

New Member
May Allah (the Only one True Living Creator) Guide you to his obedience, ameen!!! Surely the one who created them has guided them but you may not fully understand the divine predestination of every created being because this is definitely a matter that is beyond the understanding of our human intellect.

The origin of islam is patience and kindness don't feed into the ignorant statements of people about islam be kind to them when they are harsh to you and remember ALLAH when doing so and don't get angry because anger will prevent you from being just and ALLAH has forbade oppression. Refer to the qur'an surah 16 ayat 125


Junior Member
as salaamu alaykm,
Thank you for your words of wisdom and may Allah forgive me my sins...ameen. I will watch my tongue in the future and I would like to sincerely apologize to the man who origionally wrote this message, please accept my apology and forgive me for offending you in any way! I mean this with a pure heart and good intentions... may Allah swt guide you to know His truth and love.


Junior Member
aren't we living so called "free society" if these childrens' choice was to revert Islam, why are you calling stolen children..and who is your people by the way "Myself and English protestant, I find it hard to watch video's of my people turning to islam".. Islam isn't the religion of people who have certain color skin..and..if you come with honesty may learn the truth about Islam and may Allah/God guide you to the right path..obviously you sound like narrow minded..who really doesn't care wether other people have free will...

about Xmass tree..I'm not sure the people who complained are could be you don't have single out muslims.. .but where I live I don't have any problem with their so called Xmass long as they don't put infront of my door....


Staff member
What you say is an out and out lie....chrisitans EVERYDAY try to convert muslim children to you cannot say this.....some even go door to door trying to get people to believe your way is right. I have never once seen a muslim come up to me in the street or the mall trying to get me to revert to Islam...but I have seen many a chrisitan do this......when children come up to other children asking about their faith all they do is tell them...NO MUSLIM tries to pull someone away from their fathers faith. Im sure you've dealt with Jehovas witnesses or baptists or numerous other sects of christians trying to tell you about jesus... and they are even more persistant with the young!

:biggrin: i know exactly what you mean, we had the jehovas witnesses people come door to door giving out phamplets in our neighborhood, whereas these children didn't even need such enticement. Truthfully, Islam gets it's media without having to go door to door, maybe many time the wrong misconcepted information but through that many people come to Islam.
I have no idea if this made sence but... only Allah gives hidaya to whom he wills.


Junior Member
AsSalamu Aleykom

jehovas witnesses!..those people give me nightmare...they can't stop uttering my name and knocking my door every weekend. they will try anything to make you believe their way is the truth. it reached the point where I had to say enough is enough, they don't want to learn my religion or even try to read it for few days to have an understanding. and the more you are polite to them, the more they think you want to be jehovas witness.

if they come by, tell them learn Islam before you knock my door, that is what I told them and never came since...

big t

New Member
well im wondering why is wen a muslim converts to christianity you go beserk with ur death threats and actual killing. who is it for u to judge


Staff member
well im wondering why is wen a muslim converts to christianity you go beserk with ur death threats and actual killing. who is it for u to judge

Look who is judging! Why are you generalising? What about the people who die because of Christianity? in Bosnia? in Kosovo? in Chechnya? in India???

Take a Look at the following BBC Article about Rwanda:

Twenty-year-old Zafran Mukantwari was the only person in her family who survived the genocide.

I meet her sitting outside Kigali's Al-Aqsa mosque.
She is tightly veiled and speaks softly as she tells me what happened 10 years ago.
Her family were Catholic, she says. Those who killed them worshipped at the same church.
At the age of 10, Zafran found herself alone and at first she continued going to church.
She thought she could find support there. But then she began to question her faith. "When I realised that the people I was praying with killed my parents, I preferred to become a Muslim because Muslims did not kill."

No protection
Before the genocide more than 60% of Rwandans were Catholic. And when the killings started, tens of thousands of Tutsis fled to churches for sanctuary. But they found little protection there.

Read the Rest here:

Also see here:


Junior Member

Ah good 'ol jehova witnesses! I don't mean to be rude but I find them quite funny. They knock on your door preaching about their beliefs (which, ironically, is what the original poster was complaining about with Islam and these children) but when you try to preach back to them telling them how you know Islam is the truth they don't wana hear it!

The next time they come knocking on your door, ask them why they think Jesus PBUH is the son of God. And don't accept "because the Bible says so" as an answer. I gaurantee they will struggle ;) And it's probably the quickest way to make them leave too :biggrin:

Seriously though, these children weren't being forced to do anything. In fact, if there was any forcing going on it was their mother refusing to let them go to the mosque when they wanted (although later she realised it was best to allow them to go). It was the childrens' own choice. So many times I hear people saying children should not be fed religion by their parents when they're growing up, they should be left to make their own decision, which is exactly what these children did - they made their own decision, subhanAllah!


Umm Aysha

*Strive for Jannah*
Wa alaykum salaam

Oh i dont get these ppl knocking on my door....

:The next time they come knocking on your door, ask them why they think Jesus PBUH is the son of God. And don't accept "because the Bible says so" as an answer. I gaurantee they will struggle ;) And it's probably the quickest way to make them leave too :biggrin:

....but if i did, i will ask them :)

:Seriously though, these children weren't being forced to do anything. In fact, if there was any forcing going on it was their mother refusing to let them go to the mosque when they wanted (although later she realised it was best to allow them to go). It was the childrens' own choice. So many times I hear people saying children should not be fed religion by their parents when they're growing up, they should be left to make their own decision, which is exactly what these children did - they made their own decision, subhanAllah!

I can do a mission and find these kids and ask them if they were forced to go masjid and learn about islam??



Junior Member

Ahh sister do you live in the area? It would be very interesting to know what the outcome of the story was.

Of whomsoever it is Allah's will to guide, his heart He expands into Islam... (Qur'an, 6:125)

And Allah knows best.


Umm Aysha

*Strive for Jannah*
Wa alaykum salaam

Its not far from where i live....near where i wrk actually so il definly pop round see if i can track these kids down...



Junior Member
Salaam alaykoum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuhoe,

muslima80...i hope you find these kids..not just to ask them but to know them and mayby even help them insha'Allah.

wa salaamoe alaykoum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuhoe


seeker of knowledge
A child has his own mind


I just managed to read this thread today and I must second my brothers and sisters view. Dear Justice, just to share my own personal experience whilst I was a child of 8 years old and how your churches tried to lure pure innocent minds into the fold of Christianity.

My home was opposite a church and a convent. Every evening the nuns would come out to the playground and call out to us kids. They would distribute sweets and candies, you know stuffs that attract children. Being kids we will flock to take the goodies. I was too young and too naïve to understand their motives. But one evening the sisters told us they were showing a good movie and invited all the children to join in. My friends and I followed the nuns and my first experienced of the convent were petrifying. I was a mere child, too young to understand religion back then. But what amazes me was the feeling of petrified as I walk down the dark alleys of the church. I had a strong urge to leave and quickly went home. Not even the lure of more chocolates and candies could lure me to stay. In fact most of the kids who went that evening relay the same feeling when we talked the next day. On the other hand I had a 12 years old Christian friend who was attracted to Islam just by being friends with us muslims. He was attracted to the beauty of Islam not through preaching but by looking at our daily lifestyle which to him is very peaceful.

What I’m trying to point out here is a child have their own mind. They can identify with their instinct. Don’t blame a child who chose to visit the mosque out of their own free will. The atmosphere in the mosque is the pulling factor. Muslims never try to steal your children. We will never resort to the tricks of chocolates and candies.

Perhaps like what everyone is saying here, you should learn what Islam is. What makes a believer choose and remain to be a muslim till his last breath.

May you have peace.


Junior Member
Not sure, but did anyone notice that both Justice and big T made these single mis-informed comments and we heard nothing from them again. I wish they would actually come back again so we can enducate them and find out from where their ignorance comes.

mohammad javid

New Member
Myself and English protestant, I find it hard to watch video's of my people turning to islam. I watched a documentry of kid's in bradford who claimed they were muslim.

Stealing our kids right from under our noses. If I took a muslim child and made them believe islam was lie, the muslim community would go crazy!

You may think i'm being racist here i'm really not, I respect your religion, but locally when my town puts up christmas decorations, the council ask us to call them seasonal decorations because they have received complaints, it's just beyond a joke.
Clearly, the Bible predicted and forbade the decoration of [ Christmas] trees in Jeremiah ch. 10 v 2 and 3.


New Member
Staff member
Myself and English protestant, I find it hard to watch video's of my people turning to islam. I watched a documentry of kid's in bradford who claimed they were muslim.

Stealing our kids right from under our noses. If I took a muslim child and made them believe islam was lie, the muslim community would go crazy!

You may think i'm being racist here i'm really not, I respect your religion, but locally when my town puts up christmas decorations, the council ask us to call them seasonal decorations because they have received complaints, it's just beyond a joke.

talk to ze hand mistah!

:SMILY153: :fighta: :SMILY61:


Junior Member
If they choose to follow Islam at such a young age, then Alhamduillah

Myself and English protestant, I find it hard to watch video's of my people turning to islam. I watched a documentry of kid's in bradford who claimed they were muslim.

Stealing our kids right from under our noses. If I took a muslim child and made them believe islam was lie, the muslim community would go crazy!

If you believe that it is hard to see people who were of your religion that turn to Islam, then maybe you should look into your religious beliefs and you will find the same fundamental flaws they did. Only Islam is the truth, from talking to us and reading about our faith, you will know this in time and become a Muslim too one day, Insha'Allah (If God Wills It).

You will find churches so insecure about themselves that they use gimmicks to full the aisles, such as music and movies to keep themselves 'trendy'. No longer is it about worshipping God at the church but instead making sure the rows are filled so the collection plate can be filled. What a lie Christianity has become, falling away from the worship of God to the now lively worship of money.

You should know that these children were not forced into going to the Mosque, no one pushed them to pray, no one made them wear Niqab but they did. Now they are Muslim, Alhamduillah (all praise is due to God) and have chosen the proper path as all humans should realize. I sometimes wish I reverted to Islam at their age, maybe over time my parents would come to realize Islam is the truth as I have learned if I told them about it at a younger age.