Fatima S.Ar
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  • ahahahahahhaahahahhahaahahahah! ur SO funnnnnnnnnyyyyy!

    ahahahahhahahha! :D
    omAllah ukhtii, delete 'em LOL i aint added u
    Walikumsalam sweet sis!
    Im fine alhamdulilah! how about u? and hws ur "doctor study" :D :lol: going? i hope fine?
    i have exams coming too! make dua sis fatima !!! :D:D:D btw are u performing hajj? as u live in KSA? if u go by any chance DO make dua fr me :D:D Jzakallah khair!
    i love u sooo much!!:D:D:D mwah and hug*

    lil sis.......♥
    waAlaikum slaam wr wb dear sister FATIMAAAA!!!:D:D:D:D

    I know hun....me me super sorrry!!
    and OMA! dont ever say did you forget coz I did not and NEVER will!! you're my sweet sister..how cud I forget u?? sorry if I made u feel that way:(
    inshaAllah I will try to stay in touch with my suga (YOU) lol
    Ana bekhayr SHUKRAN................wa anta???
    I miss youu too sunny dee:D:D:D:D
    hey how wud u say that in Arabic??
    I wanna learn Arabic......teach me the SLANG and the formal lol
    I am learning some now lol
    BUT IT'S HARD!! hahaha
    inshaAllah soon I will be talkin to u in arabic...oh yea!!!:D
    love n huggies
    im going now haha! jsut nipped by to say i love you! :D

    You're mega sweet sis, and ur PM's really made my day today! :)

    may Allah keep u in HIS mercy always,

    hey hun im so sorry but i gota go.

    its time to work out :D 2 hour session haha! burn those calories hehe!
    wish me all the very best

    love u jaan! :D

    Wassalaam :):)
    hey! listen to your elders :p i said i love u moreso there you go :D haha! joking WAllahu a'alam man ahabba ila man (?)

    oh great i suck lol
    how do is ay who is more beloved to the other inarabic lol
    arw mashaALlah ukhtii!

    So u just turned 17? menas ur younger than me which means i love u more :D
    Nope sis :p

    hey wah month is your birthday?

    Aameen wa iyyakai :)
    u sed "may Allah keep you happy and tc of u"? LOL i cant really speak it as u can see :redface:

    Alhumdulillah bikhayr ;) im duin well too :D
    innit? been a long long long tym lol :)

    really? akthar wa akthar? وأنا أحبك أكثر more than you can imagine :D


    How are uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu?
    Long tyme no chat innit/ Watsup? Hows it going?


    Wassalaam :):)
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