just do duwa for pakistan n rest of Ummah

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saima abdullah

my life iz 4 Allah
i will not discuss any controvercial issue here just want to say ummah and pakistani moslims need your duws plz do remember in your duws, May all Unite us on one base of deen Ameen


Junior Member
i will not discuss any controvercial issue here just want to say ummah and pakistani moslims need your duws plz do remember in your duws, May all Unite us on one base of deen Ameen


Inshallah dont be worried ......

Isn't there a saying that

"sona (gold) kundan say nikhal kar he banta hain"

Inshallah Pakistan will come out of this with ease.


Junior Member
InshaAllah, better times will come to us. InshaAllah. InshaAllah.

I am so sad after what happened today and yesterday. 400 people injured..:(
and worst 50 died..
May Allah swt give patience to the affected families. may it becomes easier for them to bear their loss. I pray that Allah swt helps them. I pray that Allah helps them. Ameen. Ameen. Ameen.

I think you should post this thread in the lounge so that more people make duas.


Slave of Allah (swt)
aslam o alikum

I know Allah (swt) help Pakistan stay strong and save it from all kind of bad eye and people, and may Allah (swt) unite the ummah - ameen


Muslim Unity...
Ameen to all the above dua's:tti_sister:
inshaAllah i will make dua for my pakistani brothers
and sisters and also eveyone around the world
May Allah protect us all and unite the Ummah


Junior Member
Ameen to all the above dua's:tti_sister:
inshaAllah i will make dua for my pakistani brothers
and sisters and also eveyone around the world
May Allah protect us all and unite the Ummah


amiin and i will make dua inshaAllah





Many Pious People saw Rasululah(PBUH) in dreams,he was ver much sad for the condition of muslims,He told them there is going to be alot of fitnah,trials and tribulations for the whole ummah in coming days,they were asked to recite sur-alshams,astaghfar and kalima tamjeed regularly.I request all of u kindly do recitation of these duas for the troubled people of this ummah.


Junior Member
Pakistan might be under azab of ALLAH . Nabi(SAW) came in dream of pious person and said the previous sentence. Mufti Taqi Usmani sahab has told us in his speech. This speech can also be found online.

Nabi(SAW) asked us to recite Surah Shams 70,000 times for protection from this azab.

May ALLAH help pakistan (ameen)

No doubt in that.


Staff member
Nabi(SAW) asked us to recite Surah Shams 70,000 times for protection from this azab.

:salam2: Akhi,

Can you point us to the authentic hadith of the Prophet :saw: which proves that he used to do that ?
I'm hearing this for the first time.

May Allah help us all.



Junior Member
There is no daleel in that.

Its just what one of our very acknowledged sheikhs told us. He said that someone had a dream about the Prophet Muhammad SAW. And in that dream the Prophet said that an Azab will come on this state and to escape that azab, you must recite Surat-ul-Shams 70,000 times.


Staff member
There is no daleel in that.

Its just what one of our very acknowledged sheikhs told us. He said that someone had a dream about the Prophet Muhammad SAW. And in that dream the Prophet said that an Azab will come on this state and to escape that azab, you must recite Surat-ul-Shams 70,000 times.

:salam2: Sister,

Allah perfected Islaam on Prophet Muhammad :saw: when he was Alive.

The Prophet :saw: on his part not only explain what was revealed to him but also showed people by practising it.

If someone comes up with new thing in Islaam, then there are only possibliities:
1. Prophet :saw: did hide some part of Islaam from the Sahabas :astag:
2. It is not part of Islaam.

As Prophet :saw: would never hide anything about Islaam from Sahabas (And why would he tell this to only your local Shaykh? Is he more Pious than the Sahabas?and all the Imaams ? NO), We can say only the #2. is true.

As for getting some part of Islaam in dreams (even through dream of Prophet :saw:) then following is the clear explanation of Shaykh Bin Baaz Rahimalhullah:

the rulings of Islam, the promises and warnings, and information about what the future holds are all matters that can only be proven through revelation from Allaah to His Messenger. Revelation came to an end when the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) died, after Allaah had perfected the religion through him. We have inherited the Qur’aan and Sunnah which are sufficient to guide us. As for dreams and visions, they do not prove anything, because most of them are the fabrications of the devils, aimed at leading people astray from their religion. The fabricators of this letter promise those who believe in it that they will enter Paradise and that their needs will be met and they will be relieved of distress, and they warn those who disbelieve in it that they will go to Hell and be humiliated. This is prescribing a new religion and telling lies against Allaah – we seek refuge with Allaah from that.

Please refer complete fatwa on similiar "dream" seen by someone

Link --> http://islam-qa.com/en/ref/31833/dream



Junior Member
we should not daviate from Quran and Sunnah in any case, and its my request for all you to not put attention to sms roming around.... we can recite Qanoot e nazila in every prayer in current situation ....
n Allahuma najalu ka fee nahoorihim wa nauoooz bika min shaoourihem
May Allah unite our Ummah,:wsalam::astag:

That wasn't taken from the sms, it was taken from the mufti's lecture!!


Pearl of Islaam
i will not discuss any controvercial issue here just want to say ummah and pakistani moslims need your duws plz do remember in your duws, May all Unite us on one base of deen Ameen

Assalamu Alaicum

Ameen Amen dear sister

May Allah bless and protect our brothers and sisters in Pakistan.:tti_sister:

May Allah bless and protect our Ummah.:tti_sister:


saima abdullah

my life iz 4 Allah
the verdict of wazaaif by Ullma is that you can do it by your self but you can't spread it as virtues deed, this came in bidaah, tariq ibn ziyad was surly pious man but his action is not daleel for us, my respected brother only by sticking ourselves to Quran and Sunnah we can avoid fitna, and this only reasons behind hatred b/w muslims that we are cutting necks of each other on small issues, plz dont take it on your ego,
we are suffering n we have much stuff to do in sunnah so we dont need to fallow dreams of any respected mufti sb ,,May Allah show us the right path which bring his mercy and raza to us really we need this, may He unite us on His word,,,, ameen
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