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  • As-salaamu'alaykum..!

    OMG, i just read "Taweez terminator" i swear i couldnt stop laughinggg...! Literally. Sis, your choice of words always cracks me up..! LOL MashaALlah.

    The way you tend to phrase 'em.

    Lol. "TT"


    *still has an enormous smile*
    Waalaykumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

    Done. Btw akhi, is there any copyright of that book? Ya'ni, is it allowed to spread it through the internet?
    Wa'alaykumsalaam wr wb =)

    I went town again. Well my cousin dragged me to be precise. :p
    She was LITERALLY throwing this and that into our enormously gigantic trolley..! "Oh, Asma, that'll look great on you.. go to the changing room and try this and this OH and OMG you HAVE to try this on..! " Etc Etc. It was torture if you ask me. My arms were killing me by the time i got home. Lol.
    But yeah, we brought too much man. :redface:

    LOL @ £2. You jokerr...!

    I do+nt want to move man, but we have to. Talk about annoying.

    How many jars... ? Ummm that would be 4 :redface: *embarrassed laugh*

    Anyways, ill be off. Gotta cook still. I wanted to eat take out this eve, but i cant be asked to go shops man. Lol. What a lazy sod innit? :p

    Wassalaam =D
    BTW, one year and NO nutella?! WOW. :O

    Thats the spirit..! I went to Tesco the other day, and i just couldnt help but throw a few jars of nutella in lol. My mum didnt say anythign though lol. Its only a while since ama be gone, so theyre allwoing me to shop junk/crap :p

    oh the joys ... ;)



    I hope you have fun shopping around. I need to get so much shopping done yet, so just make dua i find some good tings man. :)

    Leicester? LOL. Dont ask, i have no idea why they spell it like that lol. Im only here for a few weeks then we're moving to Nottingham. Dont ask about the move man. ive been trying to beg my parents not to go there lol. but apparently they found an "amazing" house and they cant let this "chance" go. *big sigh* and hes just found a job there too, so either way im gona end up in Nottingham.

    I dont wana move from here man. lol. Leicester is the best. Really. Its too good here.

    Well anyway sis, i better get going. Ive got my driving lesson in 10. Ugh, driving sucks big time. I haee it with all my heart lol. But everyones literally forcing me to start being a bit more "independent" :S i rely on my people too much lol!

    Tc hun

    *jumping around*

    MY exams are finally over AlhumdulilLah.. Had a parteh or what man... Yeah, thats what I'm talking about. ;) LOL

    And seriously, who says boxing day sales are good?! They're nuts..! I went to town today hoping to find just 1 thing at least but i couldnt. Seriously. Everything is so crap. My mates were going crazy and i practically looked like some girl whos got no dosh..! Lol Really, i had the worst time today in town. Well, i brought one thing lol. Carmex. But that dont count lol.

    I hope you find a part time job inshaAllah. If not, you can come work in my madrasah lol. We have a lot of Vacancies ;) hehe. I wouldve taken up the job myself but i need time for my family now. Ive only got a while until im married. Im gona miss 'em big time. *Getting teary* lol.

    Aaaaaaaaaaaanyways, thats enough about me, tell me hows ur holidays? I presume you have 2 weeks? Darn it, you lucky sod. Ive only 1 week and 1 day lol. =D

    Tc love,
    will try my best to keep in touch sis
    hardly come online dow..
    keep in touch aswel
    <3 love you sis tc xx
    Yeah, I was so organised before I got a laptop, lol.

    Ma'shAllah, someone's chilling then, enjoy your break. :)

    Will do, Insh'Allah, also remmeber me sis.
    no worries darling :p
    oh gurl I am a scardy cat :lol: I get scared soo quickly my friends do a prank on me every five minutes and I always JUMP and say OMG!!! :lol:
    i dint watch all those movies.....i dnt watch alot of "scary" movies, i dnt like to scared, I want something tht has meaning. Or more mystery movies! I love those....where there is a killer on the lose and the FBI is searching. At the end they find the guy and tadaaaa the world is just peaceful:):):)
    aha...i agree the company always influences u :)
    abt ur non-muslim friend, be her influence. I have one too and I try my best to set a example. May Allaah guide them to Islam. ameen
    As-salaamu'alaykum again..!

    LOL, moaning and groaning thats meeeeee..! *okay maybe not the groaning part :p) LOL
    Change? Na bro, who wants to change? *islam wise of-course, but apart from that happy with myself lol AlhumdulilLah*

    ALhumdulilLah exmas are going okay. Im living if thats what u mean lol. Todays exam was a KILLER. Honest to God. Just make du'a i pass please..!

    Nutella *blushing* Darn it..! You still rememebrrrrr..! and you very kindly pointed it out to God knows how many people LOL. Joke.

    Well, i still smuggle the jar of the yummy, ludicrous, and lip licking chocolate spread into my bedroom..! =D My mum has no idea i do smuggling.. Ssshhhh.... ;) Lol.

    6 more exmas to go and im done for this year inshaAllah...! cant WAIT to the holidays... Im going wedding shopping..! Yiykes..!

    Tc hun

    I like it for the same reasons as you, but when it lingers for too long and when it's extremely cold, then it makes getting around difficult because the roads become very icy and everything.

    I used to do the same, then I realised it's the laptop and the frequent staying up which is keeping me awake! Lol, so I changed my routine, and now I avoid coming on the laptop late otherwise I just won't get off, lol. It's so addictive!

    Life's ok, Alhamdolilah. :) How about you?

    Daym its been a while..! :p
    Sorry ukhtii, its these exams, i have 2 tomorrow and i dont know jack. Seriously. I better get down to it eh? Lol. Im SO laid-back man. ESP when it comes to revision...!

    How have you been keeping lately?

    Alhamdolilah, I'm okay, how are you? Weekends going okay too, just trying to get things done. The cold is making me lazy, lol.

    Lol, why do like the snow? :p Aw and don't worry doing the work is more beneficial in the long run! (My poor motivational attempts ;) )

    p.s. Someone was up late...!

    Alhamdulillah sis, maa shaa allah good to know ur well
    just struggling, going through loads of stuff lol
    and dw about not being able to reply no sorries sis :)
    keep smiling !! n remember me in ur duuas always sis
    wassallaam *!*!*!
    Alhamdolilah I bee good, I've been quite lazy recently, how should one motivates oneself to worrrkkk! Especially in christmas when everyone's chilling!

    Aww don't worry man, look forward to monday, when it's all over. Just keep pushing yourself for two more days and then rela*!*!*!x. :)
    Aw man, I totally feel your pain! That's why I force myself to turn off the computer.

    Keep goin, you'll whiz through them, InshAllah. :)

    It means diamond, or something like that, in pashto.

    Enjoying the weather?
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