Do you REALLY CARE????????


Servant of Allah
Asalamu alaikum, i've just seen a documentary about 9/11 on the history channel. of course the documentary isn't over yet, but i've decided that i've seen enough of what they've video taped. However, what had struck my heart was when some of the civilians were being interviewed, and some of the said, "Let's go over to the Arab lands and blow up all the arabs/muslims there and lets get rid of them from this earth". well, it seems that those who wanted that to happen, it has already begun for them. Why am i bringing this up? - Because i'm hurt although there are many muslims who've died in 9/11 as well although they are never mentioned, that fingers are pointed at the muslims. and may i remind you, that there is so much evidence out there that proofs that NO MUSLIM was behind it at all. but that's not really what saddens me the most. what saddens me the most is that due to the anger and hate they have for muslims that they've gone out to our dear muslim lands and killed much more than that of 9/11. Brothers...Sisters, dont' you think it's time to wake up? My point in bringing up this event is not so that we could start pointing fingers and argue over things that are already in the past. But i want us to look back at history and take a lesson from it, and in doing so, help out our brothers and sisters in Islam wherever they may be, and plan in advance on how we can help this ummah. and once those ideas are brainstormed, let's not walk away from them but rather let's go ahead and DO something for this ummah. really, i've had enough complaints and sadnesses, but i'm seriously tired of waiting for the rest of the ummah to be awakened. each and everyone of you reading this, is a part of THIS UMMAH, and you have a responsibility to help make it better. won't we just realize that?







Salamu alaikum ,

ukhti, we do care. Of course, we feel for our
brother and sisters yes!

We can't just stand up and shout and blame just like that, we feel that way...but the right way is to educate. We have to change in accordance with the following Hadith :

On the authority of Abu Saeed Al-Khurdari, who said: I heard the messenger of Allah say:

"Whosoever of you sees an evil action, let him change it with his hand; and if he is not able to do so, then with his tongue; and if he is not able to do so, then with his heart; and that is the weakest of faith."

related by Muslim.

There are levels and there is what we are able to do.

In my part, I make duaa. I really try to become a better person and Muslim everyday. I become an example for the non Muslims of what Islam REALLY is. These are things in my capacity. I wish I had the money and power to do what I want. But remember, a believers strongest weapon is duaa.

Allah swt says, "invoke Me, I will respond to your (invocation).". [40:60]

beautiful is islam

Junior Member

i know what the disbeliver do to musilm. but what about what the musim ppl are dong to there own ppl. hate other muislm because there black or from Afreca. my mom came back from haji. she saw how they treat the black ppl there. really sAD. AND MOST OF THEM where kds and women.:girl3:


Left long ago

I really do not have words to express myself Ukhti BUT I am with me. I am trying to make a difference and will keep on doing that Insha Allah.

We are patient and we put our absolute trust in Allah who is Lord of the worlds.



Junior Member
Sister Palestine,

There are many factors that are working in practical life. one of them is lack of Islamic education. Somehow the main objective is missed. You would hear many people say ‘what we can do’ or say ‘what can I do’. If there isn’t cumulative effort to rid evils how could the better result be expected. The base is again i would say to have Islamic education at first then InshaAllah to have an academic one to withstand the peer pressure of enemies.we need more makatibs, the more madrasahs and more ulemas. People should stop thinking that deen teaching and refined understanding is upto the scholars. But all should know atleast what is compulsory and more according to their capability. The more the people will be engrossed with learning in the prescribed way, the more they will be benefited, inshaAllah.

When we are muslims we do not mean it to say just but act accordingly in every field, arena. I read shyakh albani (Allah’s mercy be upon him) quoting and what I understood on jihad - 'muslims buy arms and technology from the enemies, the technology they know and they can fail it on time or they know the defence against it in advance. so what’s the use ! the muslims have to make ground in terms of modern warfare and they should have own arms. The prophet (sallaAllahu alayhi wasallam) and sahabas have their own swords and useful things. They planned and prepared, where is ummah’s preparation in this regard.'

The daee brothers I have heard have always said : the religion is same, the book is same, the way is one, then why we are falling back ? Isn't we leave what we should do and do what we should leave.

It is obvious that every soul will be tested. No one could flee away what is ordained for him/her. Even a thorn pricked to the believer is an expiation from sins.

additionally the subject you discussed is quite wide and there is a lot we could come up to think and ponder.

May Allah improve our condition. aameen


Junior Member

there is no such thing as "muslim ummah". This is just a word. Look at europe.
What would happen if any european country would be occupied? Whole EU would regard it as a matter of course to support it´s nations cause. They would stand united against the occupier. As an example I want to refer to the morrocan occupation of spanish island in 2002.

When many -and I mean many- muslims have abondened prayer and do not care about the commants of Allah how can they be expected to be caring for the ummah. We are in this state now because our craving for worldly matters have overcomed us.


Ibn Uthaymin

Junior member
I have serious doubts that Muslims masterminded something so precise and well timed as 9/11. Im Muslim by birth and ive lived with the Muslim communty for 16 years. Muslims and 9/11 dont fit in my book.

If there was such a thing as Muslims terrorist he would miss the flight.


Junior Member

If you check the link below, it is a documentary about septemper 11, you´ll have no doubts that it was an inside job!!!! It is in German but with english subtitels.

Sep 11 was just used as a pretense to attack Iraq and Afghanistan.

“They were plotting and Allah too was planning, and Allah is the Best of the planners” [8: 30]



New Member

I disagree. We already live in an Islamic Ummah, its larger than any political or national border can contain. The Ummah doesn't need to be defined by borders. This is an Islamic World. We Muslims don't need to occupy any nation militarly because we occupy all nations in this Islamic World.


slave warrior caged

I disagree. We already live in an Islamic Ummah, its larger than any political or national border can contain. The Ummah doesn't need to be defined by borders. This is an Islamic World. We Muslims don't need to occupy any nation militarly because we occupy all nations in this Islamic World.

sister safiya we have to strive hard abd we i mean all powerful muslim nations. Allah azzawajjal promised our beloved prophet muhammed S.A.W that he would always keep his ummah powerful against foriegn occupation but we fail even strive..... but allah can make anyhting happen.... if you watch the statictics you can see america has already lost the war in afghanistan and iraq but they have a place in those boundaries cos of corrupt politicians and at gun point.

All these wars have sent that countries common public to slavery where income tax rate is increasing along with inflation, A product which cost 1$ before war now costs 15$..... and MR.OBAMA did a splendid job by PRINTING 1 trillion$ out of thin air. there fore calling thier own destruction.

ALLAH has kept destruction in their own actions..... pray to allah that he safegueards innoent and mostly ignorant brianwashed public and to punish their cunning diplomat murderer politicians and companies....


striving 4 Firadous
Salaam Alaikum
I do care sister and Ummah. I do my share to help out the needy and this is no way to brag. Also there are NGO and organizations/groups who are strviving to do what you are asking.


Junior Member

If you check the link below, it is a documentary about septemper 11, you´ll have no doubts that it was an inside job!!!! It is in German but with english subtitels.

Sep 11 was just used as a pretense to attack Iraq and Afghanistan.

“They were plotting and Allah too was planning, and Allah is the Best of the planners” [8: 30]


You are correct, and there is precedent. In 1962 the United States was about to fake the hijacking of an American airline and blame Cuba, as pretext to enter war with Cuba over the Missle Crisis.


slave warrior caged
You are correct, and there is precedent. In 1962 the United States was about to fake the hijacking of an American airline and blame Cuba, as pretext to enter war with Cuba over the Missle Crisis.

not only this brother this is been going on since the days of hitler......
even he was framed and provoked to make a first strike.
watch these documentaris as a personal favour to me:


Junior Member
:salam2: sisters and brothers

I´m sorry because of my first reply on this thread. It is not correct nor is it a solution to say there is no muslim ummah.... I was too emotional again....

But we are weak. Even if it is fact that we muslims are not small in number and we are all over the world it is also fact that we are weak in faith.... Otherwise how can it be that our women and children are dieing and we are aware of it and still not able to do anything.....

Sister Palestine is right. We need to wake up! To come back to the topic of this thread: why do we not start to find usefull suggestions about what we can do for the ummah?



Junior Member
This is what everyone can do for the ummah


no suggestions.... ok I´ll start.

start with yourself

set an aim

what is your aim in life? Can you defenitely say it is to seek the pleasure of Allah....? All other aims should be intermediate aims to reach the ultimate goal. ( be it a happy marriage or a good job, health... whatever)

It is very very important to set an aim and never forget about it. Like a car can not be started without a motor we can also not reach anything without setting an aim.

Say, "Indeed, my prayer, my rites of sacrifice, my living and my dying are for Allah , Lord of the worlds."[Surat Al-´An´am; 6:162]

Are we absolutely convinced when reading the sura above?

repent from your sins.

we have to realize that it is our sins that allowed foreign nations to occupy our lands...

Become a better person by purrifiying your heart. Schoolars showed us many ways to do this. Don´t doubt your own abilities. If you follow the straight path Allah SwT will inshaalah help you. And who knows don´t be surprised when you get some extraordinary abilities.

When a single person changes it can lead to a change of many other people in his/her society. The best way to give dawa to your family and others: don´t hate them. Hate their actions. and just be a kind pious and knowledgeable muslim.



Junior Member

sugestions by Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid:

1- You have to make du’aa’, and recite du’a’ al-qunoot in your salaah (prayer).

2- Collect charity and send it through trustworthy channels.

3- Support the weak and oppressed in all ways, including the media and the internet.

4- Get scholars, daa’iyahs, khateebs and writers to explain the oppression that is happening and the negligence on the part of the ummah, and to mobilize the ummah to defend the holy places.

5- Check on one’s own intentions with regard to fighting for the sake of Allaah, and see whether he is applying the hadeeth of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him): “Whoever dies without having fought for the sake of Allaah or having had the intention of doing so, has died following one of the branches of hypocrisy.” (Saheeh Muslim, no. 3533)
