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  • :salam2: sister... i want to buy ur goat lol .. i'll pay u 200 dirham ? :lol:
    wasalamu Alaikum:D
    aaamm, u so welcme:D
    thanks for wishin happy eid:D
    aamm, probably on either sunday or monday? dont knw for sure:D
    but I am jst early LOL
    coz I am afraid that Imight not say it on tym:D
    hope u r gooooooooooddd:D:D:D
    Ramadan's great, elhamdulela. I'm getting sad it's about to end though.. How about you? How is your Ramadan?

    LOL. It's cute anyway. :D

    Elhamdulela for being muslim. Did you originally live somewhere else or are you from the US? What's your name btw? :)
    Asalamu alaikom,

    Let's win the next round, my sister. :hearts: Mwahahahaha, the brothers are going DOWN!

    You have your own goat? =O You live in the US. :) Are you a revert?
    playin with me :p nawty nawty :D tut tut i dont like these kinda animal jokes hahahah :D

    i know he is well cute mashaAllah! wiht his cuteh lips man!
    a big fat kiss coming his way ! :D

    Wassalaam :) :)
    aw bless him! :D

    winks to him n lotsa lurrrrrv lol :DD

    Alhumdulillah im well too :) been better tho

    Aameen yo urduaa
    how sad innit/.
    Wa'alaykum asalaam wr wb sister :)
    ameen to the beautiful du'aa..i cnt believe there is hust 10 days left!!
    make du'aa for me plz :D
    jazakillaahu khayran
    wa'alaykum asalaam wr wb
    i'm fine alhamdulillaah and u? inshaAllaah gd i hope
    may Allaah bless u and ur fam
    fi amaan Allaah X
    ha ha ha hah ahah...........u named him baw baw:D:D:D:D:D:D....u should have named him iqbal or something :D:D:D
    i just can't stop laughing...well keep ur baw baw until next eid then u can sacrifice him:D:D:D:D...he better not be ur pet in real:D:D:D
    roti samosas kebabs biryani........ i had NO IDEA you guys eat this too lol :D u sed ur somalian ukht yes? :) whoa im kinda shocked lol :D

    jazakAllah khair sister, you said to join you guys for iftaar, and that means a lot, ppl dont even say that these days :p lol :D you eat on my behalf ;) inshaAllah wen we do meet i willl eat down your yard for sure ;) llol :D

    tc lots of love :D

    Wassalaam :)
    hope you have a good iftaar to give baw baw a big juicy hug from meeeeeeeeee :D
    tc *huggggg*
    Wassalaam! :D

    awwwww its a he .. let me tel you i have a phobia of men llol :$ his names baw baw awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww that is shuch shweet name :D amshaAllah :) :)

    darn it man, i got bu$ted lloOoOoOoll my mum cawt me on llol shes like coming up the stairs and i ahd my earphones on *was listening to this sick nasheed* and i didnt here her llol shes like all happy and sweet "Asuuuuuuuuuuu are u feeling any better dear?" and i obviously didnt hear here cos my voolume is alwasy SO loud llol and the next thing she says was, "how dare you, you naughty girl, get in bed NOW.. do you have ANY idea how your causing harm to your poor body and brain? who you chattin to... what you listening to, thats it no iftaar for you" etc etc etc llol :D it was funny lol *and yeh she cawt me laffing llol :p*

    i DID have iftaar tho lol :D my cuteh dad was like "leave my poor baby alone" llol :D haha and my mums like "ur spoiling her" heheheeh *no comment* ;)
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