah Al-Jannah for being keen on helping those searching for the truth* ameen and I ask Allah the same for you dear sister:)Ameen
    Allah hafiz now and always ukhti fiAllah:)
    WSA wr wb
    Assalaamu Alaikum dear ukhti:) HUG
    first of all, how are you doing?? hoping for the best inshaAllah ta'ala
    second, i would like you to take a look at this thread
    sister, this person is looking for the truth, I am not a very knowledgable person, but subahanAllah, I admire the knowledge you have:D so, I want you to respond(if it's ok with you)I knw it's ok and u will LUV to, but I mean if u have time & not busy. Assalaamu Alaikum:D
    Allah hafiz now and always:)
    luv, hug,mwaah:)
    :salam2: sis
    "you always always beat me to the ajer..snap out of it!..jk" ha ha ..u r so funny sis..i will try not to beat u *wink*
    alhamdulliah sis i am doing great ...can't complain
    sis u r here for me see u r right here:SMILY252::SMILY252::SMILY252:
    inshallah sis we will meet in janat with ALLAH's command
    i love u very much
    u r in my heart always
    take good care of ur self
    walikum salam
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