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  • wa 'alaykum salaam wa rahmatullah

    Sorry I just got your message for some weird reason. I'm good alhamdulillah.

    My laptop on the other hand is broke... sooo for the most part I'm not online as much except for little bits. And I think I will be cutting back more as well.

    And how are you sis?
    Assalaamu alaykum.
    I see that brother Kashmiri already answered.
    That site has unnecessar things, it contains exaggeration in the matters of critisizing people etc. I.e. they have harshness (and have a one way perspective, without having a broader view on some issues) and some of the Shuyookh have told them about it. May Allah rectify our affairs, and theirs, and reward them for the good they have done and do. Wallahu a'lam.
    Wa`alaykum us-salaam warahmatullaah

    Shaykh `Abd Al-Mushin Al-`Abbâd said in Rifqan Ahl us-Sunnah bi-Ahl is-Sunnah: "I advise the youth to be cautioned against being occupied with following the stumblings of the students of knowledge and following the internet sites concerned with gathering their slips and cautioning against them because of [these slips]."

    I don't know of a website that matches that criteria better than ST.
    awww, my best friend wants to a teacher....elementary school teacher (little kids):D
    WA iyaki btw :D
    ooh yea...sorta good with them computers :D and I like 'em alot so I thought why not ? :D
    dude....guess WAT??? i jst sent it :O :D yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
    aah..no worries abt the q's :D
    idk...I am undecided. I was gunna study nursin but that didnt work out....I threw up after seeing Blood frm someone who was gettting stitches :O so, I changed my mind. right now thinkin abt computer networkin or anything that has to do with computers :D
    ahaha....I will hun...like always:D I will ask Allaah to make all easy for you.ameen
    ok...I'll forward it in MSN inshaAllaah...I mean hotmail:p ahaha
    aaww.... *gives u a bigger teddy bear HUG* :D
    I go to Uni....or college idk the system in London, but I graduated from high school and now go to college (University sorta like)
    *yay* enjoy it while it lasts hun, :D
    hahaha...i feel you. sometimes you just get bored. :p
    what I do is read, read, read!! wen I am bored...otherwise I am out with my bestee:)
    but wallahi, if u cannot find anythin especial....read more on Islam. I'll forward a very beneficial book if you want...print it out and benefit frm it:)
    I have learned that book, and it's all tawheed, aqeeda, and fiqh in a question and answer way. very understandable.......and easy to follow. proofs frm both Quran and sunnah:D
    its subhanaAllaah....amaazing!:D
    jst let me knw...:D
    Alhamdulillaah hun, very good to know:D
    dont belittle yourself ukhti, anybody can do it....we've Allaah to be concerned of you know...it should not matter wat life throws at us. alhamdulillaah:)
    aaww, holidays, I have been outta skool for along while now..alhamdulillaah! about to go back in about a month frm now on :S
    summer has been good for me, alhamdulillaah :)
    are u off or wat? and wat happened to ur fb? I was trying to tag u on a note and found that u was not on there no more :( are you taking a break?? :)
    aaww u too dear!:D
    wa'alaikum salaam dear,

    I am doing great alhamdulillah! thank you for asking:D
    how are you??
    subhanaAllaah, you know we cannot be sad. I see it as another test. It's time to move on and thank Allaah for giving us the opportunity. alhamdulillaah. InshaAllaah, I trustthat Allaah will not let us down. This was a test of patience....as time went on I have realizeed that if one did for Allaah...one should not be sad! alhamdulillaah.
    inshaAllaah...you're always in my duas ukhti, :D
    I ask the same of you!:D
    jazakaAllaah khair for dropping by!:D
    wa alaykum salaam wa rahmatullah shunna
    :p i know u just cant believe it
    <3 im good alhamdulillah barakallahu fik
    how are you? what u up to :)

    ... How is life? ... I don't know, like life I guess? Sometimes good, sometimes not so much, always in a rush, never enough time subhanAllaah... but in every case Alhamdulillah.

    May Allaah make it easy for us! I have to dash sis, take care

    PS - I hope you are doing alright inshaAllaah


    When do we break up..? Errmm I think July 9th. What about you guys?

    What you planning on doing in the holidays hun? Mine are gonna be like SO boring. Ugh. Really not looking forward to 'em lol.

    InshaAllah i will do. :)

    10th? Mine is on the 1st LOL :p No worries, i know for sure you'll ace it ;) *InshaAllah*

    Tc love
    and dont stress too much!

    wa 'alaykum salaam wa rahmatullah

    Aww that's fine lol if that happens to me my policy is to think, "If I cant remember it must not be all that important in the first place!" ... Of course, since I don't remember, I cant be totally sure of it lol but it helps when I think it.


    You actually remembered! Aw man jazakAllah khair for asking.
    TBH it was a really hard paper. I came home and felt like crying *sigh* but i didnt :p LOL. I have no idea how crying would have helped. Lol. Seriously.

    Aaaaanyways, i had a listening and responding paper and a written one. Written one was even harder cos i cant speak Arabic. Lol So i literally sat there chatting Bob. :p No joke. I had to write about the saddest day of my life OR about a movie. I wrote about a movie :p Only because I had no idea what the other option was LOL *My buddies told me after the exam that it was about writing about the saddest day* LOL. I seriously chatted waffles.

    Next exam is on 1st June. I really need you to rememebr me in your du`as. I hope i pass with flying colours as they say! Aameen

    Take care shunna
    Lotsa love!

    See? I've lost the plot LOL. "I have an example on Monday" LOL :D I meant to say that i've an exam. Im really stresses man. Seriously, i don't know jack.

    Aamen to your dua. It's an Arabic paper and we all know how much my Arabic speaking skill suck :p

    Tc and keep in touch

    Lots of love

    Really? i never knew that. So sad.

    Yeah you better look for it or else :p LOL. *Im not that scary but still my e-pals are :p:p* LOL
    I've had such a busy busy day today. I have an example on Monday and on Wednesday and I've been revising too much :S my head's killing lol.

    Hope you're keeping well hun,
    Take care and DMY.

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