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  • Oh really?!
    I am soooo sorry.. I hope you get well soon..
    Don't worry u weren't the only one who had a bad and boring day..
    Koi baat nahi.. you will be up and about in no time..! By the way, why did you pick such a time to fall sick?! :(:(
    Get well soon.. mein dua karun ge..
    lol sis!!!! no - there's no problem with the yozzz!!!!!!:lol:
    i like them 2!!!! :D

    lol- i no hey!!!! i'm glad i got off of schoo;- lol- but i still have quite a bit of hw- u know


    but i'm great!!!!!
    how bout u sis!!!
    lotsa love now!!!ol

    lol sis!!!!!!!!!!!!
    nothing much actually- srry 4 being late 2 replyyyyy heeeee!!!!!:D
    i have winter break now!!!!! 13 days left lol!!!!!;)

    how about u sis :confused:
    srry- i do that face every time at the end of a question cuz my question mark key on the keyboard isnt working!!!!!!!!:lol: i'll get it fixed at school though lol:D

    wa alaykum salaam sweeeetiiiie
    im sooo sorry for late reply, i had my final exams :( and it was hectic :( im now DOOOOOOOOOONE :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
    how were your exams?
    how are you
    hows fam
    and pakistan

    im well alhamdulillah, thx for asking
    nothing much these days, just examsn and now 10 days off :D:D:D (and then going back to uni inshaAllah :( thats the sad part of it :( :D:D:D:D )
    love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
    wa salaaaaam
    Ohhhh!! :p haha

    Ohh and I thought you called me shy cuz I am lol, I was wondering how you knew. Believe me I'm sooo shy lol, I cant even tlak to people :p I smile cuz you know its Sunnah :D and they think its so we can start up a conversation right, so when they start talking I just run away :p haha I cant talk, seriosulyy :p I'm extremly shyy

    Ohh and yes you ARE masoom ;) YES YES. I think she was just joking ;) And anywas, I told her no you both are Masoom ;););)
    mine was the same as usual :D nothing's up these days, the same :) hope your doing great! hugs as well, take care <3
    Walaykumasalaam, aww well i'll definitely make dua for you inshAllah. May Allah SWT grant you success in every step of your life. Ameen. What do you study? (If you don't mind me asking.) :) Nice to know you're wokring hard Mash'Allah, keep it up! (InshAllah.)
    Take care :)
    hehe thank*!*!*!

    Yes its veryyyyyy cuteeee!! :p hehe

    Im good alhumdulillah, just starting my work ;) What time is it over there? :)
    I love youuuu!!! And I missed youuuuu!! :hearts:

    Btw, I just love reading the confo between you and sister IslamicGirl24 :p its soo cute! :D hehe and funnyy
    walaikum salam my little sister:D

    im good by Allahs blesing
    how you doing my sweet sister ?????
    nice to hear tat your exams got over !!
    i wish Allah bless you and your family a whole !!!! :tti_sister: :SMILY34::SMILY34:
    Walaykumasalaam :)
    Alhamdolilah, i'm well, and yourself?
    These days..hmm, revision, coursework etc etc. Nothing to interesting, aur aap?
    Please remeber me in your duas, I have exams soon =/
    JezakAllah Khair for always remebering me :hearts:
    awwwww sis!lol- then i hope u do great!!!!!
    :hearts: lol- i wanna cat SOOOOO badly lol!!!!!
    lucky u!!!!:lol:
    tight hug?
    CANT BREATHE!!!!!:lol:
    tight hug 2 u 2 sis!!!!!!
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