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  1. Anas_L

    Need to make up missed prayers

    Salamu Alaykum I need to know a list of every time a sunnah prayer is available so I can start making up all my missed prayers. I know I've missed many many prayers, sometimes even deliberately out of laziness. Also, is there a way of calculating how many prayers you've missed? If not, is it...
  2. Anas_L

    Why do Muslims give themselves titles such as Salafi, Sufi and Hanafi?

    I made a thread about this before but apparently it was deleted. Why, just why, just why do Muslims give themselves titles such as Salafi, Sufi, Hanafi and all that? I see noooooooooooo point in it and it's clearly an innovation. So why? Can someone reply to this thread without deleting it?
  3. Anas_L

    Narrate your good dreams

    As salamu Alaykum Good dreams One of my dreams were with my brothers. A group of teenagers were coming to kill us with guns, and I was sitting down quite far away from all of the commotion with a Qur'an in my hand. Can't remember when I woke up but it seemed sooo realistic. When I woke up I...
  4. Anas_L

    I've sat in the presence of a Martyr

    As Salamu Alaykum I don't know if any of you know of a man named Dawood Burbank (May peace and blessings be upon him and his family) who was a British Muslim, known for his translations from Arabic to English. This man (May peace and blessings be upon him and his family) passed away of a coach...
  5. Anas_L

    Question: Brothers' marriage

    :salam: I want to know if it is halal to see your brothers wife and talk to her, because my brother is so restrictive that he doesn't even want his own brothers to see/talk to her. If it's halal I know he still wouldn't... but I just want to know. In the future, if Allah allows me to get...
  6. Anas_L

    I'm dissapointed with my brother

    :salam: It is not my intention to expose my brothers sins but hopefully it will help anyone who would like to give an in-depth answer. If exposing his sins is haram, please remove it ASAP. I went to the local shop at around 7:00pm to buy a phone top-up, and as I was going back home I saw my...
  7. Anas_L

    Daily reminder #5: Your wife

    Previous “A group of three men came to the houses of the wives of the Prophet asking how the Prophet worshiped (Allah), and when they were informed about that, they considered their worship insufficient and said, ‘Where are we from the Prophet as his past and future sins have been forgiven.’...
  8. Anas_L

    Might start university

    I haven't been to school since year 6, and I'm in year 11 now... idk what I'm going to do but inshallah I will have Allah with me. So give me some advice inshallah, any supplications, anything. Jazaks.
  9. Anas_L

    Sunnah Daily reminder #4: Charity

    Previous | Next Did you know that it is obligatory for us to give 2 and a half percent of our wealth to charity per year? Bet you didn't know that there were MANY more ways of giving charity a part from that! Allah admires those who give charity. Hadiths & Ayah's about today's reminder...
  10. Anas_L

    Daily reminder #3: Patience!

    Previous | Next Patience is a virtue which will ultimately lead you to Jannah, so whenever Allah tests you, remember Allah doesn't burden a soul beyond that which it can bear. Indeed Allah tests whom he loves, never loose hope in Allah! Hadiths & Ayah's about today's reminder "O you who...
  11. Anas_L

    Daily reminder #2: Never too late to repent!

    Previous | Next Remember my brothers and sisters, that Allah loves those who repent for their sins. Indeed the best of sinners is the one who repents! Muhammad :saw: used to ask for forgiveness hundreds of times per day. “O my Servants who have transgressed against their souls! Despair...
  12. Anas_L

    Daily reminder #1: Do not waste your time!

    Next This is a true event narrated by a companion of the revert that passed. A brother was invited to Islam by his friend and Alhamdhulilah he accepted the invitation. He took his Shahada and loved Islam. His friend who invited him to Islam couldn't see him for around a year for an unclear...
  13. Anas_L

    Muslim patrols on Non-Muslim streets

    In the name of Allah: Salam alaykum, There has been news and footage of Muslims in the UK ridding the streets of alcoholics and women that are not properly covered. In the footage, they approached men asking them to pour out their beers as they were near our Masjid. The group also approached a...
  14. Anas_L

    Serious Janazah

    In the name of Allah, the Lord of mankind and Jinn and everything else: By Allah's will I will be going to my grandmothers Janazah(funeral) tomorrow. Please give me advice on any supplications and how to actually perform the prayer. Jazaks.
  15. Anas_L

    Sunni, Shiite, Sufi

    In the name of Allah, the Lord of mankind and Jinn and everything else: None of these three sects are mentioned in the Qur'an, so why do we give ourselves the title of either? I refer to myself as just a Muslim. I don't see what the point is in division.
  16. Anas_L

    Brothers Anas

    Salam, I'm Anas, currently 15 but when I registered the minimum year was 1997, so I just went with that. I'm from UK and I joined this site due to constant fitnah I'm involved in on the Internet. To elaborate, I'm sometimes distracted by haram activities such as music. Alhamdhulilah I pray...