Pearls of Wisdom!


No God but Allah
Assalamo alikom

Mashaa Allah! For me this is the most wonderful thread of them all. Please, don't let it go. We should keep it as long as we can.

•• A slave (of God) wouldn't be afflicted by a punishment greater than the hardship of heart and being away from his creator (Allah). The Hell Fire was created to melt the hard hearts.

The farthest heart from Allah is the hard heart. If the heart gets hard, the eyes get dry (they don't make tears).
The hardship of heart comes out of four things if they exceed the normal needs: eating, sleeping, speaking and having sex.

Moreover, if the body gets sick, it won't get benefit from food and drink and so as the heart, when it gets sick because of passion and fancy, it won't get benefit from preachments.

•• If you seek clearness and pureness of your heart, you should prefer Allah to your liking and passion. Those, clinging to passion are hindered and veiled from Allah as much as they are clinging to their passion.

•• Hearts are Allah's containers in His earth. The most beloved to Allah is the clearest, the firmest and the tenderest.

•• If the heart is fed with remembrance of Allah, watered with reflection and meditation and purified from corruption, he will see the wonders and be provided with wisdom.

•• Not everyone who claims having knowledge and wisdom is really one of the people of knowledge and wisdom. The people of knowledge and wisdom are those who keep their hearts alive by killing their passion and lusts. However, those who kill their hearts by keeping their passion and lusts alive, the knowledge and wisdom will be naked on their tongues.

•• The damage of heart comes from inattention and being heedless. Moreover, the heart's vitality and piety come from fear and remembrance of Allah.

Imam Ibn Al- Qayyem


Junior Member
Mashaa Allah! For me this is the most wonderful thread of them all. Please, don't let it go. We should keep it as long as we can.

•• A slave (of God) wouldn't be afflicted by a punishment greater than the hardship of heart and being away from his creator (Allah). The Hell Fire was created to melt the hard hearts.

The farthest heart from Allah is the hard heart. If the heart gets hard, the eyes get dry (they don't make tears).
The hardship of heart comes out of four things if they exceed the normal needs: eating, sleeping, speaking and having sex.

Moreover, if the body gets sick, it won't get benefit from food and drink and so as the heart, when it gets sick because of passion and fancy, it won't get benefit from preachments.

•• If you seek clearness and pureness of your heart, you should prefer Allah to your liking and passion. Those, clinging to passion are hindered and veiled from Allah as much as they are clinging to their passion.

•• Hearts are Allah's containers in His earth. The most beloved to Allah is the clearest, the firmest and the tenderest.

•• If the heart is fed with remembrance of Allah, watered with reflection and meditation and purified from corruption, he will see the wonders and be provided with wisdom.

•• Not everyone who claims having knowledge and wisdom is really one of the people of knowledge and wisdom. The people of knowledge and wisdom are those who keep their hearts alive by killing their passion and lusts. However, those who kill their hearts by keeping their passion and lusts alive, the knowledge and wisdom will be naked on their tongues.

•• The damage of heart comes from inattention and being heedless. Moreover, the heart's vitality and piety come from fear and remembrance of Allah.

Imam Ibn Al- Qayyem

:salam2: :ma:

What pearls of wisdom are they,masha'Allah.May Allah purify our hearts and full them with fear and remembrance of Allah.:tti_sister:


maybe i heard/read something similar or i am writing this from my own, but this is what i feel:

actions of a muslim is a reflection of his/her faith (eeman). he will not sin knowingly as he knows Allah is watching and he doesn't want to displease HIM. Sinning indicates to a low state of eeman and that should be seen as a warning.


New Member
my contribution to the "pearls of wisdon"

Verily, along with every hardship is relief (there is one hardship with two reliefs, so one hardship cannot overcome two reliefs.)

Quoted by Allah,
surah Ash-Sharh (The Opening Forth).


Signing Out.....

If anyone travels on a road in search of knowledge, God will cause him to travel on one of the roads of Paradise. The angels will lower their wings in their great pleasure with one who seeks knowledge. The inhabitants of the heavens and the Earth and (even) the fish in the deep waters will ask forgiveness for the learned man. The superiority of the learned over the devout is like that of the moon, on the night when it is full, over the rest of the stars. The learned are the heirs of the Prophets, and the Prophets leave (no monetary inheritance), they leave only knowledge, and he who takes it takes an abundant portion.
- Prophet Muhammad :saw:
[Sunan Abu-Dawud, Hadith 1631]


New Member
True Pleasure

' If you want a friend, God is sufficient.
If you want a companion, the Qur'an is sufficient.
If you want possessions, contentment is sufficient.
If you want an enemy, the evil-commanding soul is sufficient.
If you want advice, death is sufficient.'
Bediuzzaman SAID NURSI


New Member

'Be so tolerant that your heart becomes wide like the ocean. Become inspired with faith and love for others. Offer a hand to those in trouble, and be concerned about everyone.'

'Remember that you travel the best road and follow an Exalted Guide, upon him be peace. Be mindful that you have his guidance through the most perfect and expressive revelation. Be fair-minded and balanced in your judgment, for many people do not enjoy these blessings.'

'Judge your worth in the Creator's sight by how much space He occupies in your heart, and your worth in people's eyes by how you treat them. Do not neglect the Truth even for a moment. And yet, "be a man or woman among other men or women.'
Fethullah Gülen


Signing Out.....

Being married forces you to fine tune those not-so-great-aspects of yourself and strive to be better. Love comes in here too; when you are in a loving relationship (and in love and loved); you have this amazing reservoir of energy within you that allows you to flourish and nurture. It brings out the best in you and makes you strive to be better because someone cares and loves you; and vice versa. It is kind of like how we instinctively react to another's perception of us, when they think well of us and believe in us, we want to do even better; but when they disparage us we will get defensive. Is it any wonder that our beloved prophet :saw: said that marriage is half of faith?



Signing Out.....
Yearning for Allah and His meeting is like the gentle breeze blowing upon the heart, extinguishing the blaze of the Dunya. Whosoever caused his heart to settle with his Lord shall be in a state, calm and tranquility, and whosoever sent it amongst the people shall be disturbed and excessively perturbed.
- Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawziyyah
