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  • you are right sister..allah is surely with us..
    he is surely with the sabirun (patience)...
    your right sister, thanks for concoling me...
    sis i am fine alhamdulillah..
    nice to see your message...
    sister, i know allah is testing us, but sister, my mother?..
    sister, my father is leading throught many problems, why is allah testing us so much?...
    it really hurts me.
    my dad is so hurted because of my mom..
    he is going to saudi tom , and he also said thathe is damn hurted...
    Wa'alaikom al salam hunii!

    No thanks- kind words exists to be said to kind and Sweet people as U sister! so noo thanks..! But thank YOU because of ur sososo sweet and cute words...

    U make me happy!
    Yeah we learn lots of our beloved mothers- alhmdulilah :D:D

    May Allah make u walk on siraat al mustaqeen inshaAllah

    Tightt Huggss and kisses coming ur way from mee :D:D

    Take care!

    with love// ur sis Nermin
    oh really sister!..
    mashallah!, i am happy that you have learn it from her..
    i really miss my mother, she is very good, but now she is facing loads of problems..
    do pray for her..
    a]salam alaukum dear sis how are you doing? long time i didn't hear from you.

    how is life going for you?

    take care dear

    asalam alaikum my awesome lil sis Asja:hearts:
    oh sis ..been busy these days..helpign my sis move so had to pick up alot of heavy stuff...i think i just built muscles:hearts::hearts:
    alhamdullah sis .i am have been greattttt by the mercy of ALLAH..just getting ready for ramadan...
    how have u been?
    awww i made u blush..well thts a first:D:D:D...oh ya sis..i give very good ideas and they r only $ i will give u a discount:D:D:D
    no seriously sis u should start one..i always wanted to learn this stuffffffffff..but don't know how to start..did u learn this at home?
    mashallah sis...i am goignt o show the pics to my family..i just can't tak emy eyes off of them..i saved them in my computerr:D:D:D
    yes sis do share them
    take care my adorable lil sis
    I love u tooooooooooooooooooooo muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    MAy ALLAH bless you and the ummah.May ALLAH grant you janat ul firdous.AMeen
    walikum salam
    Assalamo Alaikom Sweet Sister Asja :SMILY252::SMILY252::SMILY252:

    MashaAllah I feel soo special- MashaAllah how it's some really really beautifull pics u've sent me..

    Wooow SubhanaAllah you are soo talented, Ur parents must be reaaaallly Proud of u!! I am proud of my sister and friend!! Hahah Loooll i've showed them to my mum too :D:D:D
    I have tried to make them b4 but they are ofcourse not so Awesome as yours MashaAllah!:redface:

    And YES why should they not be usefull they are GREAT! Wallahi! may Allah reward u for every good thing u doo :D:D

    Your just sososoo Amaziing! Take care, this world needs some Usefull persons as U!:hearts:
    Love you more for the sake of Allah!
    as salamu aleykum Asja

    soooooo nice vallahi. the girls in turkey are also busy with such works. you remind me at my homecountry with your beautiful table-clothes. we´ve pretty much in common. I don´t do that myself but I admire everyone who knows how to do. oh and I love you too

    ve aleykum selam
    :wasalam: oh my.. they are sooo beautiful! subhanAllah you are so talented! you actually made, its looks like its bought. realy so nicely done, and the paterns so beautiful. thanks for sharing. take care, may Allah bless you.
    assalamualaikum sister....
    they are so,so,so pretty, mashallah sister...
    so, you have started a good bisuness haan :D (lol)
    really sis they are damn pretty...
    my mom also makes these kind of table cloths for our home....
    really they are very pretty...
    i am too happy to see it..mashallah too good sister ...
    Asalam alaikum my dear sis
    mashallah mashallah mashallah.....u made those? i don't believe
    seriously sis..they look like u bought them........
    mashallah u r sooooooooooo talented
    I am just so amazed and speechlessssssssssssssssss
    i didn't know u could do tht
    just beautifulllllll...share more..if u have them..even though they r just so beautiful
    hey u can start ur own business...i will be ur first really i will buy
    take care dear sis
    love u sooooooo much
    walikum salam
    Masha'Allah they are so beautiful like yourself. I pray Allah keeps you that way. Jazka'Allah khair for sharing them with me. I feel very special. I don't deserve them. They are too beautiful, masha'Allah.

    I pray Allah blesses you with jannah tul firdos. Aameen. I love u for the sake of Allah.
    Wa'alaykum salaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu!

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ukhtii i feel so so so so special!:)
    MashaALlah.... u sent me some beautiful pics sis..... to be honest i am havin such a rough day.. but ur msg *and sis Ubah* was sooooooo sweet mashaALlah that i just HAD to smile! :)

    MashaAllah you MADE them ....?! WOW WAllah sister you are SO talented!
    aw i LOVE it mashaALlah and because it came form my beautiful sister like you i love it even more! :D its amazing sister Wow you parents are so lucky to have a daughter like you, SubhanAllah :)

    Im not sure how to make them sister :redface: *blushes*
    but your's are fabulous! :)

    JazakAllah khair katheer for putting a smile on my face and may Allah reward you immensly for that. Ameen. I love u so much sister u have no idea.. and ur so sweeeeeeeeeeeeet mashaALlah!

    I love u filLah :
    x x x x x x
    have a tremendous day and please make du for your sister

    waAlaikum Assalaam sister Asja :D:D:D:D:D:D
    so cute!!!:D mashaAllah tabarakaAllah!!! subhnaAllah, u know u have lots of talents!! I cannot make 'em :(
    but urs are such a cuteeessssssssss :D soo BEAUTIFUL....and why wud I not find them useful!!! subhanaAllah:D they're awesomenesssss:D
    jazakaAllah khairan for sharing, and I too love u for ALlah's sake!!
    Thank you My sweet sis!

    InshaAllah u'll be in my dua's

    hope u had a smashing day!! :D:D

    Love u!

    Take care,.,,
    Assalamo alaikom...

    Aww thank u too honey! I'm fine alhamdulilah- doing NOTHING! Loool

    My mum's coming back tomorrow inshaAllah.. I miss her so much! :D:D
    So I'm very very happy now :D

    Remember me in ur duas

    Urs Nermin
    Assalamo alaikom..

    Thanks a lot! Alhamdulilah ta'ala i'm fine..

    Good to hear from you too sweetheart <3<3<3

    May Allah ta'ala brighten your day! :D

    Take lots of care, and may Allah bless you forever! :D

    So how's day going on? ;)

    Wassalam alaikom
    Assalamo alaikom Sweet Sis!

    How are you? Just wanted to drop by and say hi ;)

    Hope you are having a great day inshaAllah hunii :D:D:D
    Take care

    Tight hugss coming ur way!

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