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  1. S

    Why do some men do this?

    :salam2: a very beneficial post jazak Allahu chair sister. It is true our religion is not opressing us. When a muslim women is oppressed it is her husband oppressing her not Islam! I would do everything for my husband to make him happy and I would not disobey him but me as a girl I have my...
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    Why do some men do this?

    :salam2: brother weakslave ofcourse noone of us is same like prophet Muhammed s.a.w. But some of us strive hard to be like him and some not.... because some have obviously other role models... I don´t think that any sister here would deny the rights a husband has over his wife. And yes...
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    wake up muslims

    :salam2: thanks for explaining. :wasalam:
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    wake up muslims

    :salam2: you are right brother. I agree with you but it is not only arab-nationalism. It is nationalism in general that is causing us harm. :wasalam:
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    Why do some men do this?

    :salam2: when I read the fatwas´s regarding issues like that I´ve noticed that the scholars are always proceeding from the assuption that the husband is an ideal muslim husband who is responsible-minded towards his family and wants to protect their iman. I´m not judging them. No way. They are...
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    Why do some men do this?

    :salam2: this fatwa confuses me. The husband is sinful if he prevents his wife from visiting her family. but if this is an sinful act then why she still have to obey...? for example if a husband don´t want his wife to wear hijab does she have to obey him....? ofcourse not... Can someone...
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    What do you think now???

    :salam2: this made me so sad. But this is how the world is... it is incomplete. Inshaallah in Jannah there is a happy life for all believers. :wasalam:
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    Wow this disturbs me...

    :salam2: brother Danyal, there is a big diffrence between you and your friend! You are a repenter but he is a sinner! I´m sure you know very well what it means to repent. It is not just a mere lip action what many people and obviously also this brother thinks.... And to be honest.... I...
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    What will you do?????

    :salam2: then first give dawa to your fellow muslim friend before giving dawa to the unbelievers... :) and if Allah guides them to the straight path you can give dawa all together :) May Allah reward you for you efforts. :wasalam:
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    What is the proper thing to do?

    :salam2: when I see muslims -men or women- I always get so exited. Because it is realy rare to see people in school, work or at home who devoted their lifes to God. Once I saw a brother. My companion told him "a little Taliban" because of his clothes but I appreciate him for having the...
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    Are women & marriage evil ?

    :salam2: brothers, if you want a good wife be a good guy by yourselfs! know that every no good woman was made by a no good man!!!! and I´m sorry when I sound rude but I can not laugh about the silly comments of some fools. :wasalam:
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    Let people know what happens there:Must Watch

    :salam2: and..... there is much more we can do except boycotting and praying for the oppressed.... For example... we can just call them! Just dial the area code of palestine and then insert the city code and then just some numbers by chance... 1. dial: 009708 2. then: 20 or...
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    Do you know........?????

    :salam2: First I want to let you know that I´m very glad to read your posts here again. Asja you are a very pure soul. I don´t want to miss you sister. mashaallah. A poem as it was expected from you. simply amazing! Because you yourself are an amazing personality. Hope to see you in Jannah...
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    Is this true in Islam?

    :salam2: when a skeick (I forget his name) was asked about that issue he said it is not premissible but if a women has very thick eyebrows she is allowed to pluck them. I mean what about women with very thick and close knit eyebroes.... It is also premitted for women to remove the hairs...
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    My blog

    :salam2: sister you are a real model for us and for me. Even when you are younger than me. Mashaallah. It is really impressive to see how such stubborn and ignorant heads can soften.... May Allah increase the number of "palestines" in our ummah :hearts: :wasalam:
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    Plz pray for niece

    :salam2: oooohhhhh such a cutie. Mashaallah. Inshaallah she´ll be fine. I´ll pray for her. :wasalam:
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    Funny and sad at the same time...

    :salam2: why is everybody always expressing their sadness or anger on threads like this....? I don´t want to sound rude nor uncomprehending. But it seems that we are trapped in inactivity. It really distrubs me! among this guys called SASO there are also muslims. And even when their...
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    Do you REALLY CARE????????

    :salam2: sugestions by Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid: 1- You have to make du’aa’, and recite du’a’ al-qunoot in your salaah (prayer). 2- Collect charity and send it through trustworthy channels. 3- Support the weak and oppressed in all ways, including the media and the internet...
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    Do you REALLY CARE????????

    This is what everyone can do for the ummah :salam2: no suggestions.... ok I´ll start. start with yourself set an aim what is your aim in life? Can you defenitely say it is to seek the pleasure of Allah....? All other aims should be intermediate aims to reach the ultimate goal. ( be...
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    Do you REALLY CARE????????

    :salam2: sisters and brothers I´m sorry because of my first reply on this thread. It is not correct nor is it a solution to say there is no muslim ummah.... I was too emotional again.... But we are weak. Even if it is fact that we muslims are not small in number and we are all over the...