All fb users report this page

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Salm alaikum

Again a facebook issue....i don know why....after so much such activities....what makes the muslims to use fb....?....why dont they just give a damn to fb..

I think fb is a satans handywork......clear cut...satans handy work.
The jews/nasaras have made this fb to deviate the muslims.they know that with in Islam,we cant access to bad thinks like disco,alcohol....and they thought that,if the muslims dont do these staffs....they gonna pass us over...coz we have much time to staudy or atleast for they made fb.....astaghfirullah...may be some will call me...what r making Islam so hard...but not sister and brothers....the jews/nasaras are taking....hour from our ppl use fb for hours and hours....(as one mentioned firmville,some will say mafiawar...orsomethong....some will say chatting...hacking...).....millions of muslims....using it for hours....multiply them.....trillions of hours,...where the trillions of hour....we could have recitation of Quran....Salah....or anything..productive ...studying.....
the are nothing just making us busy so that they can lead the world(but at aslower rate...@their style)....they are going to discos,alcohol...parties....everyday and may be once in the LAb for discovery.......but we muslims have enough time and courage to get everyday in Labs for experiment.....we can make our time useful...we can doeven dawah on that time....which can be their they have made this...FACEBOOK

wakeup muslims....i dont know what else the muslims need to abandon it....a really dont understand....the repeated attack on Prophet Muhammad SAWS,....what else they need to leave it...
but i know still one will find another issue of the usefulness of FB,coz definitely its satans handywork...and jews/nasaras are succesful i think....

Jazakallahu Khairan wa barakallahu feeke

Aisha. joyo

When they see that tons of reports have been registered I am sure they would ban it or remove it they do care about ethic and values about users.

So don't think we are promoting it. Its just a matter of click no violence nothing is required so don't worry


Abu-Talib, :angryblue: i don't think they going to ban it or remove it.:angryblue: Also i don't think if they don't care about ethic and values about user's.:angryblue: I having seen alot of thing's that they say abt Islam. Facebook is not like TTI. :(


Junior Member
Well, if it is indeed satan's handiwork, there's a lot of pro-islam sites on there... Some that directed me to lots of useful information for new Muslims.

My main purpose is to re-connect with friends I lost touch with and to share things with my family. If you choose not to do that, that's your choice.

I'll exit here, I don't feel comfortable talking badly about anyone, regardless of their religion.


New Member
Assalamu Alaikum
Everyone can report the page Multiple times...
So report it as spam too and even other options which ever u can.....:tti_sister:


Salam alaikum warahmatullah

there is a Hadeeth of Prophet Muhammad SAWS: (im just mentioning the main point oh hadeeth..not direct quoting....I know inshaa'Allah we know all that)One cant be a Mu'min until he loves me more than his parents,wife and children....and there are many other Hadeeth like that.....
For the sake of Muhammad SAWS and his dignity we should ban fb.....i personally think so....
its just my opinion and my point of not imposing it others....nothing else....and Allah knows the best....

Jazakallahu khairan


Junior Member
:angryblue: i want argue to but i dont want to lose and cause disgrace to islam.


~Salam to all!

sister even google is made by jews. trading with kaafirs is generally allowed. However, if a particular group of kaafirs is doing something specifically to harm islam and muslims then we should boycott them.

btw farmvile is a good game but i get bored quickly.


Google does not belong to The Jews people :) i thought i should straighten this up~sooooo sorry:SMILY259:

Thank you,
Take Care!


Pearl of Islaam
Assalamu allaicum wa raahamtullah wa baraktuhu

Jazzak Allah kahir dear brother/ sister for sharing the link with us. I do not have facebook account, and I can not report this humilating page which is against our beloved ResulAllah sa.w.s., But Inshallah I will share it with my friends who have facebook account.

May Allah stop them for thier bad intentions,and give honour to our Prophet s.a.w.s. on both worlds. amen suma ameen



Junior Member

Well, if it is indeed satan's handiwork, there's a lot of pro-islam sites on there... Some that directed me to lots of useful information for new Muslims.

My main purpose is to re-connect with friends I lost touch with and to share things with my family. If you choose not to do that, that's your choice.

I'll exit here, I don't feel comfortable talking badly about anyone, regardless of their religion.

Same here.


~Salam to all!

Assalaam walaikum,

Sister...we need to be careful. There are many many good Jewish people. We have to be careful that we do not spread hate. Islam is about the Truth.
Here we have one situation wherein a small group of people are being stupid. It is that simple. Let us be mature and either comment or report.
The hate law can be applied here. This is an example of hate. Thus, if FB operates within the US..we can as individuals hold FB responsible for allowing hate to be promoted.

But, we have to be above any hate. We have to be correct. We can not afford to engage in simplistic thinking. We are Muslims. We worship what we worship. Ye worship that ye worship. We walk on the path of Truth.

They will always pick on our Prophet. He is the Mercy and Light of Allah subhana talla. No matter what they do there are over one billion people alive today who are Muslims. And Insha'Allah there will be two billion.

I pray that I have not offened you in any manner.

my love,




I understand sister.You are a very good sister :)
But this is not as a matter of pin pointing but in situation like this i can't imagine The Christians hated our prophet :saw: out of the blue ~Just like that!!!Infact The Christians has very good manners during our prophet Muhammad:saw: days.

In an event that you think Jews are good people please think again,
Watch this

UN: 257 Palestinian children killed in Gaza

Bullets of israel in the hearts of palestinian children

jews did 9 11

The Case of Andrei Youshchinsky

No body hate us more then The Jews themselve
and if you refer to base from the holy qur'an the matter always about The Jews hating,

The Jews killed prophet Zakariah alaihisalam,The Jews killed prophet Yahyaa alahisalam then The Jews killed Maryam binti Imbran(Prophet Isa alaihisalam mother)

So becareful if you think and find near you there are many many good Jewish people please refer to the holy qur'an, sister dear you'll find that they r otherwise.Be very very careful!

This is the truth everybody should know who they really are this in not making up and you can even find this written in the holy qur'an kalamullah.

Take Care!


Junior Member
Sister QueenIslam,

I think you are confusing Zionists with all Jews and you may need to do some research. I was Jewish before converting to Islam and if people were to beleive every word you wrote then the generalization would have applied to me. Also, my family are very kind and gentle people who hate no one, and they are Jews.

I am not sure how a YouTube video could prove Jews did 9/11 (unless you believe every conspiracy theory without actual proof) but I actually lost two relatives when the towers fell. Jewish relatives, mind you.

Zionists are the ones responsible for the killing of Palestinians and while a lot of them are Jews in the since of having Jewish names, they do not practice Judaism and actually break a lot of the commandments by their actions. My family is against the formation of Israel because it goes against their religious beliefs. (they believe that they have been exiled from Israel due to their wandering from the Torah) Also, many non Jews are Zionists such as Christians. Due to the teachings in their new testament, they think that by forming an Israeli state that it will usher in the rapture and such.

Please refrain from painting all Jews with the same brush, they are individuals who are no more responsible for the actions of their ancestors than you are yours. The Jews mentioned in the Qur'an speak of the ones who betrayed Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) and not for all Jews across time. Allah swt is Just and would not cause an entire people to pay for the sins of a few. So please think before you type words against an entire people, they are your fellow human beings and can be guided by Allah swt just as easily as you can be misguided, it is all up to Allah swt.


Junior Member
Oh and as far as FB goes, I won't be part of a program that causes so much Fitnah. I have seen sisters have their images stolen off their FB and messed with, people have destroyed friendships with careless words, and there are so many images of haraam things on FB.

So I don't have a FB, MS or anything else of that nature. Better to not even take the chance, you know?


Fear Allah
Oh and as far as FB goes, I won't be part of a program that causes so much Fitnah. I have seen sisters have their images stolen off their FB and messed with, people have destroyed friendships with careless words, and there are so many images of haraam things on FB.

So I don't have a FB, MS or anything else of that nature. Better to not even take the chance, you know?

And I absolutely agree with you.


Assalaam walaikum,

Sister...not all Christians and Jews hate us. Are there not amongst the Christians and Jews believers? Is this not in Holy Quran?

Please as Sister ShyHijabi has your facts.

We can not be made to be hatemongers. On a deeper level sister..think about this. When we write we have to be sure that which we are writing is absolute. We are going to be held accountable. I can not say I hate something unless Allah subhana talla hates it. Thus I can be good and hate at the same time.

But, we will not be made the scapegoat of the propagandists.

Be careful of what we fight. That is why I wrote choose your battles very carefully. There have been times in my life when I needed guidance and all I could lay my hands on were the Psalms of David. They gave me comfort. And did not Allah subhana talla give David the gift of the psalms.

I am extremely anti-Zionist. But that is a political entity. I have been in protests alongside Muslim, Hindu, Jew, Christian, and Buddhist to stop the madness of what is going on in the middle east. These were people of peace and respect and dignity for all humans.

Please let us use the gift of intelligence.

I pray my words do not offend anyone. They are from my heart.


Oh and as far as FB goes, I won't be part of a program that causes so much Fitnah. I have seen sisters have their images stolen off their FB and messed with, people have destroyed friendships with careless words, and there are so many images of haraam things on FB.

So I don't have a FB, MS or anything else of that nature. Better to not even take the chance, you know?

Salam alaikum warhmatullah...

wise desicion..masha'Allah..alhamdulillah
same here....I also think so..and you may also look for my opinions above...

Barakallahu feeke


~Salam to all!

Sister QueenIslam,

I think you are confusing Zionists with all Jews and you may need to do some research. I was Jewish before converting to Islam and if people were to beleive every word you wrote then the generalization would have applied to me. Also, my family are very kind and gentle people who hate no one, and they are Jews.

I am not sure how a YouTube video could prove Jews did 9/11 (unless you believe every conspiracy theory without actual proof) but I actually lost two relatives when the towers fell. Jewish relatives, mind you.

Zionists are the ones responsible for the killing of Palestinians and while a lot of them are Jews in the since of having Jewish names, they do not practice Judaism and actually break a lot of the commandments by their actions. My family is against the formation of Israel because it goes against their religious beliefs. (they believe that they have been exiled from Israel due to their wandering from the Torah) Also, many non Jews are Zionists such as Christians. Due to the teachings in their new testament, they think that by forming an Israeli state that it will usher in the rapture and such.

Please refrain from painting all Jews with the same brush, they are individuals who are no more responsible for the actions of their ancestors than you are yours. The Jews mentioned in the Qur'an speak of the ones who betrayed Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) and not for all Jews across time. Allah swt is Just and would not cause an entire people to pay for the sins of a few. So please think before you type words against an entire people, they are your fellow human beings and can be guided by Allah swt

as easily as you can be misguided, it is all up to Allah swt.


I have no futher comment and respect your decision :)

I am saying what was coming from the holy qur'an kalamullah and the respective video you witness it.

I need to clarify with you sister that you shouldn't be too sensitive when one mentioned about jews since you are a muslim now and by all mean that you are not a jews anymore!!!please remenber this.Likewise we are from the generation of prophet Adam a.s so please acknowledge.

Then since you mentioned too that u have some jews relative my advice is to becareful cuz you are no longer like them anymore since you say your shahadah.

Jews are still remain jews before,now,then later still jews(yahudi)it make no different if they are not a muslim.So becareful!!!

I am not in my nature of hurting my family in Islam but for their better sake~:tti_sister:May Allah swt guide me~Amin!

:tti_sister:May Allah swt bless upon all muslim~Amin!

Thank you,
Take Care!
~Wassalam :)


Junior Member
Hmmm so basically I just wasted my time. If I was Jew before you are saying I was evil simply by being born into my family. I am now Muslim but that doesn't change the fact that you think all Jews are evil, regardless of their actions and thoughts.

I think you should speak to a scholar about this as you seem to have some very ingrained ideas even though the Qur'an does not state Jews of all time are evil, it specifically addresses a group of Jews. Honestly it was that type of thinking that made me afraid of Islam for so long. It wasn't until I read and learned for myself that I had the courage to convert. Beforehand I felt Muslims were very prejudiced and hateful because of the whole, "All Jews are evil and the Qur'an said so." Think about that sister, your actions could actually push a Jew away from Islam because you are saying they are all the same.
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