Fatima S.Ar
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  • Assalamalikum bari behna (big sister)
    :D:D how r u fatima???:D i hope fit and fine inshallah! take care of urself!! remember me in ur dua.:)
    fatima ♥ hug*
    Asalam Alaikum, I am sorry and thank you. I am still so new to Islam so i need some critiquing.
    Wa' salam! Alhamdulillah! All is well thank you. How about yourself? Jazakallah . Salam your sis Sarah.
    alhamdullah I am fine ... about her.. not yet :( because I dont have chance to speak with her :( she is in another country and doesnt know to use internet :( I ve to wait until next summer.. Allah helps her inshaallah..
    No sis :D im not askin u to teach although it wud be awesome if u did :D I knw u becomin a doctor:D Good luck!! inshallah! Sis what abot the address?? Lolz im in pak remember :D can u maybe give her email adress or something?? ask her first if she has spare time :) my mom is more then happy to agree to learn frm ur teacher. :)
    Sis about the Country thats bad news :( but u knw students...we all enjoy a vacation :D so we're kinda happy about the sudden vacs...happy and sad at the same time....thnx for telling me...btw ur a good teacher:D u shud give my mom online arabic lessons :lol: :D:D
    salam sis!! how r u??
    btw what does habibiti mean?? u knw the sis revert2007 wrote it on ur vm??
    Anyways hws ur studies goin? My skol closed down along with all skols in Pakistan cuz of the bad situationa nd suspision of terrorist bombing our skol:( which has hapned to some skols too. So here i am at home.
    Pray fr Pak behna...Jazakallah khaeir. How is ur family?

    take care!! love u!! hug and mwah!
    Salam sis fatima 2 :D lolz im fatima 1 hehehhe kiddin....
    how r u doing? behna plz send me the arabic website link again. U sent it to me on msn but i wasnt able to save it....Jazakallah kheair.... :D
    where have u been 3asal..i miss u so much..bt today am a bit busy though...inshaAllah will chat with u soon...
    Salaamalaikum Ukhti,

    I am so confused now because I have heard people say Ukhti Kareema.. perhaps they are all wrong.. I should learn Arabic :( .. Shukran that you corrected me

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