Tempted to leave Islam


Junior Member
salaam aleykom brother, i know exactly how u feel and i go through the same thing and both my iman and salaats felt weak but i always remember that i am only a muslim by the mercy of Allah and of my own research. if i would judge islam from what muslims do, i would have left after one week but i know better. i have seen muslims with beareds and jalabeyas treat otherrs nasty, who r arrogant and have a very bad personality but i m to the point where i only go for salaat to the masjid and remain quiet for most parts. i have seen some masjids where one would feel better prayinb outside than with ppl there but we r muslims for Allah only. remember we r reverts and many of these ppl would not even be muslim if they were not born into it. we will all return to Allah and then we will really see, know what we used to do and be rewarded. many will be shocked that day to find out what they really were and may Allah save us from that ameen. we all call ourselves muslims but it is Allah who guides and He only knows who is


Junior Member
make duas for them, forgive them and ignore them if u have to. worry about ur salaats and hope u will be better.

Hard Rock Moslem

I'm your brother
...I am not saying I am GOING to leave (yet), just that I am TEMPTED to.

No, do not even have this feeling. Not even in your wilders dream. Do you think ppl embracing Islam because of muslims today? Do not worry about other ppl. There are black sheep everywhere.


a lonely traveller
As salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu dear brother

I am a stranger to you, you're a stranger to me. I do not know you, you don't know me too. Yet I love you for the sake of Allah Subhanahu wa Taala. When I read your thread, I took time out of my hectic schedule and decided to pen down my humble thoughts.

Masha Allah, the brothers and sisters, have given great advice to you. Just read the post of brother ayman. Remember that by stopping to practice Islam, you'll not stop getting trials from Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala. He will test you for sure time and time again. That is why we're in this world. It is the shaitan which is trying to make you weak, mentally and physically. By succumbing to your emotions, shaitan is trying to gain upper hand and deprive you of the mercy of Allah Subhanahu wa Taala.

Do you think the christians, the jews, the hindus, the atheists etc are not tested? They are tested and put on trials. But you see the mercy of Allah Subhanahu wa Taala. Sometimes these non-muslims receive the mercy of Allah through the tests and trials and they accept Islam by the guidance of Allah Taala. However the ones who are arrogant and stubborn, become more arrogant after the trials and tests.

The story of pharaoh is a reminder to all of us. When Allah Subhanahu wa Taala ordered Musa alaihi salam and his brother Harun, to go and speak to pharaoh, Allah Taala told them to be soft spoken and gentle while speaking to pharaoh. Imagine the pharaoh, who had so much of ignorance, arrogance, evil feelings and hatred inside him, yet Allah Subhanahu wa Taala was soft and gentle towards him. But later when his behaviour reached extreme point, he met his fate.

The fitnah caused by the brothers at your mosque is not new and you're not the first victim. There have been many instances of such cases around the world. Human intentions are never known to us, but even if they were disappointed they should have explained to you modestly.

Once I was going through difficult times and I sought advice from a brother. He told me that whenever I go through hard times I should read the stories of the prophet and messengers, because the trials and tests which they go through, is never ever comparable to us. They are so massive and huge that if we were to go through them, we'd die through such burden of trials. Have you read the history of our beloved Prophet Muhammed (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam)? Read the book - The Sealed Nectar. Go through the stories of Prophet Isa, Musa, Yusuf, Nuh, Lut etc. and you'll feel the change.

Lastly I would like tell these words - There are a group of people who have the reality of worshiping Allah alone,without partner, such that if they face any hardship, they immediately resort to Prayer & supplication without a second thought.These people will raise your IMAAN, with Allah’s permission, though they are very hard to find these days.

May Allah bless you brother, may He make you strong in your eeman, may He guide you in the path of Righteousness, may He save you from the fitnah of this world, from the fitnah of Dajjal, from the trials of the grave, from the evil whisperings of Shaitan and from Hell fire.

Please keep me in your duwas as well.

walaikum as salam.


Junior Member
asalamu Caleykum bro.

“Allah Almighty says:
“Whoso disbelieveth in Allah after his belief - save him who is forced thereto and whose heart is still content with the Faith - but whoso findeth ease in disbelief: On them is wrath from Allah. Theirs will be an awful doom” (An-Nahl: 106).

May Allah forgive you, Allah is calling you with pradise, and shaytan is calling you to end up in hell fire, may Allah save us from hellfire.
You decide then my beloved bro.
So bro don't leave us, God love you, and we love you too.
What our brothers did to you is not allowed, and not permissible. So forgive them.
May God make ur iman strong.
Read the quran insha,allah, ur iman will grow.

Brothers and sis, if am wrong everytime u can correct me.
I know my english is bad.

warda A

asalam aleikum

the posts by the brothers & sisters are great and am sure your eeman has gone up a notch.
when our eeman is weak the first thing we see difficult is salat.
what most people do not understand is salat is like a cleansing bath, keeps you calm and reminds you of your Lord and the reason you were created.
you will be asked first about your prayers on the DDay.
as you have said you will start differently, i hope you mean that you will put people's opinions in their right places and not judge them emotionaly like they are judging you.

Before we make assumptions we should first ask ourselve why something happened and when we have no answer for that why do we beat our heads for?

Most of the consequences happening is due to our reaction to a problem

as some one said 90% of our reactions(wrong) is due to our emotional state.
i hope i have not offened anyone.


Junior Member

whenever i wana post a reply, my bros n sisters beat me to it and their posts cover the things on my mind. theres only one thing i want to add, i heard it on iqra channel and its still on my mind, it is:
shaytaan comes to us on our deathbeds in the form of a deceased relative eg our mum or uncle etc. he says to us "i saw paradise, and there was no muslims in it, so do not make the same mistake as i did, do not die as a muslim" this just shows us how shaytaan is constantly at our backs, hes not gonna leave us, even at our deathbed, he constantly has tricks to make us either leave islam or become disheartened of it. you came to islam because you love Allah, islam is perfect, muslims are not. shaytaan is constantly goona harass you and all of us, be strong, you dont need these muslims who are judgemental. most ppl have nothing better to do than talk about others.
