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  • Haha.

    He is now :S And i hope all goes well inshaAllah!

    BTW, did you see Gordon's kids? They are what being cute is all about! :p MashaAllah. Lol
    Because of our ancestors! :p LOL. Haha.

    German? Lol.

    I didnt know you were into politics! :p

    and yes please do find it for me lol. I owe you hun!


    Yeah i heard about the fight they had. Do you think you could send me the link to it? It should be on the BBC news channel but i really cbb. :p

    BNP's are racist. I dont think we should really worry about them anyway. But listen, lol they said that if they come into power they would stop all imports and exports out of uk LOL. how in the world are they gona grow their veggies?! :D

    Wassalaam! X
    Emotional..? I know lol.

    3?% of the population didint vote. What does that tell us lol.

    BNP's lost all of their seats! :O

    Yeah I voted LAbour. I think my whole family did LOL. ?Literally. :p

    Haraam?! Haha. What?? Ofcourse not. We're living in this country and so you have to go about the rules. Lol. Thats ridiculous- being haram!

    Haha. I'll still be getting EMA inshaAllah one more year so you should be bothered :p Wish for your muslim bro/sis what you would wish for yourself lol. :p

    How come you wont get it anymore? :S
    We'll chat later if thats okay.

    I really gota got to bed now. :)

    Take care love
    Nice chatting as always

    Wassalam X

    Yeah i did. Omg man i really cant believe its a hung Parliament :S That sucks man. We're gona be having loads of disputing now.

    Brown is quitting aswell.

    May Allah make it easy for us.

    Who did you vote for?
    haha, so ask me how i am :p lol.

    Aw man hardly evr get a chance to chat to her man. :( If you speak to her pls pass my salaams. i miss her baaaaare!

    How are your studies coming along anyway?


    Oh but you wouldnt though. Cos like people ask how are you n that in the beginning of the convo LOL so im sure you would have figured that out lol.

    BTW how ukhtii Yasmine?
    umm yeah. Have you never heard someone sayin "how are you keeping" ? Its probably something i invented LOL... maybe thats why.

    I rememebr one time on tti i asked that to a sister and she was like "how am i keeping what?!" lol. it was weird saying "oh i was just asking about your health" it sounded as though i was saying she had some kinda illness :S

    Im off now really lol.

    Wassalaam! X
    ok thats it. I am knackered man. i hit my head for like the millionth time lol. and my eyes are getting dry and my contatcs are itching/buggin me lol/

    Gotta go to bed now. Have an early start tmrw :(

    Make dua for me please.
    love you lots

    oops! My bad you did answer me LOL

    I was talking about when i asked you how you were keeping lol.
    Okay, i'll be honest. im half sleeping. literally. ive hit my head on the desk like twice now lol. And boy did it hurt. :S and i creased my paper from which i was revising :p lol thats just so me. Wrecking everything LOL

    What you doing up late sis?

    Oh jazakALlah khair :)

    Soso bala aso ni? :p LOL. You didnt answer me lol
    Oh Alhumdulilla. Well better late than never huh? :p

    Aameen wa iyyaki

    Wa ilal liqaah :)
    Hey. As-salaamu'alaykum!

    Im well Alhumdulillah how are you keeping hun? Sorry i REALLY have no idea how thats said in Bengali! :p

    How you had a smashing day! X

    Tc Ukhtii
    wa alaykum salaamm siss kichu nai tumar kitha khobor :D:D:D long tiem where have u been ? i didnt see u on fb either :S bala aso ni ?

    :hearts: love you more <3

    fi amaaniLlah
    2 weeks :) same as you guys. but ours started one prior to you folks

    jummah mubarak sis

    My holidays are already over hun :)

    I've been at madrasa since monday Alhumdulillah.

    JazakAllah khair, ill check em out.

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