Assalamu Aleykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaathuh sister Asma, how have you been? Sorry it's been so long, I've gotten pretty busy these days (being in a boarding school for the most of the week these past months). I hope everything is going great for you and all our other brothers and sisters on TTI, Wallahi I wish I could come back here, :( I miss the company of all of you, Subhanallah I'm happy that Allah (SWT) gave me such beautiful brothers and sisters like you guys, and I hope that one day, Inshallah (SWT), I'll return back home and spend time with all of you again, Inshallah.
I have to go right now, but I hope that this message was of benefit to you, Inshallah. :)
Assalamamu Aleykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaathuh sister Asma :)
PS: Please also give my Salams to the another brothers and sisters please. Jazakillah Kyran.