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  1. S

    Difference in the way of thinking

    Hi septithol, I´m not going to tell you anything so be relaxed. even when I would try to convince you from the opposite of what you believe ( Muslims are aggressive and are not afraid to hurt others) I don´t think you would change your mind. Cuz everybody is looking to the world with his own...
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    Difference in the way of thinking

    :salam2: mashaallah sister a really good question. when there are many ppl who don´t care about Islam in a muslim country, then surelly there are also some serious pious muslims even when they are in the minorrity. my advise would be to look for them.. maybe in your family... maybe in...
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    Which are five biggest problems in your life

    1. to live in a world which is not my world! I mean I can´t bear all the unjust in it... wars, oppression etc... sometimes when I lay down to sleep all of a sudden I see ppl who are suffering and who are oppressed...! 2. I´m extremly sad for the sins I´ve comitted in the past... 3. I had...
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    Is Allah not the All-Just?

    As salamu aleykum my sister rtbour and brother aaiwang. :hearts: alhamdulillah I´m really glad to know that you liked it ve aleykumselam
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    Can Allah punish relatives due to his sins?

    :salam2: jazak Allahu ckair brother for your answer :wasalam:
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    :salam2: no matter what you do, even if you are the most pious most smart most kind most beautiful muslima, she will not be pleased with you... cuz you are not from her nationality...! when someone is acting like she does... I mean so aggressiv and humiliating to others can it not be...
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    İsmail Biçer- MaRvEllOuS (Turkish Qari) ۷۰ _ ۷۳ - الاحزاب

    :salam2: mashaallah very emotional and beautiful recitation. He is one of my favorite reciters... may Allah have mercy with him. jazak Allahu ckair for sharring brother Allah razI olsun :wasalam:
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    Is Allah not the All-Just?

    :salam2: little brother Abdul Hasib now you put a smile on my face again. mashaallah the way you think. may Allah reward you with the highest jannah and gives you success and happiness also in this world my dear brother... jazak Allahu ckair for your kindness
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    Can Allah punish relatives due to his sins?

    :salam2: jazak Allahu ckair brother Ahmed_indian for this interesting topic. this question I asked myself too. even I read the comments of the brothers/sisters I´m confused. cuz alot of things that happened came to my mind.... there was a lady she told me about how her fiance with...
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    Is Allah not the All-Just?

    Wa aleykum selam wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh my dear brother Abdul Hasib, alhamdulilah that we have young ppl like you in our ummah :) jazak Allahu ckair for your comment. yep, you are right, these are questions they can not answer and they are reflecting the reality :) what is immportant...
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    Is Allah not the All-Just?

    :salam2: inshaallah... also jazak Allahu ckair sister *AmatuAllah4lyf* :hearts: :wasalam:
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    :salam2: sister we all commit sins... but never ever ever... and ever ever doubt in the mercy of Allah Subanallahu Teala.... no matter how big your sin is His mercy is much more huge! and He is awara of your sadness now and is surelly glad that you are a repenter! and a bad deed making you...
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    Selamun Aleyküm

    :salam2: foruma hosgeldin :SMILY206: I´m turkish too :) :wasalam:
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    Why this always happen in Masjids ?

    :salam2: it also happened to me so many times (and I´m not a revert)... :( what offended me so much was when ppl didn´t let me know what I was doing wrong but go to a sister and talked about me in a foreign language but I knew they was talking about me....! I was so angry... And I don´t deny...
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    why many muslim men dont support their women?

    :salam2: dear brother, there is not one single country in this world you can call islamic (rulled by the shariya)! also not Somalia and Afghanistan... Somalia is not one cuz they voted for sharia...! but sharia is not something which will established in a country by a vote, it have to be...
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    why many muslim men dont support their women?

    I challenge you and everyone who has same oppinion like you to find a proof from Quran and Sunnah that education is haram for women...! and you will not find a single proof! it is pretty astonishing, how ppl can be so ignorant, I mean didn´t the brothers/sisters here allready bring up so...
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    why many muslim men dont support their women?

    ohhh really? you believe in the guidence of Allah....? I´m surprised now, I thought you don´t have a religion! however Quran and Sunnah are an stronger evidence than any other sources! Do you know that the Prophet (saw) reserved a day in a week for women only just to give them ilm in...
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    why many muslim men dont support their women?

    :salam2: sorry brother I know I was slightly of topic, I know you was not talking about working or studying women but after reading some comments I just wanted to post my oppinion to that... so frogive me please... I just find it very strange to believe, it is not bec I thought you are not...
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    why many muslim men dont support their women?

    :salam2: I disagree wih you (but still you are my brother of course :) ) I asked you for an evidence and you gave me a statistic... but I don´t trust in statistics! the only evidence which I accept is from Quran and sunnah! or will you tell me that this statistic are more correct than the...
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    why many muslim men dont support their women?

    :salam2: I never heared about something like that... why should the husband force his wife to work when they have no financial problems...? but I can understand when he wants his wife to support him financially and go to work! nowadays it is not easy for a single person to cover the...