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    Leaving Islam

    to live a life for Allah only :salam2: ‏Say: "That my prayers and my rituals or methods of worship , and my life, and my death/time of death, (is) to the creations altogether's/(universes') Lord." (sura Al-An´am:162) Do you believe in Allah? And if so as you imagine God? do you...
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    Test Your Heart

    mashaallah. thanks for the beautiful post
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    Urgent help needed

    رَبَّنَا آتِنَامِنْ لَدُنْكَ رَحْمَةً وَ هَيِّءْلَناَمِنْ امْرِناَرَشَداً (“Rabbenâ âtinâ min ledunke rahmeten ve heyyi’ lenâ min emrinâ raşeden.” ) "Our Lord! Have mercy on us and make things easy for us, and lead us to success" This dua is for success you can recite it. you can...
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    :salam2: wow thanks for sharing. great storry ,teaching us not to look down at people cuz only Allah knows best... :wasalam:
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    How to earn 10 times your wages!

    :jazaak: for your post sometimes we tend to forget the ackira cuz we r to involved in this world. we think how we can better our financial situation and we r sad when we can not afford everything we want but u r so right the currency of the hearafter is what is realy important, it is eternal...
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    I need advise

    selam sister, going out with so JUST FOR FUN is haram you r right but his intention is marriage... isn´t it ok in Islam to talk to get know eachother better? I mean we r talking about marriage and it is for a lifetime not for some month or years... if he would not be serious he wouln´t ask...
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    I need advise

    :salam2: sister u r right. but when there is someone I like then I would offer her to come to the straight pass. Ofcourse the decision is Allah´s. That´s why I wrotte TRY it. I did not say convert her! when there is a king and he sents a present to someone living in another country with his...
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    I need advise

    :bismillah: :salam2:, dear brother u r in a difficult situation so do not rush. Start it off slow. If u love her then u should try to convert her but don´t do it for yourself think at her it is about her eternal future... Nobody in his senses would like it to imagine his loved ones in...
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    I am Seriously Annoyed Now

    Finally it had to be said ....thank u so much for ur post. we sink in our estimation! Otherwise we would never hope that the new President will care about our affairs. No matter who is the President, no mater if it is Bush, McCain, Obama or whoever. the foreign policy of the US will never...
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    Im in too much pain

    :salam2: sister don´t be sad. Your husband told u he knows this girl before marriage.... and no matter what happened in the past it is not important. Important is what is now. u love him and he loves u too.... so forget that and try to trust him. It is bad that he is not praying anymore...
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    The Aafia Siddiqui I Saw

    The Aafia Siddiqui I Saw In the Name of Allâh, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful "I want you to come to know of the concern and dedication that this woman had for Islam as described by those who knew her - a dedication that was manifested by way of actions that were very simple and...
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    Why Muslims are Weak Today

    :salam2: Saddam Husseyn is already dead, no sorry he is a shahid, and Allah knows best! so plz avoid to speak bad about him! and our leaders r like us so when they are bad it means we do something wrong! The message of this article was if we want to better our situation than we have to change...
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    Positive Seiten von Obama

    :salam2: Ich glaube, unabhängig davon wer an der Macht ist, die agressive Außenpolitik der USA, vor allem gegenüber den Muslimen wird sich nicht ändern. Von daher ist es für mich egal ob Bush, Obama oder wer auch immer an der Macht ist. Ob Abu Leheb oder Abu Cahil macht das wirklich einen...
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    Women raped in US Prisons

    long live cehennem for this kuffar doing that to innocents.......... they r not man they r some fool wimps. I will ask Allah 4 revenge. this is my right and I will get revenge for my sisters and brothers..... cuz Allah is the All- Just and Allah is also Al-Muntaqim, the revenge taker...
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    salam to all
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    Jinn- Stories/Experiences

    do you guys know what the devils among the jins (and also humans actually) hate and are scared of? the rightous muslim!
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    :ma: sister you are so right
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    what is your test?

    :salam2: when reading your post I felt like I postet it! It is comforting to know there is so who feels similar like I do. take care brother :wasalam:
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    My article.....:)

    :salam2: jazak Allahu ckairan for ur article sis. I think the difference between the believers and the unbelievers is, that the believers know the truth: there is one God and nothing and noone is similar to him and Muhammed (sav) is his prophet. the difference between the muminin and the...
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    :salam2: Cehennem is more scarry and painful than anything other we can imagine! Question: who can ever overtake Allah the All- Mighty in something? (astagfirullah) No one of coure. and also not in punishing.... in hell there will not only be physical pain the inhabitants have to suffer but...