Fatima S.Ar
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  • really so sweet of you sister

    thanks for your wish...
    ya anything i have to learn arabic if we go out for any centers to learn we will forget it by the same year if we speak and continue with it ..we wont forget thats why im asking you sister
    can you please teach me simple arabi for speaking alone like how are you?what are you doing etc like conversation please sister will it possible for you to help me
    thanks a lot sister atleast you said you know it
    ya allah your english is simply superb sister
    if you find time you just translate it ...like subanallah means pure and eternal which is the only thing i know ......
    but is basically for praising Allah those 10 sentences??????
    asalam alaikom sister
    please translate these 10 sentences to english
    l.Subhaanal Lazee Fissamaaa-i 'Arshuhoo.
    2.Subhaanal Lazee Fil-Ardi Mulkuho wa Qudratuhoo.
    3.Subhaanal Lazee Fil-Bahri Sabeeluhoo.
    4.Subhaanal Lazee Fil-Hawaaa-i Roohuhoo.
    5.Subhaanal Lazee Fin-Naari Sultaanuhoo.
    6.Subhaanal Lazee Fil-Arhaami 'Ilmuhoo.
    7.Subhaanal Lazee Fil-Quboori Qadaaa-ohoo.
    8.Subhaanal Lazee Rafa'as Samaaa-i Bilaa 'Amadin.
    9.Subhaanal Lazee Wada'al 'Arda.
    l0.Subhaanal Lazee Laa Malja-a Walaa Manja-a Minhoo Illaaa Ilaiehi.
    Im fine. And you? Lol yeah i wish i could send you some:) Lol no alhamdulilah all that i have cooked yet is edible and tasty lol.

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