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  • Alhumdulillah shunna im well ;)

    Me too i miss rikku baaaaaaaaaaarree :( She texts me every now and then. inshaAllah shes okay, i wanted to ring her lol but cos of what she said to you lol i dont think i should. LOL :D i'll ask ehr frst haha!

    Hows things at ur end? Hows col n that?

    Got drivin today :D make dua lol ;)

    Wassalaam :):)
    wa alaykumu salaam wa rahmatullah shunnaaaa
    inshaAllah yeeeees
    at least u had the niyyah mashaAllah may Allah accept it!
    may Allah help u with ur school work too
    ameen to ur duas jazaakillahu khayran wa iyyak
    love u moooooooooooooooooooooooore
    wa salam
    Wa alaykumu salaam wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu wa maghfiratuh ukhttttttttttttttttiiiiiiii yeeeeeeeeeees i did see it :D :D:D
    ami beri beri happi :D alhamdulillah
    miss u shunnaaaaaaaaaa :D
    im gonna go back to sleep now inshaAllah
    it thought of u i had the roti that didnt get to london :D
    may Allah bless u always
    wa salam
    wa alaykumu salaam
    sister thanks for your wish
    jhazhakallahu khairan!!!!!!
    im gud how about you???
    i wish allah grant his blessings upon you n your family members a whole
    wa alaykumu salaam wa rahmatullahi shunna
    naaaaaaa dont be sorry inshallah plz :) i understand u had to go quicklyyy
    love u always shunnaaaaaaaa
    jazaakillahu khayran jumuah mubaarak to u too and all ur fam
    big hugs
    wa salaam
    hahahahaha okieees
    send it to montreal canada inshaAllah ;) im famous for being a food lover :D
    hahaha embarassing storrrrrrrrrrrries? wowwwwwwwwwwwww i cant wait for it! :D
    muah love u always shunna
    wa salaamu alaykum
    wwowwwwwww mashaAllah...moza khaniiiii :D
    send khoro sis plz :D ami-o khaymu :D
    please make duas for me too habibti inshaALLah youre in mine ;)
    ameen to ur dua jazaakillahu khayran
    wa iyyaki
    may Allah al wadood love u always
    wa salaaaaaaaam shunna
    wa alaykumu salaam wa rahmtullahi wa barakaatuh my shunna :D

    ami salad khaysi :D thats all :( and now im havin rice crispies :D ar tumi? kitha khayso? :D

    miissss uuuuuuuuuuu
    ameen to ur dua jazaakiLLahu khayran
    may Allah bless u always and protect u

    wa salaaaaaam :D
    u 2 are hilarious! honeslty lol :D

    hey wah do you know am still on lol.. i should get off the comp man seriosuly. lol have 2 tests tmrw lol :D

    yeh ur well niice.. left ur sis to have a niice little chat with Mr handsome shpiderrr :D spiders are fit innit? :p :lol: joke joke
    it was humongous! i mean literally i wudv screaMED but i was on the phone with u lol, man that was scary, man i really felt as though my heart missed a beat :( *not literally* :p

    i really really dislike spiders :( it was blacky brownish and HAIRY! AND it was crawling up the staircase towards me and u were alffin :p tut tut :D hahaah1 well im safe n sound now haha! Alhumdulillah :)

    tc great talking to you! :) my shunna ;)
    hey gimme like 2 mins ukhtii will ring ya back :)

    my manly sis :D hahha! joke joke ur voice is cool man :) :D ;) ahem ahem
    my mum called you?! hahahahaha! :lol: this is hilarious! :D

    na man my mum is too cute man, seriously u gota meeeeet her! :) hey im callin u pick up :D this is dads number dont ring on here :p

    luv u :)
    i called u miss shy to speak over the phone lol... not me :D i aint im proud of my manly voice :d haha! kidding *i dont got a manly voice ppl* :D

    i dont got credits *sob sob* rinsed 'em big tmy.. my mums like "who do you call all the tym.. wher du ur credits go.. " etc etc lol :d but i cnt stop ringin ppl lol u guys really help me a lot :D

    wah was that bout u getting scared? i didnt actually gerit :$
    Gosh! am i happy to see you online miss i-am-shy-to-speak-over-the-phone :p hehe

    hope ur live n kikin as they say it!

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