Fatima S.Ar
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  • :salam2:

    I am well Alhumdulillah.. How are ya sister ? :)

    So really.. I thought we can say ' ya ukhti kareema' ? Is this not correct ? Umm.. Can you clarify please ? :)

    sister fitma gr8 job keeep it upppppppppp mashaAllah
    loking forward for more from you inshaAllah
    Walaykumusalm warahmatulhi wbaraktu!! :D

    Yeah Fatima is a beautiful name MashaAllah!!! :) Your welcome ukhti! :)

    Salams!!! :D
    Salams ukhti!! :)

    Thank you for showing me that thread! :) It was beautiful and made me smile! :)

    By the way, is Fatima your name? I love that name! :) I have a very close friend named Fatima! :)

    Wasalam!!! :D
    Very good sister you said the right thing that you want to follow the scholars you feel comfortable with and so is the right of every woman.I agree with you 100%.By the way you really made me laugh because of this file issue.Anyway Thank God that at last you saw it.Please Pray For The Freedom Of My Kashmir.
    :lol:.. i really dont knw :D .. sumone told me those words, i thought its in arabic...no prob i'll ask the person who told me :)

    jazakallah khair
    asaalam alikum sister :) .. sorry to disturb u .. u r arab rite :D .. i want to ask sumting..
    Sie sind beide Esel << wats the meaning of dis.. jazakallah khair
    Miss u too sis fatima 2!! hhehehe:D :lol:
    glad to hear that ur fit fine alhamdulilah! Im also fine :)
    no prob sis!!

    take care....
    hugz nd kisses*
    Assalamualaikum Brother This is in response to the the post you made.You said that Allah says in Quran that women should completely cover themselves so that they should be unknown and further you said that it is not possible to remain unknown until they dont cover their face.I was shocked when i read it.You being an Arab you made such a grave mistake.The verse you are referring to is the verse of surah Ahzab verse 59 and it says that they should be KNOWN(as respectable women).Please read the verse carefully again InshaAllah.
    assalaamu alayki habbibtiiiii
    busy with exams :( aaasifa habibtiii
    inshaALLAH speak to you soon
    keif halish w haal ahlish
    uhibbuki fillah
    assalaamu alaykum
    حبيبتى أنا مصرية و أحبك كثيرا أولا لشخصك و ثانيا أن روحى بالحرمين و أنت من الجيران جزاكى الله كل خير على رسالتك الرقيقة
    assalamulikum sis.where is ur quran teacher?i haven't seen her for 2 days?when can she teach me?tomorrow am free inshaAllah.
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