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  • I love youuuuuuu!!!!!! :hearts:

    Eid Mubarak to you too....sorry my computer wont let me attach pictures :p

    I love youuuuuuuuuuuuuu thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu :D:D:D
    Sweet sister:D
    Man i love that "pinkish" color! That card is beautiful! Thanks for posting it. I hope your in best of health. Eid Mubarak to you too sis!

    Bakra debit
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    Eid Mubarik…

    Hamara Msg Debit
    Apka Reply Credit
    lol sis- and how r YOU????
    yep- i'm happy about it too- lol
    lotsa luv and EID MUBARAK!
    no- i dont have BIG plans for eid:(
    my mom has work on that day in fact- but oh well, there r a lot of peple who cant even be fed in the world
    and i'm HAPPY enough iving 4 them-lol
    lots of luv sis!
    I'm glad ur exams went well!!!!!!
    wa alaykum salaam sweeetiiiiiiiie :D:D:D na u aint crazy i love mr green too :D:D:D on msn i keep on sendin it to everybody :D:D:D
    what special stuff are u doin for eid? :D eatin anythin nice? u wil wear a salwar kameez? :D:D

    eid mubaarak to u too sissssss
    and all ur fam inshaAllah :hearts:
    and jumuah mubaarak toooooooooo
    love uuuuuuu
    big huuugs
    wa salam :D:D:D:D:D
    Walaykumasalaam! Khair mubarak meri pyaari behain :hearts:
    Aw, jezakAllah khair for remembering me :)
    take care InshAllah, also have a great day!
    Wa'alaykum salaam

    im ok dear not bad !!

    have u read need mercy story? its same my story u know ???
    those replies like people answered for me
    Wa'alaykum salaam :D

    No worries Lol, iw as like thst too *and kinda still am :D*

    anheb is behna backwards :D LOL i thought you would have got that :p

    Eid mubarak to you tooooo!
    make dua for me today pls pls pls and my familyyyy :)

    Hows Zainab these days ? Miss her :(

    Love u

    Wassalaam :)
    wa Alaikum salaam wr wb SWEETER lil teeny wenny sis:D:D:D:D
    SUGAAAAAAAA!! of ma SWEET TEA LOL <joke>:D
    Alhamdulillah sis nothin to complain about :D:D:D
    may Allah reward u for askin !:D
    well, school and that sort of nonsense is up !
    iam too busy wif school nowadays! but inshaAllah will be fully back wif ya'll in winter break and be here more these comin days coz of amm *thanks giving* :D:D:D:D
    hw u been?
    how did urr tests goo?
    inform me dear lil sis,
    mwahs righ back at u!
    and oh yea jumpo dumpo hugiies tooo:D:D:D:D:D:D
    Oh hey! I am free!! :D:D
    Try not to get too jealous...;);)
    Mum told me that you guys were coming to Lahore as Phopho wanted to meet Dada abu?? Which one is it... you coming or not coming?
    lol sis! I missed u 2!
    The weather here is okay-
    so sis- how r U??????? did u do well on ur exams?
    BIG HUD AND MWAH!:hearts: :D
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