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  1. S


    :salam2: I agree with sister a_muslimah. not everyone who is born to a muslim family is muslim... many are just muslim by name but don´t really believe in it bec lack of knowledge and ignorance.... I even meat a guy he said he believes in Allah but not the last day.... :wasalam:
  2. S

    Selamün Aleyküm...

    :salam2: foruma hos geldin Zeynep. Ben de türküm ama Almanyada yasiyorum. :hearts::hearts: welcome to the forum. I´m also turkish but I live in Germany. also welcome brother alwafi_5553 :) hope you will benefit from this site. :wasalam:
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    :salam2: first of all welcome to the forum brother :) regarding your friends I would assume that they are not practising muslims ... also some muslim ladys and fellows I know say hijab is not obligatory in Islam... they say it is to be lead back on culture... but it is because they don´t know...
  4. S

    please pray for her

    :salam2: please pray for my sister........ her health situation is not good... her life is in danger.... I don´t want her to die........ jazak Allahu ckair in advance... :wasalam:
  5. S

    Would you prevent your wife from entering the forums ?

    :salam2: brother we can also gain islamic knowledge from the mesjid or school... and in my oppinion it is also much better... but specially this forum tti is so good, not only to gain knowledge, but to be with other muslims... it gives one motivation to keep on praying and doiing good...
  6. S

    Would you prevent your wife from entering the forums ?

    :salam2: no sister Jasmine you don´t need to be sorry at all.... I´ve got nothing against this thread... mashaallah this is so kind of you that you give your best... when it is ok for your husband it would be cool when you keep on visitting... but also try to gain knowledge by visiting the...
  7. S

    May Allahs blessings and piece be upon you!!!

    :salam2: beloved sister Asja please don´t leeave.... I do not believe that you go against Allah´s law, and I think the one who said that to you doesn´t mean like that... and also the moderator surelly have nothing against you personally... it is a whisper of shaytan telling you that...
  8. S

    Would you prevent your wife from entering the forums ?

    :salam2: we don´t know the reason why he didn´t want her to enter forums... maybe there is a justifying reason .. and assumed he just doesn´t like his wife to visit such forums no matter what the reason is, it is ok... this is their business... :wasalam:
  9. S

    Indeed, God is with those who fear Him and those who do good.

    :salam2: jazak Allahu ckairan. excellent post. :wasalam:
  10. S

    In which age is permissible to get marry by Shariah Low????

    :salam2: dearest sister I can not enough say jazak allahu ckairan to you..... I´m sory and I feel more ashamed then you cuz I was the one who caused so much irritation and confusion to you all ..... sorry for this article..... this is a lesson to me next time I will be more carefull...
  11. S

    In which age is permissible to get marry by Shariah Low????

    :salam2: dear brother mhamzah jazak Allahu ckairan first:) to be quite honest I´m not the most knowledgable amongst you... so therefore would it be better for me just to shut up and (now I´m exaggerating) do not participate in anything here because of the fact that I´m not an Alima? :)...
  12. S

    In which age is permissible to get marry by Shariah Low????

    :wasalam: :salam2: :shymuslima1: jazak Allahu ckairan... my sweatheart
  13. S

    In which age is permissible to get marry by Shariah Low????

    :salam2: dear brother Salem did you read the article from beginning to end? and yes he is muslim :) I have a question to you brother, no 2 questions.... how old was Aisha raa when Prophet Muhammed saw died? and how long they stayed married? :wasalam:
  14. S

    In which age is permissible to get marry by Shariah Low????

    no it´s not my own conclusion I´m not that smart, lol :) I read that on german sources once.... After searching I found that on english just for you... I have started a new thread about that topic cuz I never believed the Prophet saw married a child!!! and I want everybody to know that this is...
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    Aisha´s (raa) age at her marriage

    :salam2: sorry for posting this... it is not a reliable source... that´s why I deleted it completely.... jazak allah ckairan to you sister a_muslimah...
  16. S

    In which age is permissible to get marry by Shariah Low????

    :salam2: my little sister jazak Allahu ckairan.... I´m glad when you feel comfortable now... oh and my knowledge has only increased because of your question... :) I love you too for the sake of Allah my beloved sister Asja.... hope to met you in janatul firdevs inshaallah :) :wasalam:
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    aaawwwwww... that is sooo sweeet ....
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    We all need love

    :salam2: amin amin amin. jazak Allahu ckairan sister fada_all for your so kind words.:) :wasalam:
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    talking bad about my hijab :@

    :salam2: I´m totally angry now... oh muslim sisters why you don´t fight back....? If this would happen to me I would go directly to them and ask them to speak to me about what their problem is? Don´t be sad bec of this loosers... it is not important what they think it is important what...
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    In which age is permissible to get marry by Shariah Low????

    the true age of Aisha ra at her marriage :salam2: According to many sources, under it Ibn Kathir, Aisha was 10 years younger then her stepsister Asma. Ibn Kathir reported that Asma witnessed the death of her son in the year 73 after hijra and died few days after that in the age of 100...