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  • Assalaamu alaykum amar shunna :D:D:D:D:D
    ameen yarab
    hahahahaha sagolor khan hahahahaha :D:D:D:D
    :D:D:D:D ur gift present is waiting for u sis
    on eid inshaALLAH im gonna send it :D:D:D
    its very special :D:D:D
    nahiiiiiiiiiiii sis
    i love u mooooooooooooooooooore :D:D:D:D
    Fi amaaniLlah
    Asssalaamu alaykum shunnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :D:D:D

    im ok alhamdulillah jazaakillahu khayran

    wa anti min ahli ljaza' hun :)

    loooooooooooooooooooooooooool a goats ear :D:D:D:D bakri hahahahahhaah :D:D:D

    hahahahahhahaha :D:D:D:D:D

    yeeeeeeeees inshallah 10 days till eid
    eid mubaarak to u too hunnnn
    baarakallahu fik

    i love you moooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooore :D:D:D
    ameen to ur dua jazaakillahu khayran
    wa iyyak
    wa salaam
    assalaamu alaykum shunna :D:D:D

    wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww mashallah
    u took pics? :D:D:D

    yeah i make it everyday and i eat it thrice a day :D:D:D

    i also make moroccan styl ebread with atta :D
    i can give u the recipe if u want inshallah :D:D

    love u more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more x1000000000000000000

    wa salaam
    Dang! How could i be so rudeeeeeeeee! i forgot to ask you how u are doing :$

    LOL, so how are uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu my shunna bunna :D

    Yes I am. Hello Chahana, It's a pleasure to meet you.
    Thank you for your up-lifting message, God bless.

    Ameen to your prayers.
    Make Dua for my lovely parents- Sam and Judith. They are OK with my conversion now- Thank God. Everything seems to be falling into place now. It's all thanks to God and my TTI brother's and sister's good wishes.

    Take care honey

    Wa'alaykum salaam wa rahmatulLah! :D:D

    Alhumdulillah after reading your msg im feelin super duper great! :D hahaha! Even before i was lol heheh! ;)

    Am littler than u :p damn! that stinks :):):)
    assalamu alaykum shunna :D:D:D

    wowwwwwwwww u made it for real? :D:D i hope u enjoyed it
    i eat it everyday :D:D:D
    hahahaha moza to the max :D:D:D hahaha
    wa anti min ahli ljaza;' hun
    Ameen to ur dua baarakallahu fik
    may Allah bless u always
    love uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
    fi amaani llah
    awww shunna
    may Allah help u and make everythin easier for uuuu
    misss uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu <3

    atta? u ate flour? :D:D:D:D:D
    wa salaam
    wa alaykumu salaam wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh wa maghfiratuh shunnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :D:D:D:D

    ameeeeeeen ya rab
    wa anti min ahli ljaza' huni
    shoman khayso? shoman kitha? :D:D:D
    ameen to your dua jazaakillahu khayran.wa iyyak huniiiiii
    missssssssss u always
    love u moooooore :D:D:D::D
    wa salaaaaaaaaaaaam :D:D:D
    itsssssss rainy here toooooooooooooooooooooooooo mashallah! megha megha! :D:D:D its looooooooovely mashaAllah! :D its not too cold either sooo im very happpy woooooohoo! :D:D
    hahahaha shall we play at snow balls fight inshaaAllah? :D:D:D
    ameen to ur duas sweeeetiiie
    jzaakillahu khayran
    may Allah give u all that and moreee
    wa fiki baarakaAllahu habibtiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
    love you more and misss u moooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooore
    :hearts: :D:D:D:D
    wa salaaaaaaaaaam
    wa alaykumu salaam wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh wa maghfiratuh shunnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :D:D:D

    kitha khayso tumi aske? :D:D:D oops...*bala aso ni aske?* :D:D:D
    ami aske chinese khani khaysi zzeeeeeeeeeeeh mozah asil mashaAllah :D its filling though and i feel fuuuuuuull! :D
    :D yeah ur right abt fb its very beaqol :D i think someone had my password :eek: because it was soooo slow before and now ive changed it and its not slow anymore :eek: hoooohooooooooooooo :eek: :eek: :D:D:D
    okiiiiiiie sis ami eblah send khorsi tumareh tajine! :D
    Diet bangi-lisi? its ok :D:D enjoy khaniii inshallah :D
    are naaaaa go, ami tumareh aro bala faaaaaaaai! u cant beat me! :D oshombhooooooooob! :D
    mouaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah habibtiii
    miss u
    wa salaaaaaam
    wa alaykumu salaam shunna :D:D:D
    sowwi didnt see ur message :( and didnt even see u online:( :eek: miisssss youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu :hearts:

    ahahahaha ur the funny one mashaAllah. u got my message on fb?! :D makhal fb! :D
    i cant always see when u comment on wallposts :( i have to remember that i wrote somewhere and then check ur wall all the time to see if u replied or no :D:D:D
    plzz shunnaaaaa ekhta request, write on my wall because most of the time i can sound sooooooooo rude bcuz i dont answer, its not that i dont want but fb is a be-aqol :D and doesnt always send notifications :D:D jazaaakillahu khayran dhonnobaaaaaaaaaad :D

    amar bangla bala? naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! :D:D its bad man! :D
    hmmm ami khani khaysi in classical arbi would be akaltu al wajbah! :D i think so..:D
    tumi kitha khayso today? :D
    ami tajine khaysi zeh mozah lagse its moroccan style :D
    wa alaykumu salaam wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh wa maghfiratuh shunnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
    oyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D long time! tumi khoi shuna! :D ami tumare zeeeeeeeeeeh miss kori! :D
    gi oi ami channa khaysi! zeeeeeeeh mozah lagse! :D ami ebla send khorsi tumareh go :D
    yumzzzzzzz maas? amareh-o send khoro :D
    hahahaha yes that lady might've been your mum! :D or your aunt? :D
    it was yumzzzzz yummzzzzzz yummyyyyyy! i ate from it twice :eek: finished it all man!
    and on wednesday i had paratha it was yummmmmmmmmmmmmmy :D:D:D
    wa fiki barakaAllah habibtiiiiiiiii
    may Allah bless u always
    jumuah mubarak to you too shunna! Jazaakillahu khayran

    naaaaaaaaaaaa oshombhob! :D ami tumareh aro bala faiiiiiiiiii!
    wa salaaaaaaaaaaaaaam :D:D:D
    wa allaykum sallam ukthi
    hows you doing??
    long time no chat ukthi missed u bares
    its ok sis don't worry, don't say sorry :)
    hope everythings going well for you......
    keep me in ur duas love u mwah *!*!*!
    tc wassallam
    wa alaykumu salaam wa rahmatullah shunna :D:D:D:D
    ameen ya rab
    miss you moooooooooooooooooooore
    ami chicken curry khaysi...with channa :D:D:D:D its a bengali woman who gave it to me :D:D:D
    and u sis kitha khayso? :D kita khobor? :D bala aso ni? :D
    may Allah make everytthing easier for u shunna and may He make u pass with flyin colours :)
    ;) :D:D:D

    ami tumareh aro bala fai
    :D tumi amare aro bala fai naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :D
    muahh :D
    wa salaam :D:D:D
    hahahahahahah, yes crazZzii niqaabi LOL :D i speed to much :p shes like "Asmaa, do you REALLY want a fine and 3 points on a license u aint even got yet" :p :D im like urm nooooooooooo LOL :D she was mad at me ydy :$ cos i wasnt payin attension haha.. my mind was drifting into LuLu land lol :D

    i know i have this CD too and a lame 1,000 page book to read lol :D but i cant be asked :p

    Tc my delicious rice crispies! :D haah i wana eat ya!

    TC again lol
    Wassalaam :):
    wa alaykumu salaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh shunna :D:D

    wa fiki baarakaLlah habibti! :)
    aaaaaaah now i understand why i dont see u on msn anymoree :( plzzz come online soon :D i think all versions of msn are freeeeeeeee :D if u have to pay then i think they do write it somewhere next to the download link :D
    miss u shhunaaaaaaaaaaaa :hearts: :(
    ameen to your duas jazaakillahu khayran
    may Allah bless u and ur fam tooo
    i love uuuuuuu mooooooooooooooooooooooooooore :D:D:D:D:D:D
    Wa salaam :D
    Wa'alaykum salaam

    Nah, i aint rang rikku yet. inshaALlah on the weekend. ill have to ask 1st lol :D

    Driving was crazZzii! :p i suck at it man :( and i thought id prove those people wrong who say women drivers are BAD :p haha! seriously man i HATE DRIVING NOW :p im only duin it cos my fam want me to. cos we're livin in enlgand u HAVE to drive yaada yaada yaa :D

    Have a smashin day tmrw inshaALlah if you can keep in touch sis :)

    I love you habibtii! :D

    Urs, Asmaa :):)
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