Fatima S.Ar
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  • Salam sis fatimaaaaaaa!!:D:D:D
    how r u my special sis! :lol: i hope fit fine? how is ur "doctor study":D going? inshallah well :D!!
    anyways whats up these days? hanvt talked to u for ages! :(

    take care sweet sista!
    mwah nd hug!
    asalamoalaikon ukhti.
    i hope you are in good health and imaan.:)could you please help me with this.translate these words to arabic.i find it difficult dealing with them during recitation.





    and what's the arabic word for stoning and chin.
    Jazaky Allah khairan 4 the tashqirah (lol) dear sis. Happy Eid to you and the rest of your dear family. And may it be Eid Mubarak to the whole ummah inshaAllah
    Alhamdulillah sunshine:D I am fine:D
    yea Eid is on the corner subhanaAllah! I am havent gotten ready for it yet:(
    school work still has me traped...but inshaAllah will get to it soon:D:D:D:D
    i am glad u is okkk:D
    yay! hey I was close;););)

    ahahaaa.....not really lol
    how u been dear lilttle sisyy?:D:D:D:D
    hope guud inshaAllah,:D
    love u love u filAllah:D:D:D
    Asalamualikum sis, :)

    no, don't apologize. i love reading arabic. keep doing it if you must. maybe i'll learn to conversate in soon inshaAllah.
    yay thanks gurlie:D
    mwahhs n huggies:D
    but...is it am gunna write in English: Ishtafta Ileyki?? or is it Ishtaqta ileyki?? I cannottel Q from F because the writing is soo lilttle......I can read almost all the things Alhamdulillah but I jst dont understand nor can I read:(
    inshaAllah soon tho:D
    love u sunchine
    walaikum wasalam. i'm doing good alhamdulillah. and how are you ukhti? no i'm not palestinian ukhti and i didn't understand the rest of the message as i do not speak arabic fully yet. lol. but i just am concerned about them. no other reason. nice to meet you fatima. how's saudi arabia?
    assalaamu alayki habibti

    ameen to the dua
    wa iyyaki

    i love you toooooooooooooooo
    big hugsss <3

    wa salaam
    السلام عليك حبيبتيييييييييييييييي
    هلللللللللللا بتؤام روووووووحي

    كيفك حبيبتييي
    انا بخير الحمد الله بس مشغولة بالدراسة
    يالله حبيبتي
    اهتمي بنفسك
    Hello sweet sister,
    how are you. Havnt talked in ages :)....whats up on ur side?
    Alhamdulilah im doing well.....

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