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  • As salamu aleykum sister Asja,

    eid mubarek to you :)

    I hope you and your family are in the best state of wealth and iman.

    Are you better now sister...? and your father....? Inshaallah Allah will give you and your family patience to deal with tribulation.

    When you are sad inshaallah Allah will be the cure of your heart and inshaallah you are one of His slaves whom He has guided to be truelly believers...

    ve aleykum selam
    :salam2: sister Asja,

    Hope you had a splendid Ramadan. May Allah swt accept all of our Ibadat. Ameen.

    Wishing you and your family, Eid Mubarak.

    I hope you get to eat a lot of sweets Insha'Allah. :)

    Asslam'u Alykum sister,

    Hope you having good time, Insha'Allah. Don't feel Alone on this awesome occasion, Insha'Allah.

    May Allah accept your fasts. Ameen.
    i am happy to hear that about iran and i agree about everything u said mashaAllah my sister u r very passionate about islam and have knowledge. thanks for the kind words. waleykom salaam
    wasalamu allaikum wa raahmatullah wa baaraktuhu Asjaa!

    Alhamdulilaaa that u r fine too! & ur family:D
    Yeaah wallahi sister ramadan is passing sooo fast! don't want it to end! :(
    Yeaa especially in ramadan one has to say; i don't want to lose even 1 minute of ramadan!

    Huggs and kisses and Looots og salams for u too!

    take care!

    Love you ya ukhtiiiii :D:D
    salam aleykom sister and ramadan kareem. i remembered u were from iran and my grandma was from urmia. i love iran and my favorite muslim country today. iran is the strongest muslim country today and has its own technology, scientists, energy and engineers. thats y everyone jealous because iran don't need others to stuff for them like saudis, kuwait, bahrain etc. may Allah always bless iran and unite muslims and have mercy on us, ameen. have good ramadan and salaam aleykom my sister
    wa'alaykum al salam warahamatullahi wabarakatuhu...

    Alhmdulilah sister, i'm fine :) and everyone here is well..
    Ramadan is going great alhamdulilah- but it goes tooo fast! :(

    No sorry sister! don't say that ;) How r you? and how's the family?
    How is it with Ramadan? :D

    It's soo nice to hear from you! i've really missed u! I don't come on TTI so much :( I just have sooo many homeworks, and you know if not homeworks i use time on reading quran etc. in ramadan especially!

    But thank you so much!

    Big tight Hugss for you sweet sis!

    Take care of urself my special 1 :D :D

    Wassalamu alaikum warahmatullah...
    Walaikum-as salaam dear sister !
    Alhamdulillah, ive been keeping well for now. How about you ?
    Thanks for your message dear sister ! Its always great to rcve msgs from our TTI sisters !
    Hope Ramadan is going great for you !!!
    Salaam !
    walikum salam warahamtullahi wabarkatuh my awesome sis:D
    alhamdulliah i am fine by the mercy of ALLAH..awww sis i missed u college started today but i didn't come online cuz i was busy and had problems with my internet:(
    oh lucky u..u can switch with first day was sooooooooooo busy..i have a huge headache:(.....i can't wait until i am done..then i will be liek this:D:D:D:D:D:D...
    how is ur ramadan goign dear sis?u bette rnot be eatign too much..:D:D:D
    take care of urself
    inshallah talk to u real soon...
    ameen to your dua and i pray the same for you and much more
    hugs and kisses
    asalam alaikum
    Part 2

    Alhumdulillah i am well and my family too. Just please make dua for us. My brother and his wife are getting divorced so there is so much tension in the house, you know. Especially my mum she is really sad these days. make dua Allah helps us and gives us the ability to do sabr.

    Ramadhan,... well i wake up and just pray for some time. maybe 3-4 hours. i am really free these days beacsue i have no madrasa. Then i cook after Dhuhr. Alhumdulillah this whole month i have been cooking. :) I love it :) and plus my mum doesnt need extra work and all that. i try and do everything so she can have a peaceful day.

    Then i log in at TTI to meet all my lovely brothers and sisters :) especially the sisters like you who make me feel so happy. :0 when i am with you ukhti, i feel SO happy Alhumdulilllah.

    Anything special..? no not really, just the desserts lol :D normal indian dishes that we cook :)
    inshaAllah ukhti i will pass your salaamz

    tc wassalaam
    Part 1

    As-salaamu'alaykum wa rahmatulLah :)

    Really ukhti? its good for suhoor? mashaAllah, jazakAllah khair for telling me sister :)
    Mmmmmmmm that cake sounds delicious ;) *yum* can i ask how you made it please? I absolutely LOVE baking cakes and trying out new recipes lol :) mashaAllAH

    Alhumdulillah you and your loved ones are well, :)

    im still fasting sis :p :$ its actually quiet wierd :$ i am a little worried, to be honest. What about yourslef beloved ukhti? :)
    As-salaamu'alaykum! :D

    long tym no see, how are you sister? :) nad how is ramadhan going for you and the family? inshaAllah well :)

    hows mum keeping these days? i hope shes well, give her my salaamz pls :)

    cooked anything special? lol i love trying to cook new things in ramadhan, especially for eid, all those cakes and biscuits lol

    take care my beloved uktii

    Love u filLah
    Wassalaam :)
    Jazak Allah for accepting it, sister.

    May Allah be with you in whatever you do and say, (ameen),
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