~ The Greatest Generation ~


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Awais al-Qarni rahimahullaah? I don't know if his name means 'wolf cub,' but I'm pretty sure its him from the other clues you've given.

Wa-alaykum salaam

Yeah, that's the right answer... I couldn't think of another clue hence the name one... Uwais is the diminutive for Aws, which means wolf.


Staff member
Yeah, that's the right answer... I couldn't think of another clue hence the name one... Uwais is the diminutive for Aws, which means wolf.

Oh right ..

Its a nice choice. I learned that he wasn't a Sahaabi but from amongst the Awliyah of Allaah. The Sahaabah were instructed by Rasulullaah (s) to ask Awais to make mention of them in his du'aa (as you mentioned 'Umar (r) had the opportunity to ask). Allaahu'alem what the status of Awais is (rahimahullaah).

I don't have any clues prepared yet, so I'll be back to post later inshaAllaah.


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Yeah true, but in Saheeh Muslim the ahaadeeth of his virtues are mentioned under a book that covers the virutes of the Sahabah. He is, like An-Najaashi, considered by some to be a taabi`ee, which doesn't make total sense to me. You also have people like Zayd bin Amr bin Nufayl, who were upon tawheed but never embraced Islaam since it never reached him... I've heard this latter category of believers are considered to be from the hunafaa'.


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Next ..

- This Sahaabi was martyred, a beautiful fragrance was said to be emanating from his mutilated body.
- Makkah wept when he was killed (thats a bigger clue than it looks; think timing)
- His mother was said to have stated the following at his death ''Is it not time that this Knight (of Allaah) was allowed to dismount?''

I think this is going to be another quick guess..

Wa-alaykum salaam


Staff member
Next ..

- This Sahaabi was martyred, a beautiful fragrance was said to be emanating from his mutilated body.
- Makkah wept when he was killed (thats a bigger clue than it looks; think timing)
- His mother was said to have stated the following at his death ''Is it not time that this Knight (of Allaah) was allowed to dismount?''

I think this is going to be another quick guess..

Wa-alaykum salaam

It's none other than 'Abdullaah ibn Zubayr radiaAllaah anhu ..

Actually I'll go next..lol

1) There were three things in which nobody disputed this Sahaabi, his prayer, his bravery and his eloquence
2) His maternal Aunt had no children but was very close to her nephew, so much so people referred to her as 'Umm _________' (This Sahaabi's name became her kunya)
3) 'Umar ibn al Khattab radiAllaahu anhu was walking in the street one day and he saw a group of children playing, when the children saw 'Umar (r) they all ran and hid (from fear) except this one child, 'Umar asked ''All your friends have run away, why don't you also run away?'' the childs reply was ''I have done nothing wrong that I should run away, nor is this path so narrow that you cannot get passed!'' 'Umar (r) asked him ''Who are you?'' the child replied ''I am ______________ son of ______________''

No. 3 always makes me laugh, subhanAllaah such an amazing personality right from his childhood.

Note: Im determined for someone to get this one, noway am I giving two answers in a row so ..forget that! Im so sure someone will get this one. If not I'll be truly disappointed.


PS: the answer is with sister Samiha, I wont be around to confirm any responses.


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Next ..

- This Sahaabi was martyred, a beautiful fragrance was said to be emanating from his mutilated body.
- Makkah wept when he was killed (thats a bigger clue than it looks; think timing)
- His mother was said to have stated the following at his death ''Is it not time that this Knight (of Allaah) was allowed to dismount?''

I think this is going to be another quick guess..

Wa-alaykum salaam


Gosh, how didn't I get that? I remember that saying of his mother as well, but was too stuck into thinking that somehow this was a sahabi who the kuffaar of Makkah weeped for?


Staff member

PS: the answer is with sister Samiha, I wont be around to confirm any responses.

And which responses might those be, ak...ukhti? I believe the Queen of Clues should make an easier standard so that we can keep up!

Okay so the answer for the above is 'Abdullaah ibn Zubayr (yes ... again!), although in the narration with 'Umar radiAllaahu anhu the ending I read was a little different, reading, "Verily, you are the son of your father." Rather than the question.

My three clues. I am supposing this will be considerably easier inshaAllaah, although I'm not sure they make sense for those other than myself (I hope they do!) :

1) Her first marriage was to the son of the Prophet's :saw: paternal aunt.

2) She began her hijrah to Madeenah alone but was later accompanied by 'Uthmaan ibn Talha radiAllaahu anhu who vowed to not leave her side until they reached Madeenah.

3) She was eager in learning from the Messenger of Allaah :saw: such that a narration comes that one day while a young girl was combing her hair she heard the Messenger of Allaah :saw: saying, "O' People!" So she told the young girl, "Leave me alone now." To which the girl replied, "That call is for the men only; he is not calling the women." And this Sahabiyaat replied, "I am one of the people." ...

wasalaamu 'alaykum


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^Ah you told them! ..I came here to bump the thread but what do I find? Lol.

Well, easy clues are no fun and Im sure all would agree.

As for yours, Im thinking Umm Salamah radiAllaahu anha (Im pretty sure she fits clue no.1 + 2 at least)



Staff member
^ Confirmed from Samiha its Umm Salamah radiAllaah anha.

I have no clues prepared, anyone is free to go next.



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As-salaamu `alaykum

Firstly, Al-Fajr stated in the rules,

- Try to use own knowledge and books as much as possible for this game, use internet sparingly. (Wanted to ban the use of the net to find answers in this game..we'll see how it goes)

So I urge everyone not to just google the question because that's just cheap and defeats the benefit of this thread. This game isn't about who can use google! Go ahead and search the net the sahabi you think it is if you don't have the books.

Secondly, I've been awarded the next turn for asking Samiha to post the answer to one of the previous so Al-Fajr wouldnt have to [be dissapointed]:


I think you're next..


(A just reward for getting the answer off Samiha!)

So here goes!


1) Before this Sahabi accepted Islaam, Musaylimah the Liar recited some of his falsehood "revelation" to him, to which this Sahabi replied, "By Allaah! Surely you're aware that I know you're lying!"

2) He was amongst those responsible for opening the African continent to Islaam.

3) By definition, he is a (or the only in fact) Sahabi who became Muslim at the hands of a Taabi`ee.

And a bonus question following on from the previous...

4) If you got the Sahabi correct, how is the last (Q.3) possible?


Used to be active here!
^ no idea akhi.

but the possiblity that a sahabi to become a muslim at the hands of taabi'ee is:

the sahabi become muslim at the hands of a person who recognized prophet pbuh and become muslim but left the fold of islam while prophet was alive and was a disbeliever while prophet pbuh died but become muslim after Prophet pbuh died thus losing the status of sahabi and becoming taabi'ee.

If not correct i have to go back and look at the definition of these terms.. Hehe..


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^ no idea akhi.

but the possiblity that a sahabi to become a muslim at the hands of taabi'ee is:

the sahabi become muslim at the hands of a person who recognized prophet pbuh and become muslim but left the fold of islam while prophet was alive and was a disbeliever while prophet pbuh died but become muslim after Prophet pbuh died thus losing the status of sahabi and becoming taabi'ee.

If not correct i have to go back and look at the definition of these terms.. Hehe..

Hmmm. If you look carefully, you've lost the question a bit. You've stated that the sahabi becomes a tabi`ee. Yet this sahabi remains sahabi but became Muslim at the hands of a taabi`ee. I'll give you a clue. Look at the definition of a Sahabi with a bit more attention lol. Then look at the definition of a taabi`ee and you might get closer.


Used to be active here!
i mentioned that it was that taab'iee (at whose hand the sahabi become muslim) lost the status of sahabi. Not the sahabi...

i.e. sahabi became a muslim at the hand of taab'iee (who had the status of sahabi but lost it and became taabi'ee due to above mentioned scenario..). and the sahabi remained a sahabi.

but anyways.. i'm not really sure..hehe.. will go and look the definition in sha Allah. LOL

wa salaam.


Staff member
African continent?

Im thinking this has something to do with the early Muslims who moved to Abyssinia. I'm pretty confused about clue no.3.

In the mean time, perhaps someone can post some concise definitions of the term Sahaabi and Taabi'ee for the benefit of the thread inshaAllaah.



Junior Member
The Sahaabah were the companions of Prophet Muhammad :saw2: and were the 1st generation of Islam. And Tabi'een were students of the Sahaabah and were not present during the life of the Prophet :saw2: and were the 2nd generation of Islam.

Maybe this is not so concise but I didn't cheat by searching for definitions online.


Staff member
The Sahaabah were the companions of Prophet Muhammad :saw2: and were the 1st generation of Islam. And Tabi'een were students of the Sahaabah and were not present during the life of the Prophet :saw2: and were the 2nd generation of Islam.

Maybe this is not so concise but I didn't cheat by searching for definitions online.

BarakAllaahu feeki, ofcourse you're correct in the basic sense.

A Sahaabi is one who

- Accepted Islaam at the time of Mohammad :saw2:
- Saw him and
- Died on the deen.

Its not enough to say they were the first generation because there were those who accepted Islaam in that first period of Islaam but had never seen Rasulullaah :saw2:.

King Najashi of Abyssinia (I think?) is one such example, also Uwais al Qarni mentioned previously in the thread. Then there were those who saw the Messenger, accepted the message, but then went back on their word and died on Kufr. So all three conditions have to be met to be considered a Sahaabi.

As for Taabi'ee, I only know as much as you've posted yourself, so if theres more to it than that, Allaahu'alem.



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A Sahaabi is one who

- Accepted Islaam at the time of Mohammad :saw2:
- Saw him and
- Died on the deen.

Its not enough to say they were the first generation because there were those who accepted Islaam in that first period of Islaam but had never seen Rasulullaah :saw2:.

King Najashi of Abyssinia (I think?) is one such example, also Uwais al Qarni mentioned previously in the thread. Then there were those who saw the Messenger, accepted the message, but then went back on their word and died on Kufr. So all three conditions have to be met to be considered a Sahaabi.

Wa`alaykum us-Salaam warahmatullaah

Well, that's the problem. For some, if one didn't see RasoolAllaah sall-Allaahu `alayhi wasallam, then he wasn't a Sahabi. Thus, think about in the question in this light, for Uwais and An-Najâshî would thus not be considered Sahâbah in this light, but mukhdaramûn or tâbi`ûn. The mukhadramûn can be seen as taabi`oon and Allaah knows best.

Samiha told me that one of my questions was a give away. I changed it immediately but will add more detail back inshaa' Allaah!


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Assalaamu 'alaykum
Samiha told me that one of my questions was a give away. I changed it immediately but will add more detail back inshaa' Allaah!

It was a giveaway for me perhaps because I'd read a bit of tafseer before and happened to come across it. And then looking into the Sahabi the rest seemed to fit. However, I'm trying to get more information on the last bit of the clue to be able to answer it fully... but I'd be duly more than glad if someone else could answer it!

Frankly I don't like the gift of giving clues...


Staff member

So the answer is... Amr bin Al-`As (عمرو بن العاص) radiAllaahu anhu. Like I said the reason it was easy for me to locate his name was because I'd read Tafseer of Suratul `Asr recently and in it the story of Musaylimah al-Kathaab is mentioned. And it was just so ridiculous and funny that it stuck to mind. Here's an excerpt:

They have mentioned that `Amr bin Al-`As went to visit Musaylimah Al-Kadhdhab after the Messenger of Allah was commissioned (as a Prophet) and before `Amr had accepted Islam. Upon his arrival, Musaylimah said to him,

"What has been revealed to your friend (Muhammad ) during this time''

`Amr said, "A short and concise Surah has been revealed to him.''

Musaylimah then said, "What is it'' `Amr replied;

﴿وَالْعَصْرِ - إِنَّ الإِنسَـنَ لَفِى خُسْرٍ - إِلاَّ الَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ وَعَمِلُواْ الصَّـلِحَـتِ وَتَوَاصَوْاْ بِالْحَقِّ وَتَوَاصَوْاْ بِالصَّبْرِ ﴾

(By Al-`Asr. Verily, man is in loss. Except those who believe and do righteous deeds, and recommend one another to the truth, and recommend one another to patience.)

So Musaylimah thought for a while. Then he said, "Indeed something similar has also been revealed to me.''

`Amr asked him, "What is it''

He replied, "O Wabr (a small, furry mammal; hyrax), O Wabr! You are only two ears and a chest, and the rest of you is digging and burrowing.''

Then he said, "What do you think, O `Amr''

So `Amr said to him, "By Allah! Verily, you know that I know you are lying.''

The Wabr is a small animal that resembles a cat, and the largest thing on it is its ears and its torso, while the rest of it is ugly. Musaylimah intended by the composition of these nonsensical verses to produce something which would oppose the Qur'an. Yet, it was not even convincing to the idol worshipper of that time.

(From Tafsir Ibn Kathir)

3) By definition, he is a (or the only in fact) Sahabi who became Muslim at the hands of a Taabi`ee.

And a bonus question following on from the previous...

4) If you got the Sahabi correct, how is the last (Q.3) possible?

As for this, to be technical he didn't exactly become Muslim at the hands of a Taabi`ee - but more like at his insistence? This is how I received the story::

`Amr bin Al-`As was close to the king of Abyssinia (An-Najâshî) so it is narrated that at his final visit to the country, mention of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam was made and An-Najâshî asked `Amr then, "How could you not believe in him and follow him, when he is truly a Messenger from Allah?" to which `Amr replied, "Is he thus?"

And An-Najâshî answered, "Yes, so obey me, O `Amr and follow him, for indeed, by Allah, he is on the path of truth and he will surpass those who stood against him!"

It was after this incident with An-Najâshî that `Amr bin Al-`As went to Madeenah and accepted Islaam with Khaleed ibn al-Waleed radiAllaahu anhuma. So thereby, he did accept Islaam because of a Taabi`ee (in consideration of the last recent few posts ~ I didnt even have to answer that part!), but not exactly at his hands? Please to clarify if I've got this bit wrong.


Staff member
^ MashAllaah ..so King Najashi rahimahullaah was involved somehow..

The following clues are samiha's (..I just happen to be posting them):

1) At the Pledge of Radwaan this Sahaabi swore his oath of allegiance to the Prophet sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam twice.

2) Because of his skill as a warrior the Prophet sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam said about him, “Our best infantryman (footman) is ________________”

3) Although this Sahabi was not living in Madeenah, it was there he was buried at the time of his death.

..I happen to know the answer, so I wont be guessing. Its a Sahaabi not mentioned at all in the thread so far.
