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  • :salam2:
    hey behna app ki tabiet kasi hai:)?i saw your card today.sis it's beautiful:tongue:.sorry for the late jazakallaha khaira,i was gone.
    btw how was your eid?
    Asslam u Alaikum wrwb dear little sis,

    Jazaki Allahu Khayra for soooooooo beautiful Eid greetings.

    I hope that you will be feeling better now insha Allah. May HE grant you complete cure and may HE bless you always.
    Wa Alaaikum Salam wrwb
    lol sis!!!! i hope u get better!!!!!btw- lol- if u like snow- then u'll luv it here right now. Nice, soft, swirly snow !!!!!!:D :lol:
    lots of luvvvvvvvvvvvv!!!!!!!!!!!:D
    awww beemar ho sis?? :(
    may Allah give u shifa very soon :(
    i asked hibba if u were well and she told me u have fever :(
    i hope ur feelin better now
    biiiiiiiiiiiig huugggggggggs

    and no
    i love u more ;) :D:D:D:D:D u aint gonna beat me in this :D

    wa salaaaam
    Awwwww!! :( I hope you get better veryy soon. I was very worried. I even asked sister Hibba if you were okk. Lol I get crazy sometimes :p

    YAY your smiling!!! YAHOOOOO!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D Keep smiling my sweetyyyyyyyy!! :D:D:D:D I looooooooooveeeeeee your smilesss....I'm litterely in love with them :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D loool

    Huggssss right back atcha!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D Keep smiling my loveeeeeeeee


    Asalaam, aww, it's okay if we didn't win, InshAllah next time
    I hope you get better soon, i'll make dua for you hun
    make sure you rest and take care :)
    aaaaaww yay! you has fun:D:D:D:D:D

    pepsi is ur fav pop??
    I LUV pepsi tooooo....but i also dont mind coke.
    pop is the name for all those drinks...pepsi, coke, sparit all:D
    alhamdulillah u had agood eid:D:D:D
    may Allah heal u dear:D ameen
    n hugies n mwaaaahss:D
    subhanaallah sis same with me:( im very ill atm.......
    I pary that Allah swt gives you good health,,,
    get well soon sis *hug*
    lol sis!
    awww- u dont feel well?:(
    dont worry bajeee!!!!
    i'll make duaa 4 u!:hearts:
    lol- the snow melted-sorry.....:lol:
    Salam ssssisssss!!!!:hearts: + hug!
    aaaaah sis u ate for me too? :D:D:D
    hahaha no sweets? :D:D:D oh well tikka is nice tooooooo :D:D:D mashaAllah

    ok ill check the game right now and wil participate inshallah :D:D:D (if i understand how it works tht is :D:D)

    and no sisssssss
    i looooooove u more ;) :D:D:D
    big hugs
    Habibti shoekran for the wonderful picture, and Eid moubarak to you as well. I wish you and your family a pleasent life, the same for every mulim insha Allah. Sorry for the late message, I just saw the message right now. Anyway I saw a thread of yours where it said you were sick, I have't read it yet. But bi idn Allah you will get better soon. Love you for the samke of Allah ukhti, I wish you and every muslim a healthy life full av iman insha Allah. Salam wa rahmat Allah wa barakatou.
    Awwww :( You are sick?? :( SubhnAllah :( May Allah heal you very very very very very very soon inshaAllah :(:(:( Ameen

    Dont be sad okk hun. Please dont be sad. I really hope you get better. Now I'm all sad :(

    Sister, I will make LOTS of dua for you, dont you worry, make dua for yourself too, ok hun.

    Please tell me if things get better...or worse :(:(:(:(:(:(

    Love you soooo much, Take good care of yourself okkkk.

    And Smile for me...please...

    wow! amazing card! Jzaki Allah khairan dear sis. That's so sweet of u. "Sweets from the sweet" lol Hope u've had a wonderful Eid full of happiness and joy. Take care my cute lil sis. Salam
    lolz sis! have a great eid!
    and a great weekend-
    gw? the streets were blocked with sudden snow yesterday!
    now most of it is melted- but really, it was crazy, there as SO much traffic- lucky me, we were at my aunts and we had a sleepover!

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