Mashallah New layout of this site



Sometimes it is nice to be subtle. Just do me a favor and let this old lady know when you are about to change..I logged on and the whole thing went haywire...I knew the FBI and CIA and Homelanders had invaded my CPU.

It is quite nice and thank you. InshaAllah we will all be able to make dua and donations. I am not worried...for Allah subhana talla will provide the means for us.


Love the soft green touch. It brings a sense of peace. Green is my favorite color.
Suggestion: brighten or change the color on the very top where it says "TurnToIslam" and "Towards Correcting the Common Misconceptions about Islam." It needs to stand out a little more.


Junior Member

assalam alaykum brothers and sisters.

at last we come out of the sea lol now in the green fields.

masha allah

keep going on.


Turn To Islam
Salam sister,

You will find someone has already created a post called "Mashallah New layout of this site" where lots of comments have already been written.



Junior Member
As-salaam Alaikum,

Bro, what about the sub titles in this new layout ??????
can't see????

I think blue layout was pretty friendly and easy to search.



Masha-ALLAH it is looking beautiful.....may ALLAH (SWT) reward you for ur efforts.....
jazak ALLAH kheiran ...keep it up....



Junior Member
I like the color, it is cool and beautiful, when i opened i thought it was another site, what a beautiful suprise

This was a pleasant surprise for me today.
It really is awesome Mashallah.I always thought it should have been green.
Its looks Islamic now.:ma:
Nice work guys.:ma: