Sacramento Christian congregation to celebrate Easter at Islamic Center

sister herb

Official TTI Chef

Yes place to pray need to be clean but praying doesn´t make any place as holy.

We can pray in everywhere. Praying is holy thing, not place where do it.


salam aleikum wa rahmatulahy wa barakatuh

I agree with dear sister Aapa so much. I hade some time ago a discussion with my colegue, i tryed to speek with her about islam and at first she was attacking islam, then when she saw i am right she started to say why i dont just respect other`s people choices and religion ? This made me reflect because i was not disrespectfull, in contrary, i always take care not to offend other and i am very peacefull....i care about her, i try to open her eyes to the truth, instead of just agree with her that is everyones right to have his own religion, when i know the only religion is islam, alhamdullilah.

Dont we respect more and show more care for the others when we are concern for theyr lifes and afterlifes instead of just accepting happily theyr confusion and the fact that they are fed with lies for generation ?

Dear brothers and sisters, why people cant see that if we encourage them in this shirk we in fact, encourage them on a wrong way, way that leads to Hell?
When i care about people, i try to speek the truth and show something that will benefit them, instead of agree with wrong, haram things for the sake of friendship.
May Allah forgive me if i say something wrong, but to accept interfaith friendship for me is stepping on my heart. I am muslim, alhamdullilah


Salaam dear sister Hajjer,

While performing dawah and speaking truth to others is very important, it is also very important to respect others rights to believe as they determine is right. In an Islamic society there should be no coercion or forcing to beleive in a certain way. Rather it is recognized that persecution of others should not exist, and people of whatever religion should feel protected and have the freedom to practice what they believe without fear. it is God who will gather us in the end and decide between our differences. We should seek to be tolerant of others and trust in Allah as the ultimate judge to whom all affairs will be returned, while remaining on the straight path with the guidance of Allah.


He is Dhul-Jalali Wal-Ikram
wa aleikum salam dear sister,

It is a difference between forcing and persecuting someone, things that you speek about....and not be in agreement or not get involve or accept different practices, inventions and inovations, things that i was speeking about. We are muslims for some reasons, we know them alhamdullilah,.....dear sister, if i see people on the train to Hell, because we all know we have to die muslims if we want to get to Jannah, other religions are not accepted in front of Allah swt, if i see them on the train to Hell shall i wave them with kind smile from the sidewalk ? I dont have the heart to do that dear sister and i will try to remain far from other religions then islam.

3 months ago was christmas time, the priest wanted to enter my house and spread ''holly water'' around. I did not open the door, my sister wanted open, she was upset and laughed at me that why i am afraid of the priest, is he the devil ? (she is not muslim)...the priest was insisting at door(they receive money for this)..and i did not open, what should i do ? open for him that is his right to practice his religion in my home ? No dear sister, i am sorry, i cant pretend and i pray for all people to be guided inchallah. It is my right to not accept lies and even more, to not encourage them, alhamdullilah

may Allah bless you and forgive me if i said something wrong, i have good intentions.



Salaam dear sister, yes I believe perhaps we are speaking to different concepts. like you I am also one who is very solid in my beliefs and I take care to speak truth to others. I also accept that not everyone will be among the guided, as much as we might hope they would be, especially our families and loved ones. It takes a lot of patience and tolerance to live and endure in a world where most are astray. Best we can do is take care to stay on the straight path and call others to it. Perhaps when I speak of tolerance that word is misunderstood. It doesn't mean to condone others ways of life or wrong beleifs, but rather to make a conscious decision to recognize the other persons right to believe and have the patience to live alongside each other in peace regardless. I pray what I am trying to explain will be understood.

My apologies to the original post for going off track a bit.


wa aleikum salam dear sister
3 months ago was christmas time, the priest wanted to enter my house and spread ''holly water'' around. I did not open the door, my sister wanted open, she was upset and laughed at me that why i am afraid of the priest, is he the devil ? (she is not muslim)...the priest was insisting at door(they receive money for this)..and i did not open, what should i do ? open for him that is his right to practice his religion in my home ? No dear sister, i am sorry, i cant pretend and i pray for all people to be guided inchallah. It is my right to not accept lies and even more, to not encourage them, alhamdullilah

may Allah bless you and forgive me if i said something wrong, i have good intentions.


assalamu alaikum and Amin to your dua, it is quite clear you have nothing but good intentions Alhamdulilahi. Not that you have said anything wrong, just opening up the discussion a bit more.

In the example you shared the preist would not have a right to do so as it was YOUR home. Just as you should not have the right to go to his home to perform some religious ritual. No one should be able to enter another persons home and do something contrary to what the home owner wishes.

With regards to the issue about Christians holding services in a mosque, I think it would be more helpful to look at more examples of how this kind of issue was handled at the time of the prophet. In the city where I live there is actually a church in the downtown area that allows
muslims to hold Jummah services on Fridays in the lower level. If not for this arrangement there is no space in the downtown area that could provide enough space for this service, and thousands of muslims might have missed attending Jummah as a result.


Assalaam walaikum,

The link I posted to the TTI discussion answers the questions. The thread answers questions that will satisfy everyone here. Please take a moment to read Sister Al-Faj, InshaAllah.


Assalaam walaikum,

Sweet Hibibati,

I am wonderful Alhumdullila.

back to link..common sense..( I kindda sorta feel dumb...should have remembered that simple one)


He is Dhul-Jalali Wal-Ikram
assalamu alaikum and Amin to your dua, it is quite clear you have nothing but good intentions Alhamdulilahi. Not that you have said anything wrong, just opening up the discussion a bit more.

In the example you shared the preist would not have a right to do so as it was YOUR home. Just as you should not have the right to go to his home to perform some religious ritual. No one should be able to enter another persons home and do something contrary to what the home owner wishes.

With regards to the issue about Christians holding services in a mosque, I think it would be more helpful to look at more examples of how this kind of issue was handled at the time of the prophet. In the city where I live there is actually a church in the downtown area that allows
muslims to hold Jummah services on Fridays in the lower level. If not for this arrangement there is no space in the downtown area that could provide enough space for this service, and thousands of muslims might have missed attending Jummah as a result.

salam aleikum wa rahmatulahy wa barakatuh

i understand you clear dear sister, but i am not speeking about MY right, or the owner of a house right, i speek about Allah`s rights. The priest hade no right to spraed ''holy water'' not because it was my home, but because what he was doing is against the only good religion wich is islam, thats why above all.
So you say if one does some rituals in his house, makes him right because is his house ? All i try say is that everything belongs to Allah including our lifes, i am afraid when we put humans rights above the rights of islam.
I live between christians for now, i have to be aware because i never want to hurt people but also i belive we have to make separation between right and wrong according to islam. I confront with this everyday.......



salam aleikum wa rahmatulahy wa barakatuh

i understand you clear dear sister, but i am not speeking about MY right, or the owner of a house right, i speek about Allah`s rights. The priest hade no right to spraed ''holy water'' not because it was my home, but because what he was doing is against the only good religion wich is islam, thats why above all.
So you say if one does some rituals in his house, makes him right because is his house ? All i try say is that everything belongs to Allah including our lifes, i am afraid when we put humans rights above the rights of islam.
I live between christians for now, i have to be aware because i never want to hurt people but also i belive we have to make separation between right and wrong according to islam. I confront with this everyday.......


Salaam dear sister. Not saying that what the priest is doing is right. Just saying he does have the right to do it, even though it may be wrong. To us our religion and to them theirs. Sometimes you have to leave it at that if an attempt at dawah falls on deaf ears. Trust in Allah that he is the guide and judge. If a person is guided to Islam it is on Allah's time, not any of ours. There is a verse in Quran revealed to Muhammad when he was despairing that people were rejecting Islam. It was revealed that it is not on Muhammad to guide but rather Allah, he is the Turner of hearts. If Allah so wills he will not guide but rather gather the wrongdoers together in Hell for punishment. I know you do not quite understand but perhaps one day you will. Best wishes to you my sister, may Allah have mercy on us.


He is Dhul-Jalali Wal-Ikram
salam aleikum wa rahmatulahy wa barakatuh

Dear sister, i understand and i am aware, alhamdullilah.
I will say my general feelings: i love islam so much and i feel hurted when someone (including my own self) does something against quran and sunnah teachings, yes, even if it is his human right, even if he is in his own house, because i know is wrong.

May Allah forgive me if i say something wrong, best wishes to you same my dear sister, you are kind, alhamdullilah.



Junior Member
This upsets me too Easter along with Christmas are Pagan Holidays.

This upsets me too Easter along with Christmas are Pagan Holidays.