Fatima S.Ar
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  • sister don't be sorry
    and whats that i see a sad face???
    cheer up ukthi *hug* i want smiles, smiles!!!!!!!
    i loved talking to you sis:D
    take care ukthi
    sis if u can plzzzzzzz cum to the wonrd games sectiona nd help us out in -2 +2 game!! HURRY!!!!!!!!
    Assallamu allaykum..
    my beloved sister i don't know if you are getting my messages
    on msn sis i will go soon
    inshaallah chat to you soon:)
    ukthi take care
    love you so much
    x x x *hugs*

    i kinda et that :):) i think lol

    "dont mention it, which of my service *sumthn sumthn sumthn* LOl im glad to have helped you? LOl help meeeeeeeee :D

    hope ur okii

    just wondering how du u say "i cant wait for tmrw" in arabic? fus'ha if you please :)

    sorry to bug you
    Alhamdulillah sister :D
    glad to know ur eid was amazing!!!!
    ur still celebrating?? hope u enjoy all of it:D
    inshaallah x x x
    Assallamu allaykum ukthi:)
    so happy too see you here
    how was eid?? :D
    love you x x x
    Salamu alykum sister..

    Hope your Eid went well and u had nice time at Jeddah..
    I was planning Umrah in Ramadhan but due to some reasons it couldnt materialize...
    Hopefully will be there for Umrah in March/April next year,InshaAllah..

    Do pray for me..

    Allah Hafiz
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