Am i aliEn <?>

assalamualaikum....ill jz get into it ..i grew my beard because i thought it was a must altough even my dad kept sayin it was jz sunnah...i also changed alot of my old ways to become a better man...but ever since i grew my beard it seems like every1s staring at me as if im like a real dangerous guy or something....i even carry a bag cause i go to college n many peeps r staring at me as if ive got a bomb in there or somethin....i mean they never used to stare at me when i was clean shaven n was a bad why now??....why doesnt any1 stare at that guy whose clean shaven and still does bad stuff?


New Member
Staff member
Wa alaikumussalaam,

I've got 5 words for yah... "Get used to it bro" :p I think every Muslim who lives in a non-Muslim country have experienced those funny stares. A part of the mall near my office where I drop by almost everyday to get some groceries, blew up. SubhanAllaah so imagine the effect of this on many Muslims here. I just got to work and the guards who used to be friendly to me asked me to drop my bag on the table and opened it :D May Allaah swt strengthen you Ameen :)


muslim sis
of course not ur not a n elian.lolzzzzzzzzzzz:biggrin: :wink:
the reason why ppl look at u in a way n everybody that has a beard is bcoz beard is somefin really atractive n beautifull.lolzz
so dont be affraid brother.lolzzz


Staff member
assalamualaikum....ill jz get into it ..i grew my beard because i thought it was a must altough even my dad kept sayin it was jz sunnah...i also changed alot of my old ways to become a better man...but ever since i grew my beard it seems like every1s staring at me as if im like a real dangerous guy or something....i even carry a bag cause i go to college n many peeps r staring at me as if ive got a bomb in there or somethin....i mean they never used to stare at me when i was clean shaven n was a bad why now??....why doesnt any1 stare at that guy whose clean shaven and still does bad stuff?

You're not an alien you just becoming a Stranger inshaAllah. We're all Strangers keep it up, as long as they (the kuffar) think youre a know ure doing juuust fine :lol:



Well bro , the 4 imams say haram to shave , what more to say and also the hadith :lol: . Keep the beard neat and tidy, bro

You just become a stranger...reminds me of the song ghuraba:hearts:

Bro , are you living in Germany.


a lonely traveller
As salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wabrakatuhu
I had a verbal duel with a hindu because he called me a terrorist during a lesson in our university. Just because I have beard now, which I did not have 2 years back. Later he apologised but I have learnt how to be calm. Now I dont get angry on these people, but I feel pity for them and make duas for them. You need to remember that you are an ambassador of Islam and the whole Muslim Ummah. Show your best and give your best to everybody so that they understand the beauty of Islam and Muslims. Remember that whatever these people say, The Angels are keeping a record of everything and above all Allah Subhanahu wa Taala is watching.


Signing Out.....

Yes Brother, you are alien to these people. We live in a society where homosexuality is considered 'normal' but growing a beard is a bit too much for them.


happy 2 b muslim

Junior Member
HEY,.... it like being a hijabie lol no i havent got abuse for wearing the hijab although i have heard crazy story about thing that happened to my sister and my friend :hijabi:


New Member
Don't worry as long u know are doing the right thing that is all that matters. This is just a test to see if u are really committed to ur religion. Inshallah u have the strength to overcome it. :hearts:


Signing Out.....

Yes Brother, you are alien to these people. We live in a society where homosexuality is considered 'normal' but growing a beard seems a bit too much for them to handle :rolleyes:



Seek The Almighty
Struggle and inshallah u will be sucessful brother.
Dont expect things to happen struggle and make them happen, meaning we cant expect to get granted heavan without struggling to achieve it.
Having a beard is just as difficult as keeping on a Hijab. :hijabi:
Live thinking what the creator thinks of u, not what the creation thinks of u.
Then u'll be at peace inshallah.
May Allah make it easy for u brother.


one in a billion!!
saalam brother

i think you'll be seeing more of this...especiallly if u go to an aware they'll check u more than anybody else...ur doing the right thing..if they look at u weirdly it's their problem not urs....unless ur friends are acting like that to u...then thats just rude!!


Junior Member

It's simple :), now you are GHURABA ( stranger ). Glad tidings to strangers!

watch a video about STRANGERs.



Islam is my life
Staff member
salam aleikum
Good job brother .Where do u live .US?


We live in a society where homosexuality is considered 'normal' but growing a beard seems a bit too much for them to handle :rolleyes:


If they see someone with green colored hair and all in chains and tattoos its normal ,nobody will react.Its not extreme for them
but if they see HIJABI walking by its called EXTREME

Let them stare brother .Its normal ....just ignore and keep your head up :)

waaleikum salam


New Member
Staff member
atleast now brother they know for sure u r a muslim. When you were clean shaved, you camaflouged within the society so noone knew u were muslim. But now since you are different, people look at you, and you should be proud that they know ur muslim. In one hadeeth is mentioned that who ever immitates one people, then he is one of them. Also, who ever you love, ull be with those whom you love.

Wallahu alem

Assalamu alaykum


New Member
Staff member
assalamualaikum....ill jz get into it ..i grew my beard because i thought it was a must altough even my dad kept sayin it was jz sunnah...i also changed alot of my old ways to become a better man...but ever since i grew my beard it seems like every1s staring at me as if im like a real dangerous guy or something....i even carry a bag cause i go to college n many peeps r staring at me as if ive got a bomb in there or somethin....i mean they never used to stare at me when i was clean shaven n was a bad why now??....why doesnt any1 stare at that guy whose clean shaven and still does bad stuff?

Actually, a better question would have been if you had asked this "am i a stranger?" :) Alien=stranger :)

assalamu alaykum



my dear brother in islam, you are not an alien. you are a stranger :ma:
when you are seen as a stranger because people criticize your beard; when people see you making salah; fasting while everyone else is feeding their faces; when people find out that your iPod only has quran and islamic teachings inside it instead of hip-hop; know that you are on the right path towards Allah SWT.

we all have to live in this world as if we were strangers. this dunya is not ours. we live and strive for the jannah. we want to return home. none of the things that the unbelievers treasure will save them or serve as a ransom for them on the day of judgement. on that day they'll wish that they had been strangers. may Allah SWT make all of us among the strangers and allow us into jannah inshAllah.
