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  • it is early :p i went to bed at 3 last night :p or this morning :p hehe..
    take care and sweet dreams..

    Fi Amanillah
    whats with the sad :( faces then?
    yusuf is asleep too :p i was piggy backing him, and he put his head in my hair and then i go look in the mirror and he is asleep.. hehe
    subhana'Allaaah!! you're soo rite!! baraka'Allaah feek wa ahsana Allaah khair!! subhana'Allaah.
    I feel the same way....selfish, greedy, ungratefull and guilty!!....I always think about my health. Subhana'Allaah, it like Allaah has blessed me with soooooooooooooooooooooooooo much and yet we lack the little of giving thanks:( your post gives me hope (thanks for sharing ur thots). you're soo rite, it benefits us to worship Him, He is al-qani, He does not need us but we're in need of him yet we act as if we're the ones who dont need him:( subhana'Allaah. I ask Allaah to forgive us! ameen
    Thanks, insha'Allaah.....
    I feel the same everytime i talk to u or other sisters:)
    I ask Allaah to reward you,
    May the one for whose sake u love me, love you ukhti,
    Stay blessed,
    x X x X.....wa'alakum salaam warahmatullaah wabarakatuh habibity :)
    wa iyaki sweety,

    ohh..mine tooo:( it has been low for awhile now:(
    I ask Allaah to strengthen urs and mine and that of the Muslimeen! ameen
    .....I know, i miss me tooo, its like u just feel all low and worthless, like u dont even recognize ur creator or that u r not doing him justice (in ibaadah):(
    oh pls convey my salaams to yasmine......i miss her alot!!
    insha'Allaah....i dnt have alot of books from him but hoppin to get 'em soon insha'Allaah. I read about him alot on this website: http://www.fatwa-online.com/jewelsofguidance/ibnuthaymeen/index.htm

    i soo wanna get his fatwa book for women.....its too expensive here in the book stores (I hate shopping online) so I just use the actuall book stores around here.
    ohh..please give my salaams to her....jazaka'Allaah khair!!
    ameen to ur dua..............
    insha'Allaah i'll make dua for u, u doo the same. My imaan is really dropping these days, pls pray for me!!!:(
    Assalaamu alaikum sweetyy!! :D

    aww yesh I do!!!!! so very much:)
    I ask Allaah to have mercy on him subhana'Allaah! He was indeed a great Salaf!! :D
    thanks, I ask Allaah to bless you and ur beloved family as well!! :)
    I havent talked u in a very long while....:(
    sowwie about coming back to VMz again.PM sapce is required:p

    you just right sister;)mashallah.i know i'm on the wrong side.well hope i can change that soon inshallah
    exactly how much old??lol k you thought i was young right??here's the answer i thought you were much older:pso yeah you are my young dadi:!\\

    guess it's a good idea to e friends with YD so i may benefit from her vast experience of life and get mature:phehehe
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