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  • Wa alaikom assalam
    Thanks sweetie I'm fine al7amdulillah , how about you ?

    Keep on ur kindness ^_^
    Thank you , you always ask about me :)
    assalamu alaykum siss how are youlong timeeee
    im good alhamdulillah been bsy with studies hehe..didnt log on tti for ages!! how were ur exams? are u on holidays now?
    inshakkah ur in my duas

    Allah hafiz

    my exam has just begun lol
    marriage is a big all time exam mashallah.
    i am damn busy travelling here and there sorting out my papers for immigarations and allah knows what else.
    glad ur papers are over and atleast someone is free sh8ukran.
    but i love my present life with all the busyness and its hanky_panky.
    love u choti and salam
    salam dearie,
    how are u doing.i was passing by thaught i must drop a hi here(i sound like a taxi driver lol)
    i was bit busy so couldn't keep in touch with ma friends.
    so how are doing?
    Assalamu alaykum
    Alhumdulillah I'm doing very well :hearts: How are youu??
    Aww thankx for keeping me in your duas, they mean alot.

    Ermm...nothings new, everything is same and boring, jkkk. Wats new on ur side. You must be reallyyyy happy skool is done eh?
    /i didnt say leaving ;)

    I just didnt think id be so active on here still :)

    Yeah I'm good Alhumdulillah and how are you hun?

    Nothing new really.... Umm life is boring still :p

    Hows things goin with you?

    lots of love, Asmaa

    ji ji bolo behna app bolo batooni sis:pjab asa karo gi tu khurggosh jaisy kan kehnch kehnch kar hati kay kan bana doon gi:lol:phir aap ko punkhay ki zarrorat bhi nahi:D:D:D

    aray behna na mano mujhey kon sa farq parhta hai:p!!!chalo simple words ma:i was saying have fun;)

    :lol:aur waisay high quality ki cheeze kum hi milti hay:pso take care of you legs.....spare parts nahi hain:p

    have to go behna:(be back wheni'm freee

    i'll miss you choti:(


    :wasalam:wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu:)
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